

这就是我想做的 - 在 Php 中:给定一个字符串,得到如下结果:

  • (a()?b|c)a 是一个返回 true 或 false 的函数。这应该给b or c打电话后a()
  • (a()?(b()?d|e)|c)。同样的原则。最终结果应该是d, e or c
  • (a()?(b()?d|e)|(c()?f|g))。同样的原则。最终结果应该是d, e, f or g


((h() ? a | i) ? (b() ? d | e) | (c() ? f | g))


$res=preg_match_all('/\([^.\(]+\)/', $str, $matches);



最终结果为$final_string应该d, e, f or g

我很确定以前已经做过一些事情,但在谷歌上找不到它。 你会怎么做?


$str =
    ?   {* comment *}
        ?   {* comment *}
            {* /comment *}
            {* Ignore all other values: *}
        ) {* /comment *}

    |   {* comment *}


如果您要将语法扩展到超出您现有的范围(实际上即使您没有),请编写一个适当的解析器,而不是尝试在单个正则表达式中完成所有操作。这是一个有趣的练习,展示了 PCRE 的一些威力,但它可以very很容易变得难以维护的混乱。


$tests = [
    "((h() ? a | i) ? (b() ? d | e) | (c() ? f | g))",



$regex = <<<'REGEX'
    # An expression is any function, ternary, or string.
        (?&function) | (?&ternary) | (?&string)


    # A function is a function name (consisting of one or more word characters)
    # followed by an opening parenthesis, an optional parameter (expression),
    # and a closing parenthesis.
    # Optional space is allowed around the parentheses.
        (?<func_name> \w+ )
        (?<parameter> (?&expression)? )


    # A ternary is an opening parenthesis followed by an 'if' expression,
    # a question mark, an expression evaluated when the 'if' is true,
    # a pipe, an expression evaluated when the 'if' is false, and a closing
    # parenthesis.
    # Whitespace is allowed after '('; surrounding '?' and '|'; and before ')'.
        (?<if> (?&expression) )
        (?<true> (?&expression) )
        (?<false> (?&expression) )


    # A string, for simplicity's sake here, we'll call a sequence of word
    # characters.
    (?<string> \w+ )

自由使用命名捕获组有很大帮助,就像x(PCRE_EXTENDED) 修饰符以允许注释和空格。这(?(DEFINE)...)块允许您定义仅供参考使用的子模式。


foreach ($tests as $test) {
    if (preg_match($regex, $test, $m)) {
        echo "expression: $m[expr]\n";

        if ($m['function']) {
            echo "function: $m[function]\n",
                 "function name: $m[func_name]\n",
                 "parameter: $m[parameter]\n";
        } elseif ($m['ternary']) {
            echo "ternary: $m[ternary]\n",
                 "if: $m[if]\n",
                 "true: $m[true]\n",
                 "false: $m[false]\n";
        } else {
            echo "string: $m[string]\n";

        echo "\n";


expression: a
string: a

expression: a()
function: a()
function name: a

expression: a(b)
function: a(b)
function name: a
parameter: b

expression: (a?b|c)
ternary: (a?b|c)
if: a
true: b
false: c

expression: (a()?(b()?d|e)|(c()?f|g))
ternary: (a()?(b()?d|e)|(c()?f|g))
if: a()
true: (b()?d|e)
false: (c()?f|g)

expression: ((h() ? a | i) ? (b() ? d | e) | (c() ? f | g))
ternary: ((h() ? a | i) ? (b() ? d | e) | (c() ? f | g))
if: (h() ? a | i)
true: (b() ? d | e)
false: (c() ? f | g)

expression: (a(d(f))?b(e(f))|c)
ternary: (a(d(f))?b(e(f))|c)
if: a(d(f))
true: b(e(f))
false: c


Example compute()功能:

function compute($expr) {
    $regex = '/.../x'; // regex from above
    if (!preg_match($regex, $expr, $m)) {
        return false;

    if ($m['function']) {
        if ($m['parameter']) {
            return $m['func_name'](compute($m['parameter']));
        } else {
            return $m['func_name']();

    if ($m['ternary']) {
        return compute($m['if']) ? compute($m['true']) : compute($m['false']);

    return $m['string'];

非常简单 - 执行匹配的函数,评估匹配的三元表达式,或返回匹配的字符串;在适当的地方递归。

compute() demo:

function a() {return true;}
function b() {return false;}
function d() {return true;}
function e() {return false;}
function h() {return true;}

foreach ($tests as $test) {
    $result = compute($test);
    echo "$test returns: ";


a returns: string(1) "a"
a() returns: bool(true)
a(b) returns: bool(true)
(a?b|c) returns: string(1) "b"
(a()?(b()?d|e)|(c()?f|g)) returns: string(1) "e"
((h() ? a | i) ? (b() ? d | e) | (c() ? f | g)) returns: string(1) "e"
(a(d(f))?b(e(f))|c) returns: bool(false)



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