

是以下 python pandas DataFrame:

ID country money code money_add other time
832932 Other NaN 00000 NaN [N2,N2,N4] 0 days 01:37:00
217#8# NaN NaN NaN NaN [N1,N2,N3] 2 days 01:01:00
1329T2 France 12131 00020 3452 [N1,N1] 1 days 03:55:00
124932 France NaN 00016 NaN [N2] 0 days 01:28:00
194022 France NaN 00000 NaN [N4,N3] 3 days 02:35:00

If code列不是NaNmoney列是NaN,我们更新值money and money_add从下表中。使用code and cod_t列作为键。

cod_t money money_add
00000 4532 72323
00016 1213 23822
00030 1313 8393
00020 1813 27328


ID country money code money_add other time
832932 Other 4532 00000 72323 [N2,N2,N4] 0 days 01:37:00
217#8# NaN NaN NaN NaN [N1,N2,N3] 2 days 01:01:00
1329T2 France 12131 00020 3452 [N1,N1] 1 days 03:55:00
124932 France 1213 00016 23822 [N2] 0 days 01:28:00
194022 France 4532 00000 72323 [N4,N3] 3 days 02:35:00


df1 = df1.drop_duplicates('cod_t').set_index('cod_t')
df = df.set_index(df['code'])
df.update(df1, overwrite=False)
df = df.reset_index(drop=True).reindex(df.columns, axis=1)


TypeError: The DType <class 'numpy.dtype[timedelta64]'> could not be promoted by <class
'numpy.dtype[float64]'>. This means that no common DType exists for the given inputs. 
For example they cannot be stored in a single array unless the dtype is `object`. 
The full list of DTypes is: (<class 'numpy.dtype[timedelta64]'>, <class 'numpy.dtype[float64]'>)
// First DataFrame dtypes
ID                                 object
country                            object
code                               object
money                             float64
money_add                         float64
other                              object
time                      timedelta64[ns]
dtype: object
// Second DataFrame dtypes
cod_t                     object
money                      int64
money_add                  int64
dtype: object


Because DataFrame.update这里效果不好是替代方案 - 首先对第二个 DataFrame 中的新列使用左连接DataFrame.merge:

df2 = df.merge(df1.drop_duplicates('cod_t').rename(columns={'cod_t':'code'}), 

print (df2)
       ID country    money  code  money_add         other            time  \
0  832932   Other      NaN   0.0        NaN  [N2, N2, N4] 0 days 01:37:00   
1  217#8#     NaN      NaN   NaN        NaN  [N1, N2, N3] 2 days 01:01:00   
2  1329T2  France  12131.0  20.0     3452.0      [N1, N1] 1 days 03:55:00   
3  124932  France      NaN  16.0        NaN          [N2] 0 days 01:28:00   
4  194022  France      NaN   0.0        NaN      [N4, N3] 3 days 02:35:00   

   money_  money_add_  
0  4532.0     72323.0  
1     NaN         NaN  
2  1813.0     27328.0  
3  1213.0     23822.0  
4  4532.0     72323.0 


cols_with_ = df2.columns[df2.columns.str.endswith('_')]
cols_without_ = cols_with_.str.rstrip('_')

print (cols_with_)
Index(['money_', 'money_add_'], dtype='object')

print (cols_without_)
Index(['money', 'money_add'], dtype='object')

Pass to DataFrame.combine_first最后删除辅助列:

df2[cols_without_] = (df2[cols_without_].combine_first(df2[cols_with_]
                                        .rename(columns=lambda x: x.rstrip('_'))))
df2 = df2.drop(cols_with_, axis=1)
print (df2)
       ID country    money  code  money_add         other            time
0  832932   Other   4532.0   0.0    72323.0  [N2, N2, N4] 0 days 01:37:00
1  217#8#     NaN      NaN   NaN        NaN  [N1, N2, N3] 2 days 01:01:00
2  1329T2  France  12131.0  20.0     3452.0      [N1, N1] 1 days 03:55:00
3  124932  France   1213.0  16.0    23822.0          [N2] 0 days 01:28:00
4  194022  France   4532.0   0.0    72323.0      [N4, N3] 3 days 02:35:00

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