



public class FireEvacuation : DataContext
    public Table<Employee> EmployeeDetails;
    public Table<EmpDepartment> Department;
    public Table<EmpStatus> Status;

    **public FireEvacuation(string connection) : base(connection) { }** //exception thrown here


//create class and map it to FireEvacuation table
[Table(Name = "EmployeeDetails")]
public class Employee
    public string _employeeId;
    //designate employeeId property on the entity class as representing column in the database table
    //employeeId is designated to be a primary key column in the database
    //employeeName is designated as private storage ==> allows LINQ to SQL to directly store and retrieve values
    [Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, Storage = "_employeeId", DbType = "int(System.Int32) NOT NULL")]
    public string employeeId
            return this._employeeId;
            this._employeeId = value;


    public string _employeeName;
    //designate employeeName property on the entity class as representing column in the database table
    //employeeName is designated as private storage ==> allows LINQ to SQL to directly store and retrieve values
    [Column(Storage = "_employeeName", DbType = "nvarchar(50) NULL")]
    public string employeeName
            return this._employeeName;
            this._employeeName = value;


    public string _departmentId;
    [Column(Storage = "_departmentId", DbType = "int(System.Int32) NULL")]
    public string departmentId
            return this._departmentId;
            this._departmentId = value;

    public string _statusId;
    [Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, Storage = "_statusId", DbType = "int(System.Int32) NULL")]
    public string statusId
            return this._statusId;
            this._statusId = value;




 [Table(Name = "Department")]
public class EmpDepartment
    public string _departmentId;
    [Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, Storage = "_departmentId", DbType = "int(System.Int32) NOT NULL")]
    public string departmentId
            return this._departmentId;
            this._departmentId = value;


    public string _departmentName;
    [Column(Storage = "_departmentName", DbType = "nvarchar(50) NOT NULL")]
    public string departmentName
            return this._departmentName;
            this._departmentName = value;



[Table(Name = "Status")]
public class EmpStatus
    public string _statusId;
    [Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, Storage = "_statusId", DbType = "int(System.Int32) NOT NULL")]
    public string statusId
            return this._statusId;
            this._statusId = value;


    public string _statusDescription;
    [Column(Storage = "_statusDescription", DbType = "nvarchar(50) NOT NULL")]
    public string statusName
            return this._statusDescription;
            this._statusDescription = value;



static void Main(string[] args)

        // Use a connection string.
        FireEvacuation db = new FireEvacuation
            (@"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\runSqlLinq\FireEvacuation.mdf");


            // Attach the log to show generated SQL.
            db.Log = Console.Out;

            string name = "John";

            //Query for account status
                var query = from emp in db.EmployeeDetails
                            join stat in db.Status on emp._statusId equals stat._statusId
                            join dep in db.Department on emp._departmentId equals dep._departmentId
                            where emp._employeeName == name
                            select new { emp, stat, dep };

                foreach (var q in query)
                    Console.WriteLine("Department Name = {0} Employee Name = {1} Status Name = {2}", q.dep._departmentName, q.emp._employeeName, q.stat._statusDescription);

        while (Console.ReadKey(true).Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);
    }//end of main




当它成为私有的那一刻,问题就消失了。希望这可以帮助其他人下次解决同样的问题。 :)


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