Scala 中返回类型取决于输入类型的通用函数?



import cats.effect.IO

sealed trait Shape {
  val x: Int

case class Square(x: Int, y: Int) extends Shape
case class Cube(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) extends Shape

def modifyShape[S <: Shape](shape: S): IO[S] = shape match {
  case s: Square => IO(s.copy(y = 5))
  case c: Cube => IO(c.copy(z = 5))


case s: Square => IO(s.copy(y = 5))


阅读评论和文章后,我尝试像这样使用 F-bound:

sealed trait Shape[A <: Shape[A]] { this: A =>
  val x: Int

case class Square(x: Int, y: Int) extends Shape[Square]
case class Cube(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) extends Shape[Cube]

def modifyShape[S <: Shape[S]](shape: S): IO[S] = shape match {
  case s: Square => IO(s.copy(y = 5))
  case c: Cube => IO(c.copy(z = 5))


Now modifyShape's body

shape match {
  case s: Square => IO(s.copy(y = 5))
  case c: Cube => IO(c.copy(z = 5))


def modifyShape[S <: Shape](shape: S): IO[S] 


如果将 A 的泛型子类型声明为返回参数,为什么我不能返回 A 的具体子类型?


foo[S <: Shape]意思是foo必须为any S这是一个子类型Shape。假设我采取S := Shape with SomeTrait,你不回来IO[Shape with SomeTrait].

尝试使用 F 范围类型参数的 GADT

sealed trait Shape[S <: Shape[S]] { this: S =>
  val x: Int
  def modifyShape: IO[S]

case class Square(x: Int, y: Int) extends Shape[Square] {
  override def modifyShape: IO[Square] = IO(this.copy(y = 5))
case class Cube(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) extends Shape[Cube] {
  override def modifyShape: IO[Cube] = IO(this.copy(z = 5))

def modifyShape[S <: Shape[S]](shape: S): IO[S] = shape.modifyShape (@LuisMiguelMejíaSuárez提醒链接)

或具有 F 边界类型成员的 GADT

sealed trait Shape { self =>
  val x: Int
  type S >: self.type <: Shape { type S = self.S }
  def modifyShape: IO[S]

case class Square(x: Int, y: Int) extends Shape {
  override type S = Square
  override def modifyShape: IO[Square] = IO(this.copy(y = 5))
case class Cube(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) extends Shape {
  override type S = Cube
  override def modifyShape: IO[Cube] = IO(this.copy(z = 5))

def modifyShape[_S <: Shape { type S = _S}](shape: _S): IO[_S] = shape.modifyShape
// or  
// def modifyShape(shape: Shape): IO[shape.S] = shape.modifyShape

或 GADT(无 F 绑定)

(see details in @MatthiasBerndt's answer and my comments to it, this code portion is from his answer)

sealed trait Shape[A] {
  val x: Int

case class Square(x: Int, y: Int) extends Shape[Square]
case class Cube(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) extends Shape[Cube]

def modifyShape[S](shape: Shape[S]): IO[S] = shape match {
  case s: Square => IO(s.copy(y = 5))
  case c: Cube   => IO(c.copy(z = 5))

或 ADT + 反思

sealed trait Shape {
  val x: Int

case class Square(x: Int, y: Int) extends Shape
case class Cube(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) extends Shape

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._

def modifyShape[S <: Shape : TypeTag](shape: S): IO[S] = (shape match {
  case s: Square if typeOf[S] <:< typeOf[Square] => IO(s.copy(y = 5))
  case c: Cube   if typeOf[S] <:< typeOf[Cube]   => IO(c.copy(z = 5))

或 ADT + 类型类

sealed trait Shape {
  val x: Int

case class Square(x: Int, y: Int) extends Shape
case class Cube(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) extends Shape

trait ModifyShape[S <: Shape] {
  def modifyShape(s: S): IO[S]
object ModifyShape {
  implicit val squareModifyShape: ModifyShape[Square] = s => IO(s.copy(y = 5))
  implicit val cubeModifyShape:   ModifyShape[Cube]   = c => IO(c.copy(z = 5))

def modifyShape[S <: Shape](shape: S)(implicit ms: ModifyShape[S]): IO[S] =

或 ADT + 磁铁

sealed trait Shape {
  val x: Int

case class Square(x: Int, y: Int) extends Shape
case class Cube(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) extends Shape

import scala.language.implicitConversions

trait ModifyShape {
  type Out
  def modifyShape(): Out
object ModifyShape {
  implicit def fromSquare(s: Square): ModifyShape { type Out = IO[Square] } = new ModifyShape {
    override type Out = IO[Square]
    override def modifyShape(): IO[Square] = IO(s.copy(y = 5))
  implicit def fromCube(c: Cube): ModifyShape { type Out = IO[Cube] } = new ModifyShape {
    override type Out = IO[Cube]
    override def modifyShape(): IO[Cube] = IO(c.copy(z = 5))

def modifyShape(shape: ModifyShape): shape.Out = shape.modifyShape()

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