Linq2Sql - 使用本地集合作为子查询的一部分 - “不支持使用本地集合的查询”





我正在加入一些有关系的表。属性 (DataEventAttributes) 表当然描述了主表 (DataEvents) 中特定行所独有的属性。

当我在没有任何本地集合的情况下查询它时,对于我的 20 GB 数据库来说,事情运行得很好并且速度非常快。但是,如果我将本地值集合放入获取结果的子查询的一部分,我将得到“不支持使用本地集合的查询”


// gets the initial query and join. We actually only care about the ID in the end, but we use the joined data
        // to determine if a row needs to be pulled.
        var initialQuery = from dataEvent in DataEvent.GetByQueryExpression(context)
                                  join attribute in DataEventAttribute.GetByQueryExpression(context) on dataEvent.DataEventID
                                      equals attribute.DataEventID
                           select new
                               ID = dataEvent.DataEventID,
                               PluginID = dataEvent.DataOwnerID,
                               TimeStamp = dataEvent.DataTimeStamp,
                               DataEventKeyID = attribute.DataEventKeyID,
                               ValueString = attribute.ValueString,
                               ValueDecimal = attribute.ValueDecimal

        // list of some ids that we need to confirm exist in the initial query before the final query
        var someSetOfIDs = new List<int>() {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

        // This is the local collection thats filtering out some results before I rebuild the entire result set in the final query
        // If you comment this line out, the finalQuery will execute just fine.
        // with this in place, the "Queries with local collections are not supported" error will come about.
        initialQuery = initialQuery.Where(x => x.DataEventKeyID == 1 && someSetOfIDs.Contains((int) x.ValueDecimal));

        // reusable query for the sub queries in the results -- not part of the problem, just part of the example
        var attributeBaseQuery = from attribute in DataEventAttribute.GetByQueryExpression(context) select attribute;

        // Builds the final result With the IDs from the initial query 
        // the group by is to remove any duplicates that may be in the collection.
        // the select key is getting the ID that i needed
        // the select ID is the ID of the first item that was grouped.
        // the contains compares the local dataEvent object with the ID table (checking to see if it exists)
        // the result is just an example of one item I can be pulling out of the database with the new type
        var finalQuery = from dataEvent in DataEvent.GetByQueryExpression(context)
                         where initialQuery.GroupBy(x => x).Select(x => x.Key).Select(x => x.ID).Contains(dataEvent.DataEventID)
                         select new
                                        BasicData =
                                         attrValue =>
                                         attrValue.DataEventID == dataEvent.DataEventID &&
                                         attrValue.DataEventKeyID == (short) DataEventTypesEnum.BasicData).FirstOrDefault().

        var finalResult = finalQuery.Take(100).ToList();

我发现的一个解决方案是在 FinalQuery 中的 .Select(x => x.ID) 之后执行 .ToList() ,但副作用有两个负面影响。第一,它首先运行该查询,并从数据库获取 ID。然后它必须将这些结果作为 FinalQuery 的参数传递回 sql 服务器。第二个主要问题(show stopper)是,如果 .ToList() 有太多结果,SQL Server 将抛出一些奇怪的错误消息,并且 Google 搜索显示传递了太多参数(这是有道理的,因为参数数量可能在数千到数百之间)。

也就是说,我试图弄清楚如何构建一个可以动态调整条件的查询,然后使用与满足子查询条件的 ID 相匹配的所有属性重建结果集。通过工作室在 SQL Server 中,这工作正常,但收集问题让我陷入困境。





AFAIK,不可能在 LINQ to SQL 查询中使用内存中集合。我可以想到两种可能的解决方法:

选项 1:对每个 ID 执行查询:

    var someSetOfIDs = new List<int>() {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

    // queryPerID will have type IEnumerable<IQueryable<'a>>
    var queryPerID = from id in someSetOfIDs
                     select (
                       from dataEvent in DataEvent.GetByQueryExpression(context)
                       join attribute in DataEventAttribute.GetByQueryExpression(context)
                         on dataEvent.DataEventID
                                  equals attribute.DataEventID
                       where attribute.DataEventKeyID == 1
                               && (int)attribute.ValueDecimal == id // Changed from Contains
                       select new
                           ID = dataEvent.DataEventID,
                           PluginID = dataEvent.DataOwnerID,
                           TimeStamp = dataEvent.DataTimeStamp,
                           DataEventKeyID = attribute.DataEventKeyID,
                           ValueString = attribute.ValueString,
                           ValueDecimal = attribute.ValueDecimal

    // For each of those queries, we an equivalent final queryable
    var res = from initialQuery in queryPerID
              select (
                  from dataEvent in DataEvent.GetByQueryExpression(context)
                  where initialQuery.GroupBy(x => x).Select(x => x.Key.ID).Contains(dataEvent.DataEventID)
                  select new
                      BasicData =
                          attrValue =>
                              attrValue.DataEventID == dataEvent.DataEventID &&
                              attrValue.DataEventKeyID == (short) DataEventTypesEnum.BasicData).FirstOrDefault().
                  }) into finalQuery
              from x in finalQuery
              select x;

    var finalResult = finalQuery.Take(100).ToList();


选项 2:构建谓词表达式someSetOfIDs传递给 SQL。

        var someSetOfIDs = new List<decimal>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

        Expression<Func<DataEventAttribute, bool>> seed = x => false;
        var predicate = someSetOfIDs.Aggregate(seed,
            (e, i) => Expression.Lambda<Func<DataEventAttribute, bool>>(

本质上我们已经构建了一个 where 子句:

x => ((x.ValueDecimal = 5) || ((x.ValueDecimal = 4) || ((x.ValueDecimal = 3) ||
((x.ValueDecimal = 2) || ((x.ValueDecimal = 1) || False)))))


    var attributes = DataEventAttribute.GetByQueryExpression(context)
                     .Where(a => a.DataEventKeyID ==1)

    var initialQuery = from dataEvent in DataEvent.GetByQueryExpression(context)
                       join attribute in attributes
                       select new
                           ID = dataEvent.DataEventID,
                           PluginID = dataEvent.DataOwnerID,
                           TimeStamp = dataEvent.DataTimeStamp,
                           DataEventKeyID = attribute.DataEventKeyID,
                           ValueString = attribute.ValueString,
                           ValueDecimal = attribute.ValueDecimal

Linq2Sql - 使用本地集合作为子查询的一部分 - “不支持使用本地集合的查询” 的相关文章