

我在 Android 上开发了一个小部件,它显示许多有用的信息。

我正在尝试修改此方法以返回一个 cpu 核心的使用百分比,以便获得每个核心的使用百分比!

在我的 HTC One X 上,我在“ /proc/stat ”中有:

cpu  183549 10728 236016 3754379 7530 41 1013 0 0 0
cpu0 141962 5990 196956 720894 3333 41 970 0 0 0
cpu1 23400 2550 23158 980901 2211 0 23 0 0 0
cpu2 13602 1637 12561 1019126 1216 0 18 0 0 0
cpu3 4585 551 3341 1033458 770 0 2 0 0 0

我使用此方法返回所有 cpu 核心的使用百分比。

public float readUsage() {
    try {

        RandomAccessFile reader = new RandomAccessFile("/proc/stat", "r");
        String load = reader.readLine();

        String[] toks = load.split(" ");

        long idle1 = Long.parseLong(toks[5]);
        long cpu1 = Long.parseLong(toks[2]) + Long.parseLong(toks[3]) + Long.parseLong(toks[4])
              + Long.parseLong(toks[6]) + Long.parseLong(toks[7]) + Long.parseLong(toks[8]);

        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {}

        load = reader.readLine();

        toks = load.split(" ");

        long idle2 = Long.parseLong(toks[5]);
        long cpu2 = Long.parseLong(toks[2]) + Long.parseLong(toks[3]) + Long.parseLong(toks[4])
            + Long.parseLong(toks[6]) + Long.parseLong(toks[7]) + Long.parseLong(toks[8]);

        return (float)(cpu2 - cpu1) / ((cpu2 + idle2) - (cpu1 + idle1));

    } catch (IOException ex) {

    return 0;

我正在尝试使用 cpu1,但它不起作用:

public float readUsageCPU0() {
    try {

        RandomAccessFile reader = new RandomAccessFile("/proc/stat", "r");
        String load = reader.readLine();
        load = reader.readLine();
        load = reader.readLine();

        String[] toks = load.split(" ");

        long idle1 = Long.parseLong(toks[5]);
        long cpu1 = Long.parseLong(toks[2]) + Long.parseLong(toks[3]) + Long.parseLong(toks[4])
              + Long.parseLong(toks[6]) + Long.parseLong(toks[7]) + Long.parseLong(toks[8]);

        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {}

        load = reader.readLine();
        load = reader.readLine();
        load = reader.readLine();

        toks = load.split(" ");

        long idle2 = Long.parseLong(toks[5]);
        long cpu2 = Long.parseLong(toks[2]) + Long.parseLong(toks[3]) + Long.parseLong(toks[4])
            + Long.parseLong(toks[6]) + Long.parseLong(toks[7]) + Long.parseLong(toks[8]);

        return (float)(cpu2 - cpu1) / ((cpu2 + idle2) - (cpu1 + idle1));

    } catch (IOException ex) {

    return 0;


String load = reader.readLine();

因此,我尝试使用它两次以获得 CPU0 的使用权,第三次尝试使用它来获得 CPU1 的使用权。 但结果总是0或100...我不明白!

我使用的方法正确吗? 我使用的文件正确吗? 这个结果正常吗?

请帮忙 !!!

public class CpuStat {
    private static final String TAG = "CpuUsage";
    private RandomAccessFile statFile;
    private CpuInfo mCpuInfoTotal;
    private ArrayList<CpuInfo> mCpuInfoList;

    public CpuStat() {

    public void update() {
        try {           
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            statFile = null;
            Log.e(TAG, "cannot open /proc/stat: " + e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "cannot close /proc/stat: " + e);

    private void createFile() throws FileNotFoundException {
        statFile = new RandomAccessFile("/proc/stat", "r");

    public void closeFile() throws IOException {
        if (statFile != null)

    private void parseFile() {
        if (statFile != null) {
            try {
                String cpuLine = "";
                int cpuId = -1;
                do { 
                    cpuLine = statFile.readLine();
                    parseCpuLine(cpuId, cpuLine);
                } while (cpuLine != null);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Ops: " + e);

    private void parseCpuLine(int cpuId, String cpuLine) {
        if (cpuLine != null && cpuLine.length() > 0) { 
            String[] parts = cpuLine.split("[ ]+");
            String cpuLabel = "cpu";
            if ( parts[0].indexOf(cpuLabel) != -1) {
                createCpuInfo(cpuId, parts);
        } else {
            Log.e(TAG, "unable to get cpu line");

    private void createCpuInfo(int cpuId, String[] parts) {
        if (cpuId == -1) {                      
            if (mCpuInfoTotal == null)
                mCpuInfoTotal = new CpuInfo();
        } else {
            if (mCpuInfoList == null)
                mCpuInfoList = new ArrayList<CpuInfo>();
            if (cpuId < mCpuInfoList.size())
            else {
                CpuInfo info = new CpuInfo();

    public int getCpuUsage(int cpuId) {
        int usage = 0;
        if (mCpuInfoList != null) {
            int cpuCount = mCpuInfoList.size();
            if (cpuCount > 0) {
                if (cpuId == cpuCount) { // -1 total cpu usage
                    usage = mCpuInfoList.get(0).getUsage(); 
                } else {
                    if (cpuId <= cpuCount)
                        usage = mCpuInfoList.get(cpuId).getUsage();
                        usage = -1;
        return usage;

    public int getTotalCpuUsage() {
        int usage = 0;
        if (mCpuInfoTotal != null)
            usage = mCpuInfoTotal.getUsage();
        return usage;

    public String toString() {
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        if (mCpuInfoTotal != null) {
            buf.append("Cpu Total : ");
        if (mCpuInfoList != null) {
            for (int i=0; i < mCpuInfoList.size(); i++) {
                CpuInfo info = mCpuInfoList.get(i); 
                buf.append(" Cpu Core(" + i + ") : ");
        return buf.toString();

    public class CpuInfo {
        private int  mUsage;            
        private long mLastTotal;
        private long mLastIdle;

        public CpuInfo() {
            mUsage = 0;
            mLastTotal = 0;
            mLastIdle = 0;  

        private int  getUsage() {
            return mUsage;

        public void update(String[] parts) {
            // the columns are:
            //      0 "cpu": the string "cpu" that identifies the line
            //      1 user: normal processes executing in user mode
            //      2 nice: niced processes executing in user mode
            //      3 system: processes executing in kernel mode
            //      4 idle: twiddling thumbs
            //      5 iowait: waiting for I/O to complete
            //      6 irq: servicing interrupts
            //      7 softirq: servicing softirqs
            long idle = Long.parseLong(parts[4], 10);
            long total = 0;
            boolean head = true;
            for (String part : parts) {
                if (head) {
                    head = false;
                total += Long.parseLong(part, 10);
            long diffIdle   =   idle - mLastIdle;
            long diffTotal  =   total - mLastTotal;
            mUsage = (int)((float)(diffTotal - diffIdle) / diffTotal * 100);
            mLastTotal = total;
            mLastIdle = idle;
            Log.i(TAG, "CPU total=" + total + "; idle=" + idle + "; usage=" + mUsage);

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