Spring-Jersey 应用程序的 JerseyTest 中的资源模型验证失败


我有一个带注释的 Spring-Jersey 应用程序。我正在尝试使用以下命令为我的控制器设置单元测试JerseyTest。我在运行测试时遇到以下错误,但我无法弄清楚。我错过了什么?

SEVERE: Following issues have been detected: 
WARNING: No injection source found for a parameter of type public com.example.services.dto.UnitDto com.example.apis.UnitResource.getUnits(com.example.services.dto.PointDto) throws com.example.exceptions.PointOutsideBounds at index 2.

Validation of the application resource model has failed during application initialization.
[[FATAL] No injection source found for a parameter of type public com.example.services.dto.UnitDto com.example.apis.UnitResource.getUnits(com.example.services.dto.PointDto) throws com.example.exceptions.PointOutsideBounds at index 2.; source='ResourceMethod{httpMethod=GET, consumedTypes=[], producedTypes=[application/json], suspended=false, suspendTimeout=0, suspendTimeoutUnit=MILLISECONDS, invocable=Invocable{handler=ClassBasedMethodHandler{handlerClass=class com.example.apis.UnitResource, handlerConstructors=[org.glassfish.jersey.server.model.HandlerConstructor@31a5870e]}, definitionMethod=public com.example.services.dto.UnitDto com.example.apis.UnitResource.getUnits(com.example.services.dto.PointDto) throws com.example.exceptions.PointOutsideBounds, parameters=[Parameter [type=class com.example.services.dto.PointDto, source=contains, defaultValue=null]], responseType=class com.example.services.dto.UnitDto}, nameBindings=[]}']
    at org.glassfish.jersey.server.ApplicationHandler.initialize(ApplicationHandler.java:555)


public class UnitResource {
    private UriInfo uriInfo;
    private Request request;

    private UnitService unitService;

    public UnitResource(@Named("UnitService") UnitService unitService) {
        this.unitService = unitService;

    @Timed(absolute = true, name = "getUnitForPoint")
    public UnitDto getUnits(@QueryParam("contains") @NotNull PointDto point) throws PointOutsideBounds {
        return unitService.getUnitForPoint(point);


public class UnitResourceTest extends JerseyTest {

    private UnitService unitService;

    protected ResourceConfig configure() {
        ResourceConfig rc = new ResourceConfig()
        //      .register(new UnitResource(Mockito.mock(UnitService.class))) -- has the same effect
                .property("contextConfig", new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(ApplicationConfiguration.class));

        forceSet(TestProperties.CONTAINER_PORT, "0");

        return rc;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {

    protected TestContainerFactory getTestContainerFactory() {
        return new InMemoryTestContainerFactory();

    public void testGetUnit() throws PointOutsideBounds {

        Response response = target()
                .queryParam("contains", new Point(0.0,0.0).toJson())

        assertThat(response.getStatus(), is(Response.Status.OK));


public class ApplicationConfiguration {
    public UnitService unitService() {
        return new UnitService();

我的 Gradle 测试配置依赖项是:

dependencies {
    // Using junit-dep package to get junit without hamcrest dependency
    testCompile ('org.glassfish.jersey.test-framework:jersey-test-framework-core:2.22.2')

configurations {
    testCompile.exclude group: 'org.glassfish.jersey.ext', module: 'jersey-spring3'

I found this and this但都没有解决我的问题。


The PointDto参数似乎是问题

public UnitDto getUnits(@QueryParam("contains") @NotNull PointDto point)

查询参数是字符串。 Jersey 能够将该字符串转换为一些基本类型,例如int, boolean, Date等等,但它不知道如何创建PointDto从那个字符串。这并不意味着我们不能使用自定义类型。我们只需要遵循一些规则:

  1. 有一个接受字符串的构造函数。然后我们需要根据该字符串自己构造对象。例如

    public PointDto(String param) {
        Map<String, Object> map = parseJson(param);
        this.field1 = map.get("field1");
        this.field2 = map.get("field2");


  2. 另一种选择是静态fromString(String)或静态valueOf(String)在课堂里。 Jersey 将调用此方法来构造对象。例如你可以在你的PointDto class

    public static PointDto fromString(String param) {
        PointDto dto = parseJson(param);
        return dto;
  3. 你可以有一个ParamConverterProvider。我不会举例,但您可以阅读更多内容这篇好文章关于如何实施它。您还可以看到这个帖子

请注意,此答案中提供的信息位于 javadoc 中@QueryParam.


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