如何在 Bootstrap Vue 的卡组组中制作滑块?


我使用本教程制作卡片组:https://bootstrap-vue.js.org/docs/components/card/#card-deck-groups https://bootstrap-vue.js.org/docs/components/card/#card-deck-groups


  <div class="animated fadeIn">
    <b-card-group deck v-for="row in formattedClubs">
        <b-card  v-for="club in row"
            <h4 class="card-title">
            <p class="card-text">
            <p class="card-text">
            <div slot="footer">
                <b-btn variant="primary" block>Add</b-btn>

export default {
  data: function () {
    return {
      clubs: [
          {id:1, description:'chelsea is the best club in the world and chelsea has a great player', price:1000, country:'england'},
          {id:2, description:'liverpool has salah', price:900, country:'england'},
          {id:3, description:'mu fans', price:800, country:'england'},
          {id:4, description:'city has a great coach. Thas is guardiola', price:700, country:'england'},
          {id:5, description:'arsenal player', price:600, country:'england'},
          {id:6, description:'tottenham in london', price:500, country:'england'},
          {id:7, description:'juventus stadium', price:400, country:'italy'},
          {id:8, description:'madrid sell ronaldo', price:300, country:'spain'},
          {id:9, description:'barcelona in the spain', price:200, country:'spain'},
          {id:10, description:'psg buys neymar at a fantastic price', price:100, country:'france'}
  computed: {
      formattedClubs() {
          return this.clubs.reduce((c, n, i) => {
              if (i % 4 === 0) c.push([]);
              c[c.length - 1].push(n);
              return c;
          }, []);



为了达到这个结果你必须使用一些methods , computed属性和样式,这里是工作示例 https://codesandbox.io/s/8y42nwz838 and demo https://8y42nwz838.codesandbox.io/:

  <div class="animated fadeIn ">
    <b-card-group  deck >
        <b-card  v-for="(club,index) in currentPageClubs" :key="index"
                img-top >
            <h4 class="card-title">
            <p class="card-text">
            <p class="card-text">
            <div slot="footer">
                <b-btn variant="primary" block>Add</b-btn>

    <div class="card-pagination">
        <div class="page-index" v-for="i in nbPages" :key="i"  @click="goto(i)" :class={active:currentPage(i)}></div>

export default {
  data: function () {
    return {
      clubs: [
          {id:1, description:'chelsea is the best club in the world and chelsea has a great player', price:1000, country:'england'},
          {id:2, description:'liverpool has salah', price:900, country:'england'},
          {id:3, description:'mu fans', price:800, country:'england'},
          {id:4, description:'city has a great coach. Thas is guardiola', price:700, country:'england'},
          {id:5, description:'arsenal player', price:600, country:'england'},
          {id:6, description:'tottenham in london', price:500, country:'england'},
          {id:7, description:'juventus stadium', price:400, country:'italy'},
          {id:8, description:'madrid sell ronaldo', price:300, country:'spain'},
          {id:9, description:'barcelona in the spain', price:200, country:'spain'},
          {id:10, description:'psg buys neymar at a fantastic price', price:100, country:'france'}
  computed: {
      formattedClubs() {
          return this.clubs.reduce((c, n, i) => {
              if (i % 4 === 0) c.push([]);
              c[c.length - 1].push(n);
              return c;
          }, []);

        return this.paginatedClubs[this.currentPageIndex];
        return i-1===this.currentPageIndex;
      createPages() {

      let lengthAll = Object.keys(this.clubs).length;
      this.nbPages = 0;
       for (let i = 0; i < lengthAll; i = i + this.nbRowPerPage) {
        this.paginatedClubs[this.nbPages] = this.clubs.slice(
          i + this.nbRowPerPage

  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;

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