@Transactional 注解失效情况及解决办法


一、@Transactional 注解在了非 public 方法上

  1. 如下所示@Transactional修饰在了非public方法上
public class TestServiceImpl {

    private Test1Mapper test1Mapper;
     protected Long save(Long seq){
        Long aLong = Optional.ofNullable(seq).orElse(System.currentTimeMillis());
        Test1Entity entity = new Test1Entity().setSeq(seq);
        long l = entity.getId() / 0;
        return entity.getId();

  1. 失效原因

    Spring 中是通过动态代理来实现注解了@Transactional的方法的事务处理操作,而在处理 @Transactional 的注解时是只对 public方法才有效。
    Spring 在扫描切点时,是根据注解进行判断是否创建切点。

    AopUtils#canApply(Pointcut pc, Class<?> targetClass, boolean hasIntroductions)
    public static boolean canApply(Pointcut pc, Class<?> targetClass, boolean hasIntroductions) {
        // .....
    	for (Class<?> clazz : classes) {
    		Method[] methods = ReflectionUtils.getAllDeclaredMethods(clazz);
    		for (Method method : methods) {
    			if (introductionAwareMethodMatcher != null ?
    					introductionAwareMethodMatcher.matches(method, targetClass, hasIntroductions) :
    					// 此处判断是否匹配生成切面
    					methodMatcher.matches(method, targetClass)) {
    				return true;
    	return false;
    TransactionAttributeSourcePointcut# matches(Method method, Class<?> targetClass)
    public boolean matches(Method method, Class<?> targetClass) {
    	TransactionAttributeSource tas = getTransactionAttributeSource();
    	// 获取 注解属性
    	return (tas == null || tas.getTransactionAttribute(method, targetClass) != null);
    protected TransactionAttribute computeTransactionAttribute(Method method, @Nullable Class<?> targetClass) {
    	// Don't allow no-public methods as required.
    	// 判断是否只允许 public 方法
    	if (allowPublicMethodsOnly() && !Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) {
    		return null;
    	// 其他代码 ...
    	return null;
  2. 解决方法

  • 方法一:把需要支持事务的方法统一定义为 public 修饰的方法
  • 方法二:创建一个全为public修饰的方法的门面类,在此类中添加@Transactional

二、在类内部调用添加 @Transactional 的方法

  1. 实例
public class TestServiceImpl {

   private Test1Mapper test1Mapper;

    public void save(Long seq){
       Long aLong = Optional.ofNullable(seq).orElse(System.currentTimeMillis());
       test1Mapper.insert(new Test1Entity(null, seq));
       long l = aLong / 0;

   // 调用内部方法
   public void innerInvoke(){

  1. 失效原因


  1. 解决方法



public class TestServiceImpl {

    private Test1Mapper test1Mapper;

    // 第一个一个自己作为属性
    private TestServiceImpl test1Service;

     public void save(Long seq){
        Long aLong = Optional.ofNullable(seq).orElse(System.currentTimeMillis());
        test1Mapper.insert(new Test1Entity(null, seq));
        long l = aLong / 0;

    // 调用内部方法
    public void innerInvoke(){


  1. 实例

public class TestServiceImpl {

    private Test1Mapper test1Mapper;

     public void save(Long seq){
        try {
            Long aLong = Optional.ofNullable(seq).orElse(System.currentTimeMillis());
            test1Mapper.insert(new Test1Entity(null, seq));
            long l = aLong / 0;
        } catch (Exception e) {

  1. 失效原因



 protected Object invokeWithinTransaction(Method method, Class<?> targetClass, final InvocationCallback invocation)  
      throws Throwable {  
   // If the transaction attribute is null, the method is non-transactional.  
   final TransactionAttribute txAttr = getTransactionAttributeSource().getTransactionAttribute(method, targetClass);  
   final PlatformTransactionManager tm = determineTransactionManager(txAttr);  
   final String joinpointIdentification = methodIdentification(method, targetClass);  
   if (txAttr == null || !(tm instanceof CallbackPreferringPlatformTransactionManager)) {  
      // Standard transaction demarcation with getTransaction and commit/rollback calls.  
      TransactionInfo txInfo = createTransactionIfNecessary(tm, txAttr, joinpointIdentification);  
      Object retVal = null;  
      try {  
         // This is an around advice: Invoke the next interceptor in the chain.  
         // This will normally result in a target object being invoked.  
         retVal = invocation.proceedWithInvocation();  
      catch (Throwable ex) {  
         // target invocation exception  
         completeTransactionAfterThrowing(txInfo, ex);  
         throw ex;  
      finally {  
      return retVal;  
   else {  

  1. 解决方法
  • 方法一:在方法中不对异常进行捕获
  • 方法二:若必须捕获,在捕获处理后在重新抛出异常。

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