OpenCL™规范 3.2.2内核实例的执行


3.2.2. Execution of kernel-instances

The work carried out by an OpenCL program occurs through the execution of kernel-instances on compute devices. To understand the details of OpenCL’s execution model, we need to consider how a kernel object moves from the kernel-enqueue command, into a command-queue, executes on a device, and completes.


A kernel object is defined as a function within the program object and a collection of arguments connecting the kernel to a set of argument values. The host program enqueues a kernel object to the command queue along with the NDRange and the work-group decomposition. These define a kernel-instance . In addition, an optional set of events may be defined when the kernel is enqueued. The events associated with a particular kernel-instance are used to constrain when the kernel-instance is launched with respect to other commands in the queue or to commands in other queues within the same context.


A kernel-instance is submitted to a device. For an in-order command queue, the kernel instances appear to launch and then execute in that same order; where we use the term appear to emphasize that when there are no dependencies between commands and hence differences in the order that commands execute cannot be observed in a program, an implementation can reorder commands even in an in-order command queue. For an out of order command-queue, kernel-instances wait to be launched until:


  • Synchronization commands enqueued prior to the kernel-instance are satisfied.

  • 满足在内核实例之前排队的同步命令。

  • Each of the events in an optional event list defined when the kernel-instance was enqueued are set to CL_COMPLETE .

  • ​内核实例入队时定义的可选事件列表中的每个事件都设置为CL_COMPLETE。

Once these conditions are met, the kernel-instance is launched and the work-groups associated with the kernel-instance are placed into a pool of ready to execute work-groups. This pool is called a work-pool . The work-pool may be implemented in any manner as long as it assures that work-groups placed in the pool will eventually execute. The device schedules work-groups from the work-pool for execution on the compute units of the device. The kernel-enqueue command is complete when all work-groups associated with the kernel-instance end their execution, updates to global memory associated with a command are visible globally, and the device signals successful completion by setting the event associated with the kernel-enqueue command to CL_COMPLETE .


While a command-queue is associated with only one device, a single device may be associated with multiple command-queues all feeding into the single work-pool. A device may also be associated with command queues associated with different contexts within the same platform, again all feeding into the single work-pool. The device will pull work-groups from the work-pool and execute them on one or several compute units in any order; possibly interleaving execution of work-groups from multiple commands. A conforming implementation may choose to serialize the work-groups so a correct algorithm cannot assume that work-groups will execute in parallel. There is no safe and portable way to synchronize across the independent execution of work-groups since once in the work-pool, they can execute in any order.


The work-items within a single sub-group execute concurrently but not necessarily in parallel (i.e. they are not guaranteed to make independent forward progress). Therefore, only high-level synchronization constructs (e.g. sub-group functions such as barriers) that apply to all the work-items in a sub-group are well defined and included in OpenCL.


Sub-groups are missing before version 2.1.


Sub-groups execute concurrently within a given work-group and with appropriate device support (see Querying Devices ), may make independent forward progress with respect to each other, with respect to host threads and with respect to any entities external to the OpenCL system but running on an OpenCL device, even in the absence of work-group barrier operations. In this situation, sub-groups are able to internally synchronize using barrier operations without synchronizing with each other and may perform operations that rely on runtime dependencies on operations other sub-groups perform.


The work-items within a single work-group execute concurrently but are only guaranteed to make independent progress in the presence of sub-groups and device support. In the absence of this capability, only high-level synchronization constructs (e.g. work-group functions such as barriers) that apply to all the work-items in a work-group are well defined and included in OpenCL for synchronization within the work-group.


In the absence of synchronization functions (e.g. a barrier), work-items within a sub-group may be serialized. In the presence of sub -group functions, work-items within a sub -group may be serialized before any given sub -group function, between dynamically encountered pairs of sub-group functions and between a work-group function and the end of the kernel.


In the absence of independent forward progress of constituent sub-groups, work-items within a work-group may be serialized before, after or between work-group synchronization functions.



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