

我正在 Postgres 9.3.9 中的一个大表上进行查询。它是一个空间数据集,并且具有空间索引。比如说,我需要找到 3 种类型的物体:A、B 和 C。标准是 B 和 C 都在 A 的一定距离内,比如 500 米。


  school.osm_id as school_osm_id, 
  school.name as school_name, 
  school.way as school_way, 
  restaurant.osm_id as restaurant_osm_id, 
  restaurant.name as restaurant_name, 
  restaurant.way as restaurant_way, 
  bar.osm_id as bar_osm_id, 
  bar.name as bar_name, 
  bar.way as bar_way 
from (
    select osm_id, name, amenity, way, way_geo 
    from planet_osm_point 
    where amenity = 'school') as school, 
   (select osm_id, name, amenity, way, way_geo 
    from planet_osm_point 
    where amenity = 'restaurant') as restaurant, 
   (select osm_id, name, amenity, way, way_geo 
    from planet_osm_point 
    where amenity = 'bar') as bar 
where ST_DWithin(school.way_geo, restaurant.way_geo, 500, false) 
  and ST_DWithin(school.way_geo, bar.way_geo, 500, false);

这个查询给了我我想要的,但是它需要很长的时间,比如 13 秒来执行。我想知道是否有另一种方法来编写查询并使其更有效。


Nested Loop  (cost=74.43..28618.65 rows=1 width=177) (actual time=33.513..11235.212 rows=10591 loops=1)
   Buffers: shared hit=530967 read=8733
   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=46.52..28586.46 rows=1 width=174) (actual time=31.998..9595.212 rows=4235 loops=1)
         Buffers: shared hit=389863 read=8707
         ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on planet_osm_point  (cost=18.61..2897.83 rows=798 width=115) (actual time=7.862..150.607 rows=8811 loops=1)
               Recheck Cond: (amenity = 'school'::text)
               Buffers: shared hit=859 read=5204
               ->  Bitmap Index Scan on idx_planet_osm_point_amenity  (cost=0.00..18.41 rows=798 width=0) (actual time=5.416..5.416 rows=8811 loops=1)
                     Index Cond: (amenity = 'school'::text)
                     Buffers: shared hit=3 read=24
         ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on planet_osm_point planet_osm_point_1  (cost=27.91..32.18 rows=1 width=115) (actual time=1.064..1.069 rows=0 loops=8811)
               Recheck Cond: ((way_geo && _st_expand(planet_osm_point.way_geo, 500::double precision)) AND (amenity = 'restaurant'::text))
               Filter: ((planet_osm_point.way_geo && _st_expand(way_geo, 500::double precision)) AND _st_dwithin(planet_osm_point.way_geo, way_geo, 500::double precision, false))
               Rows Removed by Filter: 0
               Buffers: shared hit=389004 read=3503
               ->  BitmapAnd  (cost=27.91..27.91 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=1.058..1.058 rows=0 loops=8811)
                     Buffers: shared hit=384528 read=2841
                     ->  Bitmap Index Scan on idx_planet_osm_point_waygeo  (cost=0.00..9.05 rows=137 width=0) (actual time=0.193..0.193 rows=64 loops=8811)
                           Index Cond: (way_geo && _st_expand(planet_osm_point.way_geo, 500::double precision))
                           Buffers: shared hit=146631 read=2841
                     ->  Bitmap Index Scan on idx_planet_osm_point_amenity  (cost=0.00..18.41 rows=798 width=0) (actual time=0.843..0.843 rows=6291 loops=8811)
                           Index Cond: (amenity = 'restaurant'::text)
                           Buffers: shared hit=237897
   ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on planet_osm_point planet_osm_point_2  (cost=27.91..32.18 rows=1 width=115) (actual time=0.375..0.383 rows=3 loops=4235)
         Recheck Cond: ((way_geo && _st_expand(planet_osm_point.way_geo, 500::double precision)) AND (amenity = 'bar'::text))
         Filter: ((planet_osm_point.way_geo && _st_expand(way_geo, 500::double precision)) AND _st_dwithin(planet_osm_point.way_geo, way_geo, 500::double precision, false))
         Rows Removed by Filter: 1
         Buffers: shared hit=141104 read=26
         ->  BitmapAnd  (cost=27.91..27.91 rows=1 width=0) (actual time=0.368..0.368 rows=0 loops=4235)
               Buffers: shared hit=127019
               ->  Bitmap Index Scan on idx_planet_osm_point_waygeo  (cost=0.00..9.05 rows=137 width=0) (actual time=0.252..0.252 rows=363 loops=4235)
                     Index Cond: (way_geo && _st_expand(planet_osm_point.way_geo, 500::double precision))
                     Buffers: shared hit=101609
               ->  Bitmap Index Scan on idx_planet_osm_point_amenity  (cost=0.00..18.41 rows=798 width=0) (actual time=0.104..0.104 rows=779 loops=4235)
                     Index Cond: (amenity = 'bar'::text)
                     Buffers: shared hit=25410
 Total runtime: 11238.605 ms

我目前只使用一张桌子1,372,711 行。它有73 列:

       Column       |         Type         |       Modifiers
 osm_id             | bigint               | 
 access             | text                 | 
 addr:housename     | text                 | 
 addr:housenumber   | text                 | 
 addr:interpolation | text                 | 
 admin_level        | text                 | 
 aerialway          | text                 | 
 aeroway            | text                 | 
 amenity            | text                 | 
 area               | text                 | 
 barrier            | text                 | 
 bicycle            | text                 | 
 brand              | text                 | 
 bridge             | text                 | 
 boundary           | text                 | 
 building           | text                 | 
 capital            | text                 | 
 construction       | text                 | 
 covered            | text                 | 
 culvert            | text                 | 
 cutting            | text                 | 
 denomination       | text                 | 
 disused            | text                 | 
 ele                | text                 | 
 embankment         | text                 | 
 foot               | text                 | 
 generator:source   | text                 | 
 harbour            | text                 | 
 highway            | text                 | 
 historic           | text                 | 
 horse              | text                 | 
 intermittent       | text                 | 
 junction           | text                 | 
 landuse            | text                 | 
 layer              | text                 | 
 leisure            | text                 | 
 lock               | text                 | 
 man_made           | text                 | 
 military           | text                 | 
 motorcar           | text                 | 
 name               | text                 | 
 natural            | text                 | 
 office             | text                 | 
 oneway             | text                 | 
 operator           | text                 | 
 place              | text                 | 
 poi                | text                 | 
 population         | text                 | 
 power              | text                 | 
 power_source       | text                 | 
 public_transport   | text                 | 
 railway            | text                 | 
 ref                | text                 | 
 religion           | text                 | 
 route              | text                 | 
 service            | text                 | 
 shop               | text                 | 
 sport              | text                 | 
 surface            | text                 | 
 toll               | text                 | 
 tourism            | text                 | 
 tower:type         | text                 | 
 tunnel             | text                 | 
 water              | text                 | 
 waterway           | text                 | 
 wetland            | text                 | 
 width              | text                 | 
 wood               | text                 | 
 z_order            | integer              | 
 tags               | hstore               | 
 way                | geometry(Point,4326) | 
 way_geo            | geography            | 
 gid                | integer              | not null default nextval('...
    "planet_osm_point_pkey1" PRIMARY KEY, btree (gid)
    "idx_planet_osm_point_amenity" btree (amenity)
    "idx_planet_osm_point_waygeo" gist (way_geo)
    "planet_osm_point_index" gist (way)
    "planet_osm_point_pkey" btree (osm_id)



WITH school AS (
   SELECT s.osm_id AS school_id, text 'school' AS type, s.osm_id, s.name, s.way_geo
   FROM   planet_osm_point s
        , LATERAL (
      SELECT  1 FROM planet_osm_point
      WHERE   ST_DWithin(way_geo, s.way_geo, 500, false)
      AND     amenity = 'bar'
      LIMIT   1  -- bar exists -- most selective first if possible
      ) b
        , LATERAL (
      SELECT  1 FROM planet_osm_point
      WHERE   ST_DWithin(way_geo, s.way_geo, 500, false)
      AND     amenity = 'restaurant'
      LIMIT   1  -- restaurant exists
      ) r
   WHERE  s.amenity = 'school'
   TABLE school  -- schools

   UNION ALL  -- bars
   SELECT s.school_id, 'bar', x.*
   FROM   school s
        , LATERAL (
      SELECT  osm_id, name, way_geo
      FROM    planet_osm_point
      WHERE   ST_DWithin(way_geo, s.way_geo, 500, false)
      AND     amenity = 'bar'
      ) x

   UNION ALL  -- restaurants
   SELECT s.school_id, 'rest.', x.*
   FROM   school s
        , LATERAL (
      SELECT  osm_id, name, way_geo
      FROM    planet_osm_point
      WHERE   ST_DWithin(way_geo, s.way_geo, 500, false)
      AND     amenity = 'restaurant'
      ) x
   ) sub
ORDER BY school_id, (type <> 'school'), type, osm_id;

This is not与您的原始查询相同,而是您真正想要的,根据评论中的讨论:

我想要一份拥有 500 家以内餐厅和酒吧的学校列表 米,我需要每个学校的坐标及其对应的 餐厅和酒吧。


现在使用LATERAL连接,以利用空间 GiST 索引。

TABLE school只是简写SELECT * FROM school:

  • psql 中有 SELECT * FROM 的快捷方式吗?

表达方式(type <> 'school')首先对每组中的学校进行排序,因为:

  • SQL select 按日和月查询顺序

子查询sub在决赛中SELECT只需要通过这个表达式来排序。 AUNION查询限制附加的ORDER BY仅列出列,无表达式。

我重点关注您为了回答这个问题而提出的问题 -ignoring过滤其他 70 个文本列中任何一个的扩展要求。这确实是一个设计缺陷。搜索条件应集中于few列。或者您必须对所有 70 列建立索引,而像我要建议的多列索引几乎不是一个选择。仍然possible尽管 ...



"idx_planet_osm_point_waygeo" gist (way_geo)


CREATE INDEX planet_osm_point_bar_idx ON planet_osm_point (amenity, name, osm_id)

Postgres 9.5

即将推出的 Postgres9.5介绍主要改进这恰好解决了您的情况:

  • 允许查询使用 GiST 索引对边界框索引对象(多边形、圆形)执行精确的距离过滤 (亚历山大·科罗特科夫、海基·林纳坎加斯)

    以前,需要一个公共表表达式来返回一个大的 按边界框距离排序然后过滤的行数 进一步进行更准确的非边界框距离计算。

  • 允许 GiST 索引执行仅索引扫描 (Anastasia Lubennikova, Heikki Linnakangas, Andreas Karlsson)

您对此特别感兴趣。现在你可以拥有一个single多列(覆盖)GiST 索引:

CREATE INDEX reservations_range_idx ON reservations
USING gist(amenity, way_geo, name, osm_id)


  • 提高位图索引扫描性能(Teodor Sigaev、Tom Lane)


  • 添加GROUP BY分析功能GROUPING SETS, CUBE and ROLLUP(安德鲁·吉尔斯、阿特里·夏尔马)


  • PostgreSQL 中的 Grouping() 等效项?

第一个 alpha 版本已于 2015 年 7 月 2 日发布。预计发布时间表:

这是9.5版本的alpha版本,表明一些变化 在发布之前功能仍然是可能的。 PostgreSQL 项目 将于8月份发布9.5 beta 1,之后定期发布 测试所需的额外测试版,直到最终版本发布 2015年底。



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