如何在 Rmarkdown 中“装箱”“summary()”的输出


我看过这个帖子:如何在 R 代码块内创建 R-markdown 部分?具有正确的代码显示 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47414027/how-to-create-r-markdown-sections-inside-a-r-code-chunk-with-proper-code-displa

其中一位响应者塞德里克(Cedric)对他或她对输出进行装箱的方式给我留下了深刻的印象summary()R 中的命令

据我了解,用户使用 Sweave 创造了如此出色的输出。 我很好奇是否有一种方法可以使用 Knit 以类似的方式输出到 PDF 文件。


Sweave 与 R Markdown 没有什么特别之处。您可以复制并粘贴 LaTeX 代码您链接到的塞德里克的回答 https://stackoverflow.com/a/47617773/8386140到一个文件中example.sty并使用以下 R Markdown 文件

title: "Stack Overflow Answer"
author: "duckmayr"
    - \usepackage{example}
output: pdf_document

```{r boxed-summary, results='asis'}
for (i in 1:10) {
  cat("\\section{Part:", i, "}")
  print(summary(lm(data=mtcars, mtcars[,1]~ mtcars[,i])))
  cat(paste0("$\\\\alpha$ = ", mtcars[1,i]))  


或者,您可以将 LaTeX 放入您正在编辑的 R Markdown 文档中:

title: "Stack Overflow Answer"
author: "duckmayr"
    - \usepackage{listings}
    - \usepackage[usename,dvipsnames]{xcolor}
    - \definecolor{mygreen}{rgb}{0,0.6,0} 
    - \definecolor{mygray}{rgb}{0.5,0.5,0.5}
    - \definecolor{mymauve}{rgb}{0.58,0,0.82}
output: pdf_document

\lstset{ %
  backgroundcolor=\color{white},   % choose the background color; you must add \usepackage{color} or \usepackage{xcolor}
  basicstyle=\footnotesize\ttfamily, % the size of the fonts that are used for the
  % code
  breakatwhitespace=false,         % sets if automatic breaks should only happen at whitespace
  breaklines=true,                 % sets automatic line breaking
  captionpos=b,                    % sets the caption-position to bottom
  commentstyle=\color{mygreen},      % comment style
  deletekeywords={...},            % if you want to delete keywords from the given language
  escapeinside={\%*}{*)},          % if you want to add LaTeX within your code
  extendedchars=true,              % lets you use non-ASCII characters; for 8-bits encodings only, does not work with UTF-8
  frame=single,                    % adds a frame around the code
  keepspaces=true,                 % keeps spaces in text, useful for keeping indentation of code (possibly needs columns=flexible)
  keywordstyle=\color{blue},       % keyword style
  language=R,                       % the language of the code
  morekeywords={*,...},            % if you want to add more keywords to the set
  numbers=left,                    % where to put the line-numbers; possible values are (none, left, right)
  numbersep=5pt,                   % how far the line-numbers are from the code
  numberstyle=\tiny\color{mygray},   % the style that is used for the line-numbers
  rulecolor=\color{black},         % if not set, the frame-color may be changed on line-breaks within not-black text (e.g. comments (green here))
  showspaces=false,                % show spaces everywhere adding particular underscores; it overrides 'showstringspaces'
  showstringspaces=false,          % underline spaces within strings only
  showtabs=false,                  % show tabs within strings adding particular underscores
  stepnumber=2,                    % the step between two line-numbers. If it is 1, each line will be numbered
  stringstyle=\color{mymauve},      % string literal style
  tabsize=2,                       % sets default tabsize to 2 spaces
  title=\lstname                   % show the filename of files included with \lstinputlisting; also try caption instead of title

```{r boxed-summary, results='asis'}
for (i in 1:10) {
  cat("\\section{Part:", i, "}")
  print(summary(lm(data=mtcars, mtcars[,1]~ mtcars[,i])))
  cat(paste0("$\\\\alpha$ = ", mtcars[1,i]))  



我想在这里再次强调,我没有想出创建盒装列表的 LaTeX 代码;塞德里克就是按照上面提到的那样做的。我只是在这里为 OP 演示如何在 R Markdown 文档中使用该代码,而不是通过 Sweave,如链接答案中演示的那样。


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