juju创建lxd容器时如何使用本地镜像(by quqi99)


作者:张华 发表于:2023-03-01


没有外网,所以配置了一个local custom镜像库,也使用了container-image-metadata-url进行配置,但是用juju创建lxd容器时还是说找不着image.




1, 使用 juju创建一个focal的machine 0, 然后再machine 0上部署一个xenial的lxd容器。

juju add-model test
juju add-machine --series focal
juju model-config logging-config="<root>=DEBUG"
juju remove-application ceph-radosgw && juju deploy ceph-radosgw --series=xenial --to="lxd:0"

2, 在juju controller(juju ssh -m controller 0)与machine 0上运行下列iptables来模拟和cloud-images.ubuntu.com断网。这里我发现:

  • machine 0的日志(/var/log/juju/machine-0.log)显示它好像是从juju controller处下载镜像的
2023-03-01 07:58:21 INFO juju.cloudconfig userdatacfg_unix.go:613 Fetching agent: curl -sSf --connect-timeout 20 --noproxy "*" --insecure -o $bin/tools.tar.gz <[]>
2023-03-01 07:59:03 INFO juju.container.lxd container.go:256 starting new container "juju-68d726-0-lxd-2" (image "ubuntu-16.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-lxd.tar.xz")
2023-03-01 07:59:03 DEBUG juju.container.lxd container.go:257 new container has profiles [default]
2023-03-01 07:59:42 DEBUG juju.container.lxd container.go:286 created container "juju-68d726-0-lxd-2", waiting for start...
  • 但如果不在machine 0上运行下载iptables,测试表明machine0也能直接扰开juju controller从cloud-images.ubuntu.com处下镜像.
  • 似乎二者均相关,那就二者将运行下列iptables吧
dig cloud-images.ubuntu.com  # and
juju ssh -m controller 0 -- sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j DROP
juju ssh -m controller 0 -- sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j DROP
cat << EOF |tee test.yaml
cloudinit-userdata: |
    - bash -c 'echo quqi.com >> /etc/hosts'
    - bash -c 'iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j DROP'
    - bash -c 'iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j DROP'
juju model-config ./test.yaml

3, bastion上运行sstream-mirror将cloud-images.ubuntu.com中的xenial amd64镜像mirror了下来。

sudo apt -y install simplestreams -y
sudo sstream-mirror --keyring=/usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-cloudimage-keyring.gpg --progress --max=1 --path=streams/v1/index.json https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/ $workdir 'arch=amd64' 'release~(xenial)' 'ftype~(lxd.tar.xz|squashfs|root.tar.xz|root.tar.gz|disk1.img|.json|.sjson)'


openssl genrsa -out ca.key 4096
openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -sha512 -days 3650 -subj "/C=CN/ST=Beijing/L=Beijing/O=example/OU=Personal/CN=quqi.com" -key ca.key -out ca.crt
openssl genrsa -out quqi.com.key 4096
openssl req -sha512 -new -subj "/C=CN/ST=Beijing/L=Beijing/O=example/OU=Personal/CN=quqi.com" -key quqi.com.key -out quqi.com.csr
#complies with the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) and x509 v3 extension requirements to avoid 'x509: certificate relies on legacy Common Name field, use SANs instead'
cat > v3.ext <<-EOF
keyUsage = digitalSignature, nonRepudiation, keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment
extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth
subjectAltName = @alt_names

openssl x509 -req -sha512 -days 3650 -extfile v3.ext -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -in quqi.com.csr -out quqi.com.crt
#for docker, the Docker daemon interprets .crt files as CA certificates and .cert files as client certificates.
openssl x509 -inform PEM -in quqi.com.crt -out quqi.com.cert
curl --resolve quqi.com:443: --cacert ~/ca/ca.crt https://quqi.com:443/streams/v1/index.json
sudo cp ~/ca/ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ca.crt
sudo chmod 644 /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ca.crt
sudo update-ca-certificates --fresh
curl --resolve quqi.com:443: https://quqi.com:443/streams/v1/index.json

$ cat /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
server {
    listen 443 ssl http2;
    listen [::]:443 ssl http2;
    server_name quqi.com;
    ssl_certificate /home/ubuntu/ca/quqi.com.crt;
    ssl_certificate_key /home/ubuntu/ca/quqi.com.key;
    #ssl_protocols TLSv1.2;
    ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; 
    location / {
       root /home/ubuntu/simplestreams2;
       index index.html;
# 注意:由于上面使用了一个新目录/home/ubuntu/simplestreams2作为root,那需要将/etc/nginx/nginx.conf中添加'user root;'来避免权限问题
#curl --resolve quqi.com:443: --cacert ~/ca/ca.crt https://quqi.com:443/images/streams/v1/index.json
curl --resolve quqi.com:443: --cacert ~/ca/ca.crt https://quqi.com:443/streams/v1/index.json

4, 配置juju中的container-image-metadata-url使用上面的https based local image mirror

juju model-config container-image-metadata-url=https://quqi.com:443
juju model-config image-metadata-url=https://quqi.com:443

5, juju controller由于访问local image mirror, 所以配置hosts与添加ca key

echo ' quqi.com' >> /etc/hosts

curl --resolve quqi.com:443: --cacert ~/ca/ca.crt https://quqi.com:443/streams/v1/index.json
sudo cp ~/ca/ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ca.crt
sudo chmod 644 /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ca.crt
sudo update-ca-certificates --fresh
curl --resolve quqi.com:443: https://quqi.com:443/streams/v1/index.json

6, 记得重新测试之前将machine 0上的image cache删除

juju ssh 0 -- sudo lxc image delete juju/xenial/amd64
juju remove-application ceph-radosgw

7, 重新测试

juju deploy ceph-radosgw --series=xenial --to="lxd:0"
sudo tail -f /var/log/juju/machine-0.log

能在machine 0的/var/log/juju/machine-0.log中观察下列日志:

2023-03-01 08:26:45 WARNING juju.worker.lxdprovisioner provisioner_task.go:1371 machine 0/lxd/3 failed to start: acquiring LXD image: no matching image found
2023-03-01 08:26:45 WARNING juju.worker.lxdprovisioner provisioner_task.go:1410 failed to start machine 0/lxd/3 (acquiring LXD image: no matching image found), retrying in 10s (10 more attempts)

在juju controller上有时能搜到quqi, 有时候又不能,奇怪.

2023-02-23 07:33:52 WARNING juju.apiserver.provisioner provisioninginfo.go:801 encountered "https://quqi.com:443/images/streams/v1/streams/v1/index.json": Get "https://quqi.com:443/images/streams/v1/streams/v1/index.json": dial tcp i/o timeout while getting published images metadata from image-metadata-url
2023-03-01 08:52:56 WARNING juju.environs.simplestreams datasource.go:184 Got error requesting "https://quqi.com:443/streams/v1/index.json": Get "https://quqi.com:443/streams/v1/index.json": x509: certificate relies on legacy Common Name field, use SANs instead

juju controller上仍然能看到cloud-images.ubuntu.com

2023-03-01 08:34:54 WARNING juju.apiserver.provisioner provisioninginfo.go:801 encountered "http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/streams/v1/index.sjson": Get "http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/streams/v1/index.sjson": dial tcp i/o timeout while getting published images metadata from default ubuntu cloud images


上面是使用来提供simplestreams, 我们现在换用glance中的image来提供simplestreams继续测试 (不确定是否这种只适用于创建juju controller, 还是说也可以用于VM/LXD创建,试一下)

mkdir -p ~/simplestreams/images
juju metadata generate-image -d ~/simplestreams -i $IMAGE_ID -s $SERIES -r RegionOne -u $OS_AUTH_URL

然后修改/etc/nginx/sites-available/default将上面测试用的/home/ubuntu/simplestreams2改成/home/ubuntu/simplestreams, 重启nginx之后, 设置container-image-metadata-url (注意:此时后面链接多出了/images)

juju model-config container-image-metadata-url=https://quqi.com:443/images
juju model-config image-metadata-url=https://quqi.com:443/images

#注意下面的并不是由上两句形成的,而是由人工运行lxc命令(lxc remote add xxx)形成的,但即使有它也不 work
root@juju-4e4d8f-test-0:~# cat ~/snap/lxd/common/config/config.yml
default-remote: local
    addr: https://images.linuxcontainers.org
    protocol: simplestreams
    public: true
    addr: unix://
    public: false
    addr: https://quqi.com:443
    protocol: simplestreams
    public: true
aliases: {}


systemctl restart jujud-machine-0.service

然后重复测试后,问题依旧, controller上看到下列日志:

2023-03-01 10:29:32 WARNING juju.environs.simplestreams datasource.go:184 Got error requesting "https://streams.canonical.com/juju/tools/streams/v1/index.sjson": Get "https://streams.canonical.com/juju/tools/streams/v1/index.sjson": dial tcp i/o timeout
2023-03-01 10:29:36 INFO juju.state addmachine.go:505 new machine "0/lxd/11" has preferred addresses: private "", public ""
2023-03-01 10:29:37 WARNING juju.apiserver.instancemutater lxdprofilewatcher.go:206 unit ceph-radosgw/11 has no machine id, start watching when machine id assigned.
2023-03-01 10:29:41 WARNING juju.apiserver.provisioner provisioninginfo.go:801 encountered index file has no data for cloud {stsstack} not found while getting published images metadata from image-metadata-url
2023-03-01 10:30:11 WARNING juju.environs.simplestreams datasource.go:184 Got error requesting "http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/streams/v1/index2.sjson": Get "http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/streams/v1/index2.sjson": dial tcp i/o timeout
2023-03-01 10:30:41 WARNING juju.environs.simplestreams datasource.go:184 Got error requesting "http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/streams/v1/index.sjson": Get "http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/streams/v1/index.sjson": dial tcp i/o timeout
2023-03-01 10:30:41 WARNING juju.apiserver.provisioner provisioninginfo.go:801 encountered "http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/streams/v1/index.sjson": Get "http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/streams/v1/index.sjson": dial tcp i/o timeout while getting published images metadata from default ubuntu cloud images




juju model-config container-image-metadata-url=https://quqi.com:443/
juju model-config image-metadata-url=https://quqi.com:443/

然后测试cloudinit-userdata, 这个是没问题的,可以作workaround

cat << EOF |tee cloudinit-userdata.yaml
cloudinit-userdata: |
    - echo ' quqi.com' >> /etc/hosts
    - if hostname |grep -qv lxd; then wget --tries=15 --retry-connrefused --timeout=15 --random-wait=on -O /home/ubuntu/ubuntu-16.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-lxd.tar.xz https://quqi.com:443/server/releases/xenial/release-20211001/ubuntu-16.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-lxd.tar.xz --no-check-certificate; wget --tries=15 --retry-connrefused --timeout=15 --random-wait=on -O /home/ubuntu/ubuntu-16.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.squashfs https://quqi.com:443/server/releases/xenial/release-20211001/ubuntu-16.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.squashfs --no-check-certificate; fi
    - sleep 30
    - if hostname |grep -qv lxd; then lxc image import /home/ubuntu/ubuntu-16.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-lxd.tar.xz /home/ubuntu/ubuntu-16.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.squashfs --alias juju/xenial/amd64; fi
juju model-config ./cloudinit-userdata.yaml
juju model-config cloudinit-userdata --format yaml
#juju model-config --reset cloudinit-userdata

注意:之前一直不work的原因是因为在postruncmd:后加了 | 的原因,找到答案的过程见下列的"调试cloud-init"一节。



cat << EOF |tee test.yaml
cloudinit-userdata: |
  postruncmd: |
    - echo ' quqi.com' >> /etc/hosts
    - echo 'test' > /home/ubuntu/cloud-init.txt


cat << EOF |tee test.yaml
cloudinit-userdata: |
    - bash -c 'echo quqi.com >> /etc/hosts'
    - bash -c 'echo test > /home/ubuntu/cloud-init.txt'


cat << EOF |tee test.yaml
cloudinit-userdata: |
  postruncmd: |
    bash -c 'echo quqi.com >> /etc/hosts'
    bash -c 'echo test > /home/ubuntu/cloud-init.txt'

下面的更不会work, 会直接报:ERROR json: unsupported type: map[interface {}]interface {}’

cat << EOF |tee test.yaml
cloudinit-userdata: |
    bash -c 'echo quqi.com >> /etc/hosts'
    bash -c 'echo test > /home/ubuntu/cloud-init.txt'


juju add-model test
juju model-config ./test.yaml
juju model-config cloudinit-userdata --format yaml
juju model-config ssl-hostname-verification=false
juju add-machine --series focal

1, check cloud-init log:    cloud-init collect-logs & tar -xf cloud-init.tar.gz
2, check cloud-init config: /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg
3, cloud-init is enabled: systemctl list-unit-files | grep cloud
4, /var/lib/cloud/instances/af2d721e-e38e-4937-81ad-7cc72a49c184/cloud-config.txt

lp bug 1797168


juju add-model test2
juju model-config container-image-metadata-url=https://quqi.com:443/
juju model-config image-metadata-url=https://quqi.com:443/
juju model-config logging-config="<root>=DEBUG"
juju model-config ssl-hostname-verification=false
juju add-machine --series xenial

#一定要拷ca.crt到machine 0上(而不是controller 0)
juju scp -m m ~/ca/ca.crt 0:~/
juju ssh -m m 0 -- sudo cp /home/ubuntu/ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ca.crt
juju ssh -m m 0 -- sudo update-ca-certificates --fresh

juju add-machine --series xenial lxd:0
#juju remove-application ceph-radosgw && juju deploy ceph-radosgw --series=xenial --to="lxd:0"

NOTE: 一直不work的原因是将ca.crt拷贝到了controller 0,而是应该将它拷到machine 0

lxc remote端的测试

lxc端用cloud-images.ubuntu.com作default ,这个default不能replace,

# lxc remote list |grep releases
| ubuntu          | https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases | simplestreams | none        | YES    | YES    | NO     |

root@juju-4e4d8f-test-7:~# lxc remote set-url ubuntu https://quqi.com:443
Error: Remote ubuntu is static and cannot be modified


lxc remote add test https://quqi.com:443 --protocol=simplestreams
lxc remote remove test & lxc remote add test https://quqi.com:443 --protocol=simplestreams --public
sudo snap set lxd daemon.debug=true
sudo systemctl reload snap.lxd.daemon

也要machine里设置了LXD_INSECURE_TLS=true(remote error: tls: protocol version not supported), 总之确保了使用test mirror (lxc launch test:16.04 i1)能正常运行。

vim /etc/systemd/system/snap.lxd.daemon.service
#或者去掉nginx中的ssl_protocols TLSv1.2也行


2023-03-02 03:26:30 DEBUG juju.container.lxd manager.go:283 checking default image metadata sources
2023-03-02 03:27:51 WARNING juju.worker.lxdprovisioner provisioner_task.go:1371 machine 7/lxd/3 failed to start: acquiring LXD image: no matching image found
2023-03-02 03:27:51 WARNING juju.worker.lxdprovisioner provisioner_task.go:1410 failed to start machine 7/lxd/3 (acquiring LXD image: no matching image found), retrying in 10s (10 more attempts)

## 上报bug
最后报了一个lp bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/2008993


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    问题 趁贾老板明天回国之前 xff0c 得连夜将他的乐视x3 55电视刷成第三方精简版的固件 xff0e 官方固件安装的内置服务太多不仅占硬盘空间而且都开着也占用内存影响运行速度 xff0e 要安装的是 xff02 蓝同学 xff02 的固
  • Set up debian based maas ha env on xenial by hand (by quqi99)

    准备三个节点 本文将在xenial ubuntu 16 04 使用debian包手工创建maas ha环境 先快速准备三个节点 juju deploy ubuntu maas1 series xenial config hostname m
  • add a wifi AP for armbian box (by quqi99)

    作者 xff1a 张华 发表于 xff1a 2022 03 26 版权声明 xff1a 可以任意转载 xff0c 转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本版权声明 http blog csdn net quqi99 无线网卡的
  • Kids are forbidden to watch TV after school (by quqi99)

    作者 xff1a 张华 发表于 xff1a 2022 03 30 版权声明 xff1a 可以任意转载 xff0c 转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本版权声明 http blog csdn net quqi99 iptab
  • ubuntu 20.04升级到22.04中遇到的问题(by quqi99)

    作者 xff1a 张华 发表于 xff1a 2022 04 23 版权声明 xff1a 可以任意转载 xff0c 转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本版权声明 http blog csdn net quqi99 昨天通过
  • keil下载代码时出现:“Not a genuine ST Device! Abort connection“的错误

    最近在学习嵌入式 xff0c 难免要玩一些开发板 我选择了相对比较便宜的STM32F10C8T6 所以我就从网上购买了这快板子 刚开始买回来的时候 xff0c 我根本不知道往板子上烧录代码的时候还需要ST LINK 因为我在学F407的时候
  • Testing ovn manually based on LXD (by quqi99)

    作者 xff1a 张华 发表于 xff1a 2022 05 27 版权声明 xff1a 可以任意转载 xff0c 转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本版权声明 准备两个LXD容器 lxc list 43 43 43 43
  • [WIP] Openstack Masakari (by quqi99)

    作者 xff1a 张华 发表于 xff1a 2022 06 07 版权声明 xff1a 可以任意转载 xff0c 转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本版权声明 什么是masakari masakari是OpenStack
  • 远程解决win10上keyboard和chrome不work的两例问题(by quqi99)

    作者 xff1a 张华 发表于 xff1a 2022 06 10 版权声明 xff1a 可以任意转载 xff0c 转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本版权声明 远程解决了两例windows问题 xff0c 记录一下 xff
  • try anbox or waydroid (by quqi99)

    作者 张华 发表于 2022 06 28 版权声明 可以任意转载 转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本版权声明 无论是安装anbox还是waydroid都失败了 记录一下 里面首先是没有 dev binder的问题 那是因
  • set up ovn development env (by quqi99)

    作者 xff1a 张华 发表于 xff1a 2022 07 08 版权声明 xff1a 可以任意转载 xff0c 转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本版权声明 编译ovs并启动ovs vswitchd https docs
  • Using lxd to do vlan test (by quqi99)

    作者 xff1a 张华 发表于 xff1a 2022 08 15 版权声明 xff1a 可以任意转载 xff0c 转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本版权声明 问题 客户说sriov虚机里收不着arp reply 他们的s
  • ovn metadata (by quqi99)

    作者 xff1a 张华 发表于 xff1a 2022 08 25 版权声明 xff1a 可以任意转载 xff0c 转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本版权声明 问题 客户描述虚机的metadata功能偶尔有问题 xff0c
  • 网络攻防实验 (by quqi99)

    作者 xff1a 张华 发表于 xff1a 2022 08 29 版权声明 xff1a 可以任意转载 xff0c 转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本版权声明 测试环境 lxd容器 xff0c i3为中间攻击者所以在i3上
  • nova VirtualInterfaceCreateException (by quqi99)

    作者 xff1a 张华 发表于 xff1a 2022 09 01 版权声明 xff1a 可以任意转载 xff0c 转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本版权声明 问题 虚机有时候会报下列错误 xff1a nova excep
  • ovn-central raft HA (by quqi99)

    作者 xff1a 张华 发表于 xff1a 2022 10 12 版权声明 xff1a 可以任意转载 xff0c 转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本版权声明 What s raft RAFT https raft git
  • Linux(五):Ubuntu 16.04 更改系统语言为简体中文(Chinese simplified)

    Linux xff08 五 xff09 xff1a Ubuntu 16 04 更改系统语言为简体中文 xff08 Chinese simplified xff09 文章目录 1 问题2 设置中文2 1 设置 xff1b 2 2 点击 Ins
  • juju创建lxd容器时如何使用本地镜像(by quqi99)

    作者 xff1a 张华 发表于 xff1a 2023 03 01 版权声明 xff1a 可以任意转载 xff0c 转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本版权声明 问题 没有外网 xff0c 所以配置了一个local cust