在 xmlns clr 命名空间中找不到 EventToCommandBehavior:Prism.Behaviors


我正在开发 Xamarin.Forms 项目。在 Prism 6.3 之前我使用过 6.2Corcav.Behaviors包裹。我不需要传递参数,所以效果很好。但是,在iOS项目中AppDelegate我需要运行这一行:


我有一个评论://添加以防止 iOS 链接器从部署的包中剥离行为程序集。

Now EventToCommand6.3版本添加了,所以我卸载了Corcav.Behaviors封装并实现了简单的例子。在 Android 中一切都很好,但 iOS ..我有一个例外:

enter image description here




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
  <v:TestGrid x:Name="MainGrid">
      <behavior:EventToCommandBehavior EventName="OnTestTapped" 
                                        Command="{Binding OnTestTappedCommand}" 


public class TestGrid : Grid
    public event EventHandler<OnTouchedEventArgs> OnTestTapped;

    public TestGrid()
        var tgr = new TapGestureRecognizer { NumberOfTapsRequired = 1 };
        tgr.Tapped += Tgr_Tapped;

    private void Tgr_Tapped(object sender, EventArgs e)
        OnTouchedEventArgs args = new OnTouchedEventArgs(6);
        OnTestTapped?.Invoke(sender, args);


public class StartPageViewModel : BindableBase
    private bool _canExecute;
    private ICommand onTestTappedCommand;

    public StartPageViewModel()
        _canExecute = true;

    public ICommand OnTestTappedCommand
            return onTestTappedCommand ?? (onTestTappedCommand = 
                    new Command<int>((foo) => HandleEvent(foo), 
                                     (foo) => CanExecute(foo)));

    public async void HandleEvent(int a)
        _canExecute = false;
        Status = $"Working with parameter={a}...";
        Debug.WriteLine("Test with param=" + a);
        await Task.Delay(5000);
        Status = "Done";
        _canExecute = true;

    public bool CanExecute(int a)
        return _canExecute;


public class OnTouchedEventArgs : EventArgs
    public int Foo { get; set; }

    public OnTouchedEventArgs(int foo)
        Foo = foo;

我在 Android 上 100% 工作,在 iOS 上不行。

问题: 我怎样才能在Infrastruction.Init中Prism.Behaviors?


我认为错误可能比我想象的要多......正如你在我的 ViewModel 中看到的,我正在使用ICommand and Command班级来自Xamarin.Forms命名空间:

    private ICommand onTestTappedCommand;        
    public ICommand OnTestTappedCommand
            return onTestTappedCommand ?? (onTestTappedCommand = 
                    new Command<int>((foo) => HandleEvent(foo), 
                                     (foo) => CanExecute(foo)));

它可以在 Android 上运行,但是..当我更改为DelegateCommand:

        return onTestTappedCommand ?? (onTestTappedCommand = 
                new DelegateCommand<int>((foo) => HandleEvent(foo), 
                                 (foo) => CanExecute(foo)));


未处理的异常:System.Reflection.TargetInitationException: 调用目标已引发异常。

并且..该项目符合要求,但在 Start.xaml.cs 中我有一个错误:

InitializeComponent() 在当前上下文中不存在

附言。请帮助我,请不要告诉我清除解决方案/删除 bin obj 文件夹...它不起作用。

不需要初始化。从例外情况来看,您所展示的我的建议是进行彻底的清理和重建。确保您的所有文件obj and bin文件夹被删除。


public DelegateCommand<string> PersonSelectedCommand => new DelegateCommand<string>(OnPersonSelectedCommandExecuted);

public ObservableRangeCollection<string> People { get; set; }

void OnPersonSelectedCommandExecuted(string name)
    _pageDialogService.DisplayAlertAsync("Person Selected", name, "Ok" );


<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding People}">
        <behaviors:EventToCommandBehavior Command="{Binding PersonSelectedCommand}" 
                                          EventArgsParameterPath="Item" />

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