使用 config.site 构建 *.pc 时 @libdir@ 不正确?


我正在 Fedora x86_64 上工作。它用/lib64, /usr/lib64和朋友。我有以下内容*.pc.in file:

$ cat libcryptopp.pc.in

My config.site有以下内容。它是从 Fedora 复制的config.site at /usr/share/config.site。使用该副本的原因是Fedora x86_64 上供应商库的 config.site.

$ cat /usr/local/share/config.site

# Note: This file includes also RHEL/Fedora fix for installing libraries into
# "/lib/lib64" on 64bit systems.

if test -n "$host"; then
    # skip when cross-compiling
    return 0

if test "$prefix" = /usr \
   || { test "$prefix" = NONE && test "$ac_default_prefix" = /usr ; }
    test "$sysconfdir" = '${prefix}/etc' && sysconfdir=/etc
    test "$sharedstatedir" = '${prefix}/com' && sharedstatedir=/var
    test "$localstatedir" = '${prefix}/var' && localstatedir=/var

    ARCH=`uname -m`
    for i in x86_64 ppc64 s390x aarch64; do
        if test $ARCH = $i; then
            test libdir='${exec_prefix}/lib64'

然而,在 Autoconf 处理完我的*.pc.in file:

$ autoreconf --install --force
$ ./configure

$ cat libcryptopp.pc

Notice libdir=${exec_prefix}/lib, 并不是libdir=${exec_prefix}/lib64.

GCC 肯定正在为该包构建 64 位二进制文​​件。我没有添加-mx32 or -m32:

$ gcc -dumpmachine


The /usr/local/share/config.site是错的。虽然它是从 Fedora 复制的config.site并放置在/usr/local/share,前缀目录错误。前缀测试应该使用/usr/local并不是/usr.


$ cat /usr/local/share/config.site

if test -n "$host"; then
    # skip when cross-compiling
    return 0

if test "$prefix" = /usr/local \
   || { test "$prefix" = NONE && test "$ac_default_prefix" = /usr/local ; }
    test "$sysconfdir" = '${prefix}/etc' && sysconfdir=/etc
    test "$sharedstatedir" = '${prefix}/com' && sharedstatedir=/var
    test "$localstatedir" = '${prefix}/var' && localstatedir=/var

    ARCH=`uname -m`
    for i in x86_64 ppc64 s390x aarch64; do
        if test $ARCH = $i; then
            test "$libdir" = '${exec_prefix}/lib' && libdir='${exec_prefix}/lib64'

现在,下一个问题是,为什么 Fedora 的/usr/share/config.site不处理prefix=/usr/local适当地。这是一个悬而未决的问题问题 1510073:对于 *.pc 文件中的“libdir=@libdir@”,Autoconf 不支持 config.site 中的 libdir,已关闭为不是错误.


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