使用不连续输入/强制数据求解 ODE


我正在尝试用 Python 求解耦合一阶 ODE 系统。我对此很陌生,但是僵尸启示录示例 http://wiki.scipy.org/Cookbook/Zombie_Apocalypse_ODEINT到目前为止,SciPy.org 提供了很大的帮助。

在我的例子中,一个重要的区别是用于“驱动”我的 ODE 系统的输入数据发生了变化abruptly在不同的时间点,我不知道如何最好地处理这个问题。下面的代码是我能想到的用来说明我的问题的最简单的示例。我很欣赏这个例子有一个简单的解析解,但我的实际 ODE 系统更复杂,这就是为什么我试图理解数值方法的基础知识。


Consider a bucket with a hole in the bottom (this kind of "linear reservoir" is the basic building block of many hydrological models). The input flow rate to the bucket is R and the output from the hole is Q. Q is assumed to be proportional to the volume of water in the bucket, V. The constant of proportionality is usually written as formula1, where T is the "residence time" of the store. This gives a simple ODE of the form

事实上,R是观测到的每日降雨量时间序列。Within假设每天的降雨量是恒定的,但是between汇率突然变化的天数(即R is a 不连续的时间的函数)。我试图理解这对于解决我的常微分方程的影响。


最明显的策略(至少对我来说)是应用 SciPyodeint在每个降雨时间步长内分别起作用。这意味着我可以治疗R作为常数。像这样的东西:

import numpy as np, pandas as pd, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, seaborn as sn
from scipy.integrate import odeint


def f(y, t, R_t):
    """ Function to integrate.
    # Unpack parameters
    Q_t = y[0]

    # ODE to solve
    dQ_dt = (R_t - Q_t)/T

    return dQ_dt

# #############################################################################
# User input   
T = 10      # Time constant (days)
Q0 = 0.     # Initial condition for outflow rate (mm/day)
days = 300  # Number of days to simulate
# #############################################################################

# Create a fake daily time series for R
# Generale random values from uniform dist
df = pd.DataFrame({'R':np.random.uniform(low=0, high=5, size=days+20)},

# Smooth with a moving window to make more sensible                  
df['R'] = pd.rolling_mean(df['R'], window=20)

# Chop off the NoData at the start due to moving window
df = df[20:].reset_index(drop=True)

# List to store results
Q_vals = []

# Vector of initial conditions
y0 = [Q0, ]

# Loop over each day in the R dataset
for step in range(days):
    # We want to find the value of Q at the end of this time step
    t = [0, 1]

    # Get R for this step
    R_t = float(df.ix[step])   

    # Solve the ODEs
    soln = odeint(f, y0, t, args=(R_t,))

    # Extract flow at end of step from soln
    Q = float(soln[1])

    # Append result

    # Update initial condition for next step
    y0 = [Q, ]

# Add results to df
df['Q'] = Q_vals



def f(y, t):
    """ Function used integrate.
    # Unpack incremental values for S and D
    Q_t = y[0]

    # Get the value for R at this t
    idx = df.index.get_loc(t, method='ffill') 
    R_t = float(df.ix[idx])       

    # ODE to solve
    dQ_dt = (R_t - Q_t)/T

    return dQ_dt

# Vector of initial parameter values
y0 = [Q0, ]

# Time grid
t = np.arange(0, days, 1)

# solve the ODEs
soln = odeint(f, y0, t)

# Add result to df
df['Q'] = soln[:, 0]




  1. Is 策略1这里最好的方法,或者有一个更好的方法?
  2. Is 策略2这是一个坏主意,为什么这么慢?


1.) Yes

2.) Yes

两者的原因:Runge-Kutta 求解器期望 ODE 函数的可微性阶数至少与求解器的阶数一样高。这是必要的,以便给出预期误差项的泰勒展开式存在。这意味着即使是 1 阶欧拉方法也需要可微的 ODE 函数。因此不允许跳跃,在 1 阶中可以容忍扭结,但在更高阶的求解器中则不允许。

对于具有自动步长调整的实现尤其如此。每当接近微分阶数不满足的点时,求解器就会看到一个刚性系统,并将步长驱动到 0,这会导致求解器速度减慢。

如果您使用具有固定步长且步长为 1 天的一小部分的求解器,则可以组合策略 1 和 2。然后,日间循环的采样点将用作具有新常数的(隐式)重启点。


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