


我的函数可以工作,但深度可达 1,如何才能使其工作于 n 深度?任何想法或优化表示赞赏!


const input = [
    forumId: 1,
    parentId: null,
    forumName: "Main",
    forumDescription: "",
    forumLocked: false,
    forumDisplay: true,
    forumId: 2,
    parentId: 1,
    forumName: "Announcements",
    forumDescription: "Announcements & Projects posted here",
    forumLocked: false,
    forumDisplay: true,
    forumId: 3,
    parentId: 1,
    forumName: "General",
    forumDescription: "General forum, talk whatever you want here",
    forumLocked: false,
    forumDisplay: true,
    forumId: 4,
    parentId: 3,
    forumName: "Introduction",
    forumDescription: "A warming introduction for newcomers here",
    forumLocked: false,
    forumDisplay: true,

function processInput(forumInput) {
  const topLevelForums = forumInput.filter(function (forum) {
    return forum.parentId === null;

  let output = topLevelForums;

  forumInput.forEach(function (forum) {
    if (forum.parentId !== null) {
      const forumParentId = forum.parentId;
      output.forEach(function (parentForum, idx) {
        if (parentForum.forumId === forumParentId) {
          if (!output[idx].hasOwnProperty("subForums")) {
            output[idx].subForums = [];

  return output;


    forumId: 1,
    parentId: null,
    forumName: "Main",
    forumDescription: "",
    forumLocked: false,
    forumDisplay: true,
    subForums: [
        forumId: 2,
        parentId: 1,
        forumName: "Announcements",
        forumDescription: "Announcements & Projects posted here",
        forumLocked: false,
        forumDisplay: true,
        forumId: 3,
        parentId: 1,
        forumName: "General",
        forumDescription: "General forum, talk whatever you want here",
        forumLocked: false,
        forumDisplay: true,
        subForums: [
            forumId: 4,
            parentId: 3,
            forumName: "Introduction",
            forumDescription: "A warming introduction for newcomers here",
            forumLocked: false,
            forumDisplay: true,


    forumDescription: "",
    forumDisplay: true,
    forumId: 1,
    forumLocked: false,
    forumName: "Main",
    parentId: null,
    subForums: [
        forumDescription: "Announcements & Projects posted here",
        forumDisplay: true,
        forumId: 2,
        forumLocked: false,
        forumName: "Announcements",
        parentId: 1,
        forumDescription: "General forum, talk whatever you want here",
        forumDisplay: true,
        forumId: 3,
        forumLocked: false,
        forumName: "General",
        parentId: 1,

这是学习相互递归的绝佳机会。输入可以在any order -

function makeIndex (items, indexer)
{ const append = (r, k, v) =>
    r.set(k, (r.get(k) || []).concat([ v ]))

  return items.reduce
    ( (r, i) => append(r, indexer(i), i)
    , new Map

function makeTree (index, root = null)
{ const many = (all = []) =>

  const one = (forum = {}) =>
    ( { ...forum
      , subforums: many(index.get(forum.forumId))

  return many(index.get(root))

const input =
  [{forumId:1,parentId:null,forumName:"Main",forumDescription:"",forumLocked:false,forumDisplay:true},{forumId:2,parentId:1,forumName:"Announcements",forumDescription:"Announcements & Projects posted here",forumLocked:false,forumDisplay:true},{forumId:3,parentId:1,forumName:"General",forumDescription:"General forum, talk whatever you want here",forumLocked:false,forumDisplay:true},{forumId:4,parentId:3,forumName:"Introduction",forumDescription:"A warming introduction for newcomers here",forumLocked:false,forumDisplay:true}]

const result =
  makeTree(makeIndex(input, forum => forum.parentId))

console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2))
    "forumId": 1,
    "parentId": null,
    "forumName": "Main",
    "forumDescription": "",
    "forumLocked": false,
    "forumDisplay": true,
    "subforums": [
        "forumId": 2,
        "parentId": 1,
        "forumName": "Announcements",
        "forumDescription": "Announcements & Projects posted here",
        "forumLocked": false,
        "forumDisplay": true,
        "subforums": []
        "forumId": 3,
        "parentId": 1,
        "forumName": "General",
        "forumDescription": "General forum, talk whatever you want here",
        "forumLocked": false,
        "forumDisplay": true,
        "subforums": [
            "forumId": 4,
            "parentId": 3,
            "forumName": "Introduction",
            "forumDescription": "A warming introduction for newcomers here",
            "forumLocked": false,
            "forumDisplay": true,
            "subforums": []


Above makeIndex是以可以索引数据数组的方式编写的,但是makeTree做出如下假设...forum, subforums, and forum.forumId。当我们考虑模块中的代码时,我们被迫划出分隔线,因此我们的程序变得杂乱无章。

Below, input定义于main所以我们保留所有关于input here -

// main.js
import { tree } from './tree'

const input =
  [{forumId:1,parentId:null,forumName:"Main",forumDescription:"",forumLocked:false,forumDisplay:true},{forumId:2,parentId:1,forumName:"Announcements",forumDescription:"Announcements & Projects posted here",forumLocked:false,forumDisplay:true},{forumId:3,parentId:1,forumName:"General",forumDescription:"General forum, talk whatever you want here",forumLocked:false,forumDisplay:true},{forumId:4,parentId:3,forumName:"Introduction",forumDescription:"A warming introduction for newcomers here",forumLocked:false,forumDisplay:true}]

const result =
    ( input                    // <- array of nodes
    , forum => forum.parentId  // <- foreign key
    , (forum, subforums) =>    // <- node reconstructor function
        ({ ...forum, subforums: subforums(forum.forumId) }) // <- primary key

console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2))

当我做一个tree,我不想考虑制作一个index第一的。在我们原来的程序中,我应该如何知道tree需要一个index?让我们让tree模块担心 -

// tree.js
import { index } from './index'

const empty =

function tree (all, indexer, maker, root = null)
{ const cache =
    index(all, indexer)

  const many = (all = []) =>
    all.map(x => one(x))
                             // zero knowledge of forum object shape
  const one = (single) =>
    maker(single, next => many(cache.get(next)))

  return many(cache.get(root))

export { empty, tree } // <-- public interface

我们本来可以写成index直接在函数中tree模块,但我们想要的行为并不特定于树。单独写一个index模块更有意义 -

// index.js
const empty = _ =>
  new Map

const update = (r, k, t) =>
  r.set(k, t(r.get(k)))

const append = (r, k, v) =>
  update(r, k, (all = []) => [...all, v])

const index = (all = [], indexer) =>
      ( (r, v) => append(r, indexer(v), v) // zero knowledge of v shape
      , empty()

export { empty, index, append } // <-- public interface



数组上的递归深度函数 的相关文章
