JSF 2.2 SelectManyCheck 破坏了 javascript


它曾经在 jsf 2.0 上完美工作,但知道它会在屏幕末尾呈现一个框,其中包含一个包含位置数据的 html 表,如果我删除转换器,则 selectmany 复选框有效,但它仍然呈现该框。

<ui:composition template="/template.xhtml">
    <ui:define name="title">
        <h:outputText value="#{bundle.CreateOfertaTitle}"></h:outputText>
            <ui:define name="body">
                <style type="text/css">
            input#chat {
                width: 410px

            #console-container {
                width: 400px;

            #console {
                border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
                border-right-color: #999999;
                border-bottom-color: #999999;
                height: 170px;
                overflow-y: scroll;
                padding: 5px;
                width: 100%;

            #console p {
                padding: 0;
                margin: 0;
                    <script type="text/javascript">
            var Chat = {};

            Chat.socket = null;

            Chat.connect = (function(host) {
                if ('WebSocket' in window) {
                    Chat.socket = new WebSocket(host);
                } else if ('MozWebSocket' in window) {
                    Chat.socket = new MozWebSocket(host);
                } else {
                    Console.log('Error: WebSocket is not supported by this browser.');

                Chat.socket.onopen = function() {
                    Console.log('Info: WebSocket connection opened.');
                    document.getElementById('chat').onkeydown = function(event) {
                        if (event.keyCode == 13) {

                Chat.socket.onclose = function() {
                    document.getElementById('chat').onkeydown = null;
                    Console.log('Info: WebSocket closed.');

                Chat.socket.onmessage = function(message) {

            Chat.initialize = function() {
                if (window.location.protocol == 'http:') {
                    Chat.connect('ws://' + window.location.host + '/Formosa2/endpoint');
                } else {
                    Chat.connect('wss://' + window.location.host + '/Socket/websocket/chat');

            Chat.sendMessage = (function() {
                var ofertaTexto = document.getElementById('form:texto').value;
                var select = document.getElementById('form:empresaidEmpresa');
                var barrio = document.getElementById('inicio_input').value;

                var nombreEmpresa = select.options[select.selectedIndex].text;
                    Chat.socket.send(ofertaTexto +', '+ nombreEmpresa+','+ barrio);
                    document.getElementById('chat').value = '';


            var Console = {};

            Console.log = (function(message) {
                var console = document.getElementById('console');
                var p = document.createElement('p');
                p.style.wordWrap = 'break-word';
                p.innerHTML = message;
                while (console.childNodes.length > 25) {
                console.scrollTop = console.scrollHeight;


        <h:panelGroup id="messagePanel" layout="block">
            <h:messages errorStyle="color: red" infoStyle="color: green" layout="table"/>
        <h:form id="form" enctype="multipart/form-data">
            <h:outputLabel rendered="#{usuarioController.userSession.isLoggedIn}"
            <h:panelGrid columns="2">
                <h:outputLabel value="#{bundle.CreateOfertaLabel_texto}" for="texto" />
                <h:inputText id="texto" value="#{ofertaController.selected.texto}" title="#{bundle.CreateOfertaTitle_texto}" />

                <h:outputLabel value="#{bundle.CreateOfertaLabel_inicio}" for="inicio" />
                <t:inputCalendar id="inicio" value="#{ofertaController.selected.inicio}" renderAsPopup="true"
                                 popupTodayString="Hoy" popupDateFormat="MM/dd/yyyy" 
                                 popupWeekString="Semana" helpText="MM/DD/YYYY" forceId="true"/>

                <h:outputLabel value="#{bundle.CreateOfertaLabel_fin}" for="fin" />                   
                <t:inputCalendar id="fin" value="#{ofertaController.selected.fin}" renderAsPopup="true"
                                 popupTodayString="Hoy" popupDateFormat="MM/dd/yyyy" 
                                 popupWeekString="Semana" helpText="MM/DD/YYYY" forceId="true"/>

                <h:outputLabel value="#{bundle.CreateOfertaLabel_titulo}" for="titulo" />
                <h:inputText id="titulo" value="#{ofertaController.selected.titulo}" title="#{bundle.CreateOfertaTitle_titulo}" />
                <h:outputLabel value="#{bundle.CreateOfertaLabel_imagen}" for="imagen" />
                <h:inputFile id="imagen" value="#{ofertaController.upLoad.upFile}" title="#{bundle.CreateOfertaTitle_imagen}"/>

                <h:outputLabel value="#{bundle.CreateOfertaLabel_empresaidEmpresa}" for="empresaidEmpresa" />                                        
                <h:selectOneMenu id="empresaidEmpresa" 

                    <f:ajax event="valueChange" execute="empresaidEmpresa" render="ubicacionCollection" />
                    <f:selectItems value="#{empresaController.itemsAvailableSelectOne}"/>

                <h:outputLabel value="#{bundle.CreateOfertaLabel_ubicacionCollection}" for="ubicacionCollection" />      
                <h:selectManyCheckbox id="ubicacionCollection"
                                      title="#{bundle.CreateOfertaTitle_ubicacionCollection}" >

                    <f:selectItems id="ubicacionCollectionItems"
            <br />
                <br />
                <br />
                <noscript><h2 style="color: #ff0000">Seems your browser doesn't 
                        support Javascript! Websockets rely on Javascript being enabled. Please enable
                        Javascript and reload this page!</h2></noscript>
                        <input type="text" placeholder="type and press enter to chat" id="chat"/>

                    <div id="console-container">
                        <div id="console"></div>
            <h:commandLink action="#{ofertaController.create}" value="#{bundle.CreateOfertaSaveLink}" onclick='Chat.sendMessage();'/>
            <br />
            <br />
            <h:commandLink action="#{ofertaController.prepareList}" value="#{bundle.CreateOfertaShowAllLink}" immediate="true"/>
            <br />
            <br />



@FacesConverter(value = "ubicacionConverter")
public class UbicacionesBYOfertasConverter implements Converter {

private FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
private OfertaController ofertaController = (OfertaController) facesContext.getApplication()
            .evaluateExpressionGet(facesContext, "#{ofertaController}", OfertaController.class);

public Object getAsObject(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, String value) {
    if (value == null) {
        return null;
    Ubicacion ubicacion = ofertaController.getSelected().getEmpresaidEmpresa().getUbicacionCollection().iterator().next();        
    return ubicacion;

public String getAsString(FacesContext context, UIComponent component,
        Object value) {
    String string = null;
    if (value instanceof Integer) {
        string = String.valueOf(ofertaController.getSelected().getEmpresaidEmpresa().getUbicacionCollection().iterator().next().getIdUbicacion());
    return string;

JavaScript 异常

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null jsf.js?       ln=javax.faces&stage=Development:362
contains jsf.js?ln=javax.faces&stage=Development:362
FrameTransport.cleanupReqParams jsf.js?ln=javax.faces&stage=Development:351
FrameTransport.callback jsf.js?ln=javax.faces&stage=Development:335
(anonymous function) jsf.js?ln=javax.faces&stage=Development:380
FrameTransport.open jsf.js?ln=javax.faces&stage=Development:242
AjaxEngine.req.sendRequest jsf.js?ln=javax.faces&stage=Development:1794
sendRequest jsf.js?ln=javax.faces&stage=Development:2440
request jsf.js?ln=javax.faces&stage=Development:2450 
ab jsf.js?ln=javax.faces&stage=Development:3255
onchange List.xhtml:169


<h:form enctype="multipart/form-data">                                
                            <p:fileUpload value="#{contratosMB.fileContrato}" mode="simple" />  
                            <p:commandButton value="Cargar Archivo" ajax="false"  
                            actionListener="#{contratosMB.upload}" icon="ui-icon-arrowreturn-1-n"/>  

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