

我已阅读其他帖子,但似乎无法修复我的。我是 VHDL 新手,所以我确信这是一个简单的修复。

简而言之,按钮没有防抖。代码编译和比特流程序。在测试台中,按下按钮可以工作,但输出 LED 不会改变。在板上,按下按钮会使随机 LED 亮起(我猜是因为弹跳)。根据原理图,输入将通过去抖器。



编辑1:添加上升沿(clk)。 另请注意,当我按下任一按钮时,按下按钮时所有 LED 都会亮起。



library IEEE;

entity button_counter is
    port( clk : in std_logic;
         btnU : in std_logic;
         btnD : in std_logic;
          led : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0));
end button_counter;

architecture behavioral of button_counter is

    component debouncer is
        port(    clk : in std_logic;
                 btn : in std_logic;
             btn_clr : out std_logic);
    end component;

    signal btnU_clr : std_logic;
    signal btnD_clr : std_logic;


    debouncer_btnU : debouncer port map (clk => clk, btn => btnU, btn_clr => btnU_clr);
    debouncer_btnD : debouncer port map (clk => clk, btn => btnD, btn_clr => btnD_clr);

        variable count : integer := 0;
        if (rising_edge(clk)) then
            if(btnU_clr = '1') then count := count + 1;
            elsif(btnD_clr = '1') then count := count - 1;
            end if;
            led <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(count, led'length));
        end if;
    end process;

end behavioral;


library IEEE;
    use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
    use IEEE.numeric_std.all;

entity debouncer is
    port(    clk : in std_logic;
             btn : in std_logic;
         btn_clr : out std_logic);
end debouncer;

architecture behavioural of debouncer is

    constant delay : integer := 650000; -- 6.5ms
    signal count : integer := 0;
    signal btn_tmp : std_logic := '0';


        if rising_edge(clk) then
            if (btn /= btn_tmp) then
                btn_tmp <= btn;
                count <= 0;
            elsif (count = delay) then
                btn_clr <= btn_tmp;
                count <= count + 1;
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;

end behavioural;


library IEEE;

entity button_counter_tb is
end button_counter_tb;

architecture behavioral of button_counter_tb is

signal clk_tb    : std_logic;
signal btnU_tb   : std_logic;
signal btnD_tb   : std_logic;
signal led_tb    : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);

component button_counter
port(clk    : in std_logic; 
     btnU   : in std_logic;
     btnD   : in std_logic;
     led    : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0));
end component;


UUT: button_counter port map (clk => clk_tb, btnU => btnU_tb, btnD => btnD_tb, led => led_tb);


btnU_tb <= '0';
btnD_tb <= '0'; 

wait for 100ns;
btnU_tb <= '1';

wait for 100ns;
btnU_tb <= '0';

wait for 100ns;
btnU_tb <= '1';

wait for 100ns;
btnD_tb <= '1';

wait for 100ns;
btnU_tb <= '0';

wait for 100ns;
btnD_tb <= '0';

end process;

end behavioral;


  1. 测试台中未生成时钟

  2. 测试台中的刺激(按下按钮)时机不充分

  3. 去抖动器不会产生enable对于单个时钟

为了方便模拟用于设计验证您的设计已被修改以允许较慢的时钟(看来您实际上使用的是 100 MHz 时钟)。这个想法是减少计算要求和显示波形存储。


library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity button_counter_tb is
end entity button_counter_tb;

architecture behavioral of button_counter_tb is
    -- NOTE: suffix _tb has been removed, it's annoying to type over and over
    signal clk:   std_logic := '0';  -- ADDED default value '0'
    signal btnU:  std_logic;
    signal btnD:  std_logic;
    signal led:   std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);

    component button_counter
        generic (                       -- ADDED generic
            CLKP:   time := 10 ns;
            DEBT:   time := 6.5 ms      -- debounce time supports different 
        );                              -- mechanical buttons/switches
        port (
            clk:    in  std_logic; 
            btnU:   in  std_logic;
            btnD:   in  std_logic;
            led:    out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0)
    end component;

    constant CLKP:  time := 12.5 us; -- ADDED  just long enough to show debounce
    constant DEBT:  time := 6.5 ms;  -- ADDED

CLOCK:  -- ADDED clock process
        wait for CLKP/2;
        clk <= not clk;
        if now > 2 sec then    -- stop simulation
        end if;
    end process;

        generic map (           -- ADDED generic map
            CLKP => CLKP,
            DEBT => DEBT
        port map (
            clk => clk,
            btnU => btnU,
            btnD => btnD,
            led => led

--     process
--     begin
--         btnU_tb <= '0';
--         btnD_tb <= '0';
--         wait for 100 ns;
--         btnU_tb <= '1';
--         wait for 100 ns;
--         btnU_tb <= '0';
--         wait for 100 ns;
--         btnU_tb <= '1';
--         wait for 100 ns;
--         btnD_tb <= '1';
--         wait for 100 ns;
--         btnU_tb <= '0';
--         wait for 100 ns;
--         btnD_tb <= '0';
--         wait;  -- ADDED            -- stops simulation
--     end process;
        btnU <= '0';
        wait for 2 ms;
        btnU <= '1';   -- first button press
        wait for 0.5 ms;
        btnU <= '0';
        wait for 0.25 ms;
        btnU <= '1';
        wait for 7 ms;
        btnU <= '0';
        wait for 100 us;
        btnU <= '1';
        wait for 20 us;
        btnU <= '0';
        wait for 200 ms;
        btnU <= '1';   -- second button press
        wait for 20 us;
        btnU <= '0';
        wait for 20 us;
        btnU <= '1';
        wait for 6.6 ms;
        btnU <= '0';
        wait for 250 ms;
        btnU <= '1';    -- third button press
        wait for 20 us;
        btnU <= '0';
        wait for 20 us;
        btnU <= '1';
        wait for 6.6 ms;
        btnU <= '0';
        wait for 200 ms;
        btnU <= '1';   -- second button press
        wait for 20 us;
        btnU <= '0';
        wait for 20 us;
        btnU <= '1';
        wait for 6.6 ms;
        btnU <= '0';
        wait for 50 us;
        btnU <= '1';
        wait for 1 ms;
        btnU <= '0';
    end process;
        btnD <= '0';
        wait for 800 ms;
        btnD <= '1';   -- first button press
        wait for 0.5 ms;
        btnD <= '0';
        wait for 0.25 ms;
        btnD <= '1';
        wait for 0.5 ms;
        btnD <= '0';
        wait for 1 ms;
        btnD <= '1';
        wait for 7 ms;
        btnD <= '0';
        wait for 100 us;
        btnD <= '1';
        wait for 20 us;
        btnD <= '0';
        wait for 200 ms;
        btnD <= '1';   -- second button press
        wait for 20 us;
        btnD <= '0';
        wait for 20 us;
        btnD <= '1';
        wait for 6.6 ms;
        btnD <= '0';
        wait for 250 ms;
    end process;
end architecture behavioral;

The _tb信号名称的后缀已被删除(重复输入很痛苦)。


请注意,按钮按下值保证跨越一个或多个时钟间隔。 这些应该容忍通过修改来改变时钟周期CLKP.



library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;

entity debouncer is
    generic (                       -- ADDED GENERICS to speed up simulation
        CLKP:   time := 10 ns;
        DEBT:   time := 6.5 ms
    port (
        clk:        in  std_logic;
        btn:        in  std_logic;
        btn_clr:    out std_logic
end entity debouncer;

architecture behavioural of debouncer is
    -- constant delay: integer := 650000; -- 6.5ms
    constant DELAY: integer := DEBT/CLKP;
    signal count:   integer := 0;
    signal b_enab:  std_logic := '0';  -- RENAMED, WAS btn_tmp

    signal btnd0:   std_logic;      -- ADDED for clock domain crossing
    signal btnd1:   std_logic;      -- DITTO


    process (clk)
        if rising_edge(clk) then
            btnd0 <= btn;
            btnd1 <= btnd0;
        end if;
    end process;

    process (clk)
        if rising_edge(clk) then
        --     if btn /= btn_tmp then           -- REWRITTEN
        --         btn_tmp <= btn;
        --         count <= 0;
        --     elsif count = DELAY then
        --         btn_clr <= btn_tmp;
        --     else
        --         count <= count + 1;
        --     end if;
            btn_clr <= '0';       -- btn_clr for only one clock, used as enable
            if  btnd1 = '0' then  -- test for btn inactive state
                count <= 0;
            elsif count < DELAY then  -- while btn remains in active state
                count <= count + 1;
            end if;
            if count = DELAY - 1 then  -- why btn_clr '1' or 1 clock
                btn_clr <= '1';
            end if;
        end if;
    end process;
end architecture behavioural;

防抖器已被修改为获取时钟域按钮值,该值用于重置和启用计数器count。输出btn_clrname 保持不变,并且仅对一个时钟有效,并且可以用作使能。

CLKP and DEBT一起使用可以在传递相同的仿真时间的同时实现更快的仿真执行。


对 Button_counter 的修改传递通用常量CLKP and DEBT给去抖动器:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity button_counter is
    generic (
        CLKP:   time := 10 ns;   -- GENERIC CONSTANTS for faster simulation
        DEBT:   time := 6.5 ms   -- supports diffeent switches/buttons
    port (
        clk:    in  std_logic;
        btnU:   in  std_logic;
        btnD:   in  std_logic;
        led:    out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0)
end entity button_counter;

architecture behavioral of button_counter is
    component debouncer is
        generic (
            CLKP:   time := 10 ns;
            DEBT:   time := 6.5 ms
        port (
            clk:        in  std_logic;
            btn:        in  std_logic;
            btn_clr:    out std_logic
    end component;

    signal btnU_clr:  std_logic;
    signal btnD_clr:  std_logic;

        generic map (
            CLKP => CLKP,
            DEBT => DEBT
        port map (
            clk => clk,
            btn => btnU,
            btn_clr => btnU_clr
    generic map (
        CLKP => CLKP,
        DEBT => DEBT
        port map (
            clk => clk,
            btn => btnD,
            btn_clr => btnD_clr

    process (clk)
        variable count:  integer := 0;
        if rising_edge(clk) then
            if btnU_clr = '1' then 
                count := count + 1;
            elsif btnD_clr = '1'then
                count := count - 1;
            end if;
            led <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(count, led'length));
        end if;
    end process;

end architecture behavioral;

And when simulated we now see the LEDs count up and down: button_counter_tb


zoom in

通过设计层次结构传递时钟周期和去抖间隔的修改并不是严格必要的。它们有助于模拟,此处用于设计验证。 (测试台中显示的刺激并未彻底验证设计)。

通过使用通用默认值(使用 100MHz 时钟),设计在目标平台中实现时很有可能发挥作用。 (在去抖器中选择按钮输入的活动极性以支持原始实现。如果您怀疑按钮在获得增量或减量时弹跳,则可以增加 DEBT 值。)

如果特定的综合工具无法处理类型的值time作为通用常量传递,您可以转换各种声明CLKP and DEBT输入integer或者直接传递最大计数。


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  • CSS :focus 在 iOS 中不起作用

    我有一个盒子 里面有一张图片 在悬停 聚焦时 我希望颜色叠加和标题淡入其上 除了 iOS 设备外 它几乎可以在所有浏览器和设备上完美运行 我同时使用 hover 和 focus 伪类来适应各种设备 但它似乎对 iOS 没有帮助 当您将鼠标悬
  • Firebase 消息传递主题超出配额

    我在尝试发送推送时收到错误 超出主题配额 我认为 Firebase 云消息传递没有限制 我做错了什么 据我所知 没有任何限制 一次可以达到1000 但如果你已经结束了 那么火力点将需要更多时间才能发送给每个人 即使你使用自己的服务器发送推送
  • Android Studio 的 git commit 没有看到我修改的文件

    我更熟悉在命令行 尤其是 MacOS 上使用 git 但是 我有时会尝试使用 Android Studio VCS 提交 因为它有时使用起来稍快一些 我今天遇到的奇怪问题是Android的Studio git commit 看不到我的4个修
  • 如何在 javascript/es6 中导入两个同名的类?

    我的文件中有这两个导入语句 import Data from component Data js import Data from actions Data js 这两个文件都包含一个名为Data 我如何指定哪个是哪个 如何避免名字冲突 想
  • 3D 最小二乘平面

    给定一组 3D 数据点 计算 x y z 空间中的最小二乘平面的算法是什么 换句话说 如果我有一堆点 例如 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 等 那么如何计算最佳拟合平面 f x y ax by c 从一组 3D 点中获取 a b 和 c
  • VHDL:按钮去抖动(或不去抖动,视情况而定)

    我已阅读其他帖子 但似乎无法修复我的 我是 VHDL 新手 所以我确信这是一个简单的修复 简而言之 按钮没有防抖 代码编译和比特流程序 在测试台中 按下按钮可以工作 但输出 LED 不会改变 在板上 按下按钮会使随机 LED 亮起 我猜是因