13 Free Windows and Linux VPS Providers 2017


13 Free Windows and Linux VPS Providers 2017

After surfing many days, I finally found some VPS providers that give us vps server with free of charge without having to pay anything. 
1. DeskTone – VMware Horizon Air

13 Free Windows and Linux VPS Providers 2016

VMware Horizon offers 7-day free trial pack for Windows 2008 VPS server packages server specifications that we will get among other things:

CPU Cores 1
2 GB Memory
25 GB Disk Space
Type of OS Windows Server 2008
  1. HP cloud

13 Free Windows and Linux VPS Providers 2016

Hp cloud also provides development trial period for 60 days. with a linux based os we can try it for free.

$ 100 credit
90-Day Free VPS
Windows Linux VPS
  1. Codero.com

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To get a free trial vps from condero.com , you must register and create an account in condero.com. after that you will get 3 months free VPS

Windows Linux VPS
Valid for 3 Months
Type OS Linux and Windows
  1. Zettagrid

zettagrid vps

Zettagrid provides a free 60-day trial vps worth $ 250.00 AUD. you can use it for various purposes in the virtual server. in addition you can also cancel the contract before the trial period runs out.

2 GB Ram
100 GB size
1 TB Bandwidth
1 Month (30 Days)
  1. VPSME

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VPSME offer free server for 1 year that can be upgraded to premium vps whenever you want. in addition you will receive premium assistance after upgrading. while for a free VPS only get help through forums only.

Free storage capacity: 5Gb
Free Ram Capacity: 384 Mb
Applies For 1 year
  1. Atum

atum vps

Atum Vps Provide free vps trial period for 15 days. was nice enough to do some trial and test vps from atum.com. to get a free vps you need to register and fill out the form with ease.

Free Storage Capacity: 50GB
Capacity RAM: 2Gb
Validity period: 15 Days Free VPS
  1. Elastichosts.com

elastichost vps

Each VPS free of elastichosts get 2000-MHz core CPU, 1GB of RAM, 30GB HDD and SSD 5GB. The trial period lasts for 5 days. At the time of the trial period expires, you will not immediately have to pay. and data is your data is still safe on a free vps.

Free Storage Capacity: 20GB
Capacity RAM: 1GB
Validity period: 5 Days
  1. Microsoft Azure

microsoft azure trial

Microsoft issued a server offerings vps free azure with a capacity large enough. you can use it for any purpose. because these servers can install web applications, virtual machines, sql server etc.

Storage capacity: 150GB
RAM capacity: 1.75
The validity period of VPS: 1 Month with a $ 200 credit
You can create more than 4 VPS
  1. Aws Amazon

Amazon AWS Trial

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Free is designed to allow you to gain experience with AWS Cloud Services. Free AWS includes service with a free level available for 12 months after the date you Register AWS, as well as offering additional services that will not automatically expire at the end of 12 months of probation Amazon AWS Free.

AWS Free Storage Capacity: 5GB
Capacity RAM: 613 MB
Burst RAM: 613 MB
Term: 1 Year

Read More:How to Create Amazon Free Vps AWS 
10. Openhosting

openhosting free vps

Openhosting.com Gives period free trial for 5 days as vps premium. You will get a windows server free period expires, will not be charged automatically.

CPU Speed: 4 GHz
Capacity RAM: 4 GB
Storage: 50 GB SSD
Trial period applies: 5 Days
  1. Stratogen

stratogen trial vps

Stratogen is a provider of Vps of 13 Internet providers Windows and Linux VPS 2016 others that provide up to 100% uptime guarantee. besides free vps registration process is very fast. within seconds after completion of registration, you can already use your free vps server without any restrictions.

Unlimited Storage Space
Guarantees 100% Uptime
The validity period of 7 days free trial
  1. Aruba cloud

aruba cloud vps free

Get Voucher worth € 10 to spend on Aruba IaaS platform to get VPS for 60 days and take the opportunity to explore and test the products and services of Aruba Cloud for free.

€ 10 voucher for free
VMware technology quality
The validity period Vps Free 60 Day
  1. RSA web

rsaweb cloud trial

You will be given 7 days vps free by RSAWeb to try the service where there is no necessity to pay after a free contract runs out.

2GB of RAM
50GB Storage
1GB Traffic
Windows or Linux OS
Valid: 7 days

Also Read:Free VPS Trial No Credit Card Required For Up To 30 days 
That’s 13 Internet providers Windows and Linux VPS 2017 have I found. Please try to register one. You’re lucky to get a free VPS. If successful this vps will be very helpful for beginners who want to learn to use vps, vps organize and install applications on vps. May be useful.



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