Matlab 中数字的二进制表示



在Matlab中,可以使用Java JDK函数。

在 Matlab 中将 float(单精度 32 位数字)转换为二进制字符串表示形式的简短答案可能是:

import java.lang.Integer java.lang.Float;

长答案:Matlab 中的 float(单精度 32 位数字)转换为二进制字符串表示形式

function out=float2binstring(flt)
% converts a float number to binary in matlab according to IEEE754
% Usage:
% float2binstring(-3.14)
% Limitations:
% Rounding errors: Not every decimal number can be expressed exactly as a     floating
% point number. This can be seen when entering "0.1" and examining its binary     representation which is either slightly smaller or larger, depending on the last bit. 
% Andrej Mosat, [email protected]
% 03/2012
% v0.0
% License: GNU GPL

% this is a trick to use java JDK should be installed, tested on Matlab R2010
import java.lang.Integer java.lang.Float;

if ( ~isnumeric(flt) )
    error('input must be a number');



function out=binstring2float(binstr)
    % converts a binary string to float number according to IEEE754
    % Usage:
    % binstring2float('11000000010010001111010111000011')
    %   -3.14
    % Limitations:
    % Rounding errors: Not every decimal number can be expressed exactly as a floating
    % point number. This can be seen when entering "0.1" and examining its binary representation which is either slightly smaller or larger, depending on the last bit. 
    % Andrej Mosat, [email protected]
    % 03/2012
    % v0.0
    % License: GNU GPL
    % See also: FLOAT2BINSTRING

    import java.lang.Long java.lang.Float;

    if isequal(class(binstr), 'java.lang.String')

    if ( ~isstr(binstr) )
        error('input must be a binary string');                                             
    % Error handling for binary strings should be added here

    % the sign is negative

    if binstr(2)=='1'

    out=Float.intBitsToFloat( Long.parseLong(  binstr  , 2) );
    if isnegative


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