补录:2018 和 2019 New Year‘s Resolution



2018 New Year's Resolution

  One year and a half ago, I felt that life in 2020 would be quite different, which means many things would be outdated. Retrospecting 2017, from my perspective, some things have changed actually, while some ideas are never changing in my mind.

  AlphaGo, known as a shocking AI, has been defeated by AlphaGo Zero. There’s a saying going that when things become complicated on a certain scale, they can be thought as things with mind. So, there’s no exaggeration to find that some people are frightened.

  But after all, they are just ALGORITHMS. We always try our best to maintain information on from sequences to trees, and even on graphs, which means algorithms should always be developed. Meanwhile, the power of computing is another reason, maybe a more important one, contributing to the so-called AI. Maybe I won’t be the latter contributor but the former, but who knows?

  From sequences to trees, and to graphs, that’s what I have been fighting for. However, another idea has come out during this year. I just want to deliver our cultures by not bothering to study Chinese with resentment (not tiredness), but letting the computer do it. Boasting that machines can’t do things that only humans can has no effect; things change in their own way.

  Another saying goes that mathematics is the steps of progress. So what measures should be taken? This still remains solved.

  All in all, returning to pure is the highest object the next 5 years. I just want to prove the fact that ability is normally more important than quality.

  Good quality always goes behind ability, while bad efficiency always goes behind lonely good quality.

2019 New Year's Resolution

  Overwhelmed by feeling of excitement, I, as well as everyone else, step into 2019. I think I do have gone through a whole year for the reason that I remember it well that I was in Changsha at this time (Jan. 1st) last year, pity that it snows today but didn’t when I was there. How young, how simple and how innocent I was! But look back at “My Last Year’s Resolutions”, I just hope I’m keeping myself, though as an adult, a complete adult.

  This year is uncertain for me; I have been blocked for a while. So I can’t predict anymore. From another perspective, it should be like this. How can we hope a narrow-living man to fly above the sky to see the global truth? This is impossible.

  But there are good points as a narrow-living. It’s easier to control what controls you. I think the banner ridiculous that “What you want should be what you live”. It’s definitely wrong as if reading the reversed word “live” (evil). More ridiculous is that the two banners at our side are just for the umbrellas — or we have no place for umbrellas! As there ridiculous things replace my perspectives, I don’t know where to go. There must be one day that I…

  Last year, I said “ability is normally important than quality”, and I made some curse (last paragraph). It proves right today, and I’d replace the word “quality” with “attitude”, a more precise one. The stupid never understand the true meaning behind “Fxxk you! Anyway, it’s me!”

  Only if I can keep my way! Pity that we’re treading deeper in the abyss. Two O one nine, just time to fight. Less rage, less fatigue; less temptation, more resolution.


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