Coq 平等实现


我正在编写一种玩具语言,其中 AST 中的节点可以有任意数量的子节点(Num has 0, Arrow有 2 个,等等)。您可以致电这些接线员。此外,AST 中可能只有一个节点被“聚焦”。我们对数据类型进行索引Z如果它有焦点,或者H如果没有。


  1. 您将如何定义单一焦点的内部节点类型,InternalZ?现在我说“我们有S n孩子们 -n其中一个是不聚焦的,一个(在某个给定的索引处)是聚焦的。一个稍微更直观的选项(看起来像拉链)是InternalZ : forall n m, arityCode (n + 1 + m) -> Vector.t (t H) n -> t Z -> Vector.t (t H) m -> t Z。不过,我知道我不想处理这个附加内容。

  2. 精炼类型:在两种有趣的情况下eq我比较两者ns(孩子的数量)。如果它们是相同的,我应该能够“强制”arityCodes and Vector.ts 具有相同的类型。现在我用两个引理解决了这个问题。我应该如何正确地做到这一点?看起来像 Adam Chlipala 的“车队模式”可能有帮助,但我不知道如何做。

  3. 如果我取消注释其中任何一个Vector.eqb调用时,Coq 抱怨“无法猜测修复的递减参数。”。我理解这个错误,但我不知道如何规避它。我首先想到的是我可能需要索引t由其儿童的深度。

My code:

Module Typ.
  Import Coq.Arith.EqNat.
  Import Coq.Structures.Equalities.
  Import Coq.Arith.Peano_dec.
  Import Fin.
  Import Vector.

  (* h: unfocused, z: focused *)
  Inductive hz : Set := H | Z.

  (* how many children can these node types have *)
  Inductive arityCode : nat -> Type :=
    | Num   : arityCode 0
    | Hole  : arityCode 0
    (* | Cursor : arityCode 1 *)
    | Arrow : arityCode 2
    | Sum   : arityCode 2

  Definition codeEq (n : nat) (l r : arityCode n) : bool :=
    match l, r with
      | Num, Num     => true
      | Hole, Hole   => true
      | Arrow, Arrow => true
      | Sum, Sum     => true
      | _, _         => false

  (* our AST *)
  Inductive t : hz -> Type :=
    | Leaf      : arityCode 0 -> t H
    | Cursor    : t H -> t Z
    | InternalH : forall n, arityCode n -> Vector.t (t H) n -> t H
    | InternalZ : forall n, arityCode (S n) -> Vector.t (t H) n -> Fin.t n * t Z -> t Z
    (* alternative formulation: *)
    (* | InternalZ : forall n m, arityCode (n + 1 + m) -> Vector.t (t H) n -> t Z -> Vector.t (t H) m -> t Z *)


  Lemma coerceArity (n1 n2 : nat) (pf : n1 = n2) (c1 : arityCode n1) : arityCode n2.
    exact (eq_rect n1 arityCode c1 n2 pf).

  Lemma coerceVec {A : Type} {n1 n2 : nat} (pf : n1 = n2) (c1 : Vector.t A n1) : Vector.t A n2.
    exact (eq_rect n1 (Vector.t A) c1 n2 pf).

  (* this is the tricky bit *)
  Fixpoint eq {h_or_z : hz} (ty1 ty2 : t h_or_z) : bool :=
    match ty1, ty2 with
    | Leaf c1, Leaf c2 => codeEq c1 c2
    | Cursor ty1, Cursor ty2 => eq ty1 ty2
    | InternalH n1 c1 ty1, InternalH n2 c2 ty2 =>
      match eq_nat_dec n1 n2 with
        | right _neqPrf => false
        | left eqPrf    => 
          let c1'  := coerceArity eqPrf c1 in
          let ty1' := coerceVec eqPrf ty1 in
          codeEq c1' c2 (* && Vector.eqb _ eq ty1' ty2 *)
     | InternalZ n1 c1 v1 (l1, f1), InternalZ n2 c2 v2 (l2, f2) => 
       match eq_nat_dec n1 n2 with
       | right _neqPrf => false
       | left eqPrf    =>
         let eqPrf' := f_equal S eqPrf in
         let c1'    := coerceArity eqPrf' c1 in
         let v1'    := coerceVec eqPrf v1 in
         codeEq c1' c2 (* && Vector.eqb _ eq v1' v2 *) && Fin.eqb l1 l2 && eq f1 f2 
    | _, _ => false
End Typ.

让我们从你的第三个问题开始。Vector.eqb对其第一个参数执行嵌套递归调用。为了让 Coq 相信这些正在减少,我们需要定义coerceVec透明,通过替换Qed with Defined:

Require Coq.Arith.EqNat.
Require Coq.Structures.Equalities.
Require Coq.Arith.Peano_dec.
Require Fin.
Require Vector.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Module Typ.
  Import Coq.Arith.EqNat.
  Import Coq.Structures.Equalities.
  Import Coq.Arith.Peano_dec.
  Import Fin.
  Import Vector.

  (* h: unfocused, z: focused *)
  Inductive hz : Set := H | Z.

  Inductive arityCode : nat -> Type :=
    | Num   : arityCode 0
    | Hole  : arityCode 0
    | Arrow : arityCode 2
    | Sum   : arityCode 2

  Definition codeEq (n : nat) (l r : arityCode n) : bool :=
    match l, r with
      | Num, Num     => true
      | Hole, Hole   => true
      | Arrow, Arrow => true
      | Sum, Sum     => true
      | _, _         => false

  Inductive t : hz -> Type :=
    | Leaf      : arityCode 0 -> t H
    | Cursor    : t H -> t Z
    | InternalH : forall n, arityCode n -> Vector.t (t H) n -> t H
    | InternalZ : forall n, arityCode (S n) -> Vector.t (t H) n -> Fin.t n * t Z -> t Z

  Lemma coerceArity (n1 n2 : nat) (pf : n1 = n2) (c1 : arityCode n1) : arityCode n2.
    exact (eq_rect n1 arityCode c1 n2 pf).

  Lemma coerceVec {A : Type} {n1 n2 : nat} (pf : n1 = n2) (c1 : Vector.t A n1) : Vector.t A n2.
    exact (eq_rect n1 (Vector.t A) c1 n2 pf).

  Fixpoint eq {h_or_z : hz} (ty1 ty2 : t h_or_z) : bool :=
    match ty1, ty2 with
    | Leaf c1, Leaf c2 => codeEq c1 c2
    | Cursor ty1, Cursor ty2 => eq ty1 ty2
    | @InternalH n1 c1 ty1, @InternalH n2 c2 ty2 =>
      match eq_nat_dec n1 n2 with
        | right _neqPrf => false
        | left eqPrf    =>
          let c1'  := coerceArity eqPrf c1 in
          let ty1' := coerceVec eqPrf ty1 in
          codeEq c1' c2 && Vector.eqb _ eq ty1' ty2
     | @InternalZ n1 c1 v1 (l1, f1), @InternalZ n2 c2 v2 (l2, f2) =>
       match eq_nat_dec n1 n2 with
       | right _neqPrf => false
       | left eqPrf    =>
         let eqPrf' := f_equal S eqPrf in
         let c1'    := coerceArity eqPrf' c1 in
         let v1'    := coerceVec eqPrf v1 in
         codeEq c1' c2 && Vector.eqb _ eq v1' v2 && Fin.eqb l1 l2 && eq f1 f2
    | _, _ => false
End Typ.


Require Coq.Arith.EqNat.
Require Coq.Structures.Equalities.
Require Coq.Arith.Peano_dec.
Require Fin.
Require Vector.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Module Typ.
  Import Coq.Arith.EqNat.
  Import Coq.Structures.Equalities.
  Import Coq.Arith.Peano_dec.
  Import Fin.
  Import Vector.

  (* h: unfocused, z: focused *)
  Inductive hz : Set := H | Z.

  Inductive arityCode : nat -> Type :=
    | Num   : arityCode 0
    | Hole  : arityCode 0
    | Arrow : arityCode 2
    | Sum   : arityCode 2

  Definition codeEq (n1 n2 : nat) (l : arityCode n1) (r : arityCode n2) : bool :=
    match l, r with
      | Num, Num     => true
      | Hole, Hole   => true
      | Arrow, Arrow => true
      | Sum, Sum     => true
      | _, _         => false

  Inductive t : hz -> Type :=
    | Leaf      : arityCode 0 -> t H
    | Cursor    : t H -> t Z
    | InternalH : forall n, arityCode n -> Vector.t (t H) n -> t H
    | InternalZ : forall n, arityCode (S n) -> Vector.t (t H) n -> Fin.t n * t Z -> t Z

  Fixpoint eq {h_or_z : hz} (ty1 ty2 : t h_or_z) : bool :=
    match ty1, ty2 with
    | Leaf c1, Leaf c2 => codeEq c1 c2
    | Cursor ty1, Cursor ty2 => eq ty1 ty2
    | @InternalH n1 c1 ty1, @InternalH n2 c2 ty2 =>
      match eq_nat_dec n1 n2 with
        | right _neqPrf => false
        | left eqPrf    =>
          codeEq c1 c2 && Vector.eqb _ eq ty1 ty2
     | @InternalZ n1 c1 v1 (l1, f1), @InternalZ n2 c2 v2 (l2, f2) =>
       match eq_nat_dec n1 n2 with
       | right _neqPrf => false
       | left eqPrf    =>
         codeEq c1 c2 && Vector.eqb _ eq v1 v2 && Fin.eqb l1 l2 && eq f1 f2
    | _, _ => false
End Typ.


Require Fin.
Require Vector.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Module Typ.
  Inductive arityCode : nat -> Type :=
    | Num   : arityCode 0
    | Hole  : arityCode 0
    | Arrow : arityCode 2
    | Sum   : arityCode 2

  Inductive t : Type :=
    | Node : forall n, arityCode n -> Vector.t t n -> t.

  Inductive path : t -> Type :=
    | Here  : forall n (c : arityCode n) (v : Vector.t t n), path (Node c v)
    | There : forall n (c : arityCode n) (v : Vector.t t n) (i : Fin.t n),
                path (Vector.nth v i) -> path (Node c v).
End Typ.

Here, path tree表示树中索引的类型tree.

Coq 社区对于如何以及何时使用依赖类型经常存在分歧。在这种特殊情况下,我认为有一个类型会更容易t原始语法树和非依赖类型path成树的路径。您可以定义表示相对于树的路径的格式良好的谓词,并在事后证明您关心的函数尊重格式良好的概念。我发现在这种情况下这更灵活,因为您不必担心在函数中操作类型索引并推理它们(要理解这意味着什么,请尝试陈述原始的正确性定理Typ.eq功能)。


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