在 x86-64、skylake 上以可重启序列优化 percpu 2 级位向量


我很好奇如何最好地优化下面的程序集,特别是“跳到此处查看程序集”下的代码块中的部分(以便于 control-f 搜索)。

我正在编写一些代码,HOT HOT HOT 路径基本上是在位向量中查找 0 位并返回该位。


struct 2l_bitvec {
       // outer vector with bits indicating with inner vectors have available slots
       uint64_t v1;

       // inner vector with actual index bits
       uint64_t v2[64];
} 2l_bitvec;





#define LIKELY(X)   __builtin_expect(!!(X), 1)
#define UNLIKELY(X) __builtin_expect((X), 0)
uint64_t __attribute__((noinline))
restarting_l2_set_idx(uint64_t * v1, const uint32_t start_cpu) {
// if ever preempted, migrated, or catch a signal return here
    if (start_cpu != __rseq_abi.cpu_id_start) {
        return 4097;

    uint64_t temp_v1 = *v1;
    while (LIKELY(temp_v1 != (~(0UL)))) {
        const uint32_t idx_v1  = _tzcnt_u64((~temp_v1));
        uint64_t       temp_v2 = v1[idx_v1 + 1];
        if (LIKELY(temp_v2 != (~(0UL)))) {
            const uint32_t idx = _tzcnt_u64(~temp_v2);
            temp_v2 |= ((1UL) << idx);
            v1[idx + 1] = temp_v2;
            return 64 * idx_v1 + idx;
        else {
            temp_v1 |= ((1UL) << idx_v1);
            *v1 = temp_v1;
    return -1;


#define RSEQ_INFO_DEF(alignment)                                               \
    ".pushsection __rseq_cs, \"aw\"\n\t"                                       \
    ".balign " #alignment                                                      \
    "\n\t"                                                                     \
    "3:\n\t"                                                                   \
    ".long 0x0\n"                                                              \
    ".long 0x0\n"                                                              \
    ".quad 1f\n"                                                               \
    ".quad 2f - 1f\n"                                                          \
    ".quad 4f\n"                                                               \

    ".pushsection __rseq_cs, \"aw\"\n\t"    // creation section
    ".balign " #alignment"\n\t"             // alignment at least 32
    "3:\n\t"                                // struct info jump label
                                            // struct is rseq_info
    ".long 0x0\n"                           // version = 0
    ".long 0x0\n"                           // flags = 0
    ".quad 1f\n"                            // start_ip = 1f (label 1, forward)
    ".quad 2f - 1f\n"                       // post_commit_offset = (start_cs
                                               label - end_cs label)
    ".quad 4f\n"                            // abort label = 4f (label 4)
    ".popsection\n\t"                       // end section

#define RSEQ_CS_ARR_DEF()                                                      \
    ".pushsection __rseq_cs_ptr_array, \"aw\"\n\t"                             \
    ".quad 3b\n\t"                                                             \

    ".pushsection __rseq_cs_ptr_array, \"aw\"\n\t"  // create ptr section
    ".quad 3b\n\t"                                  // set ptr to addr of
    ".popsection\n\t"                               // end section

#define RSEQ_PREP_CS_DEF(TEMP_REGISTER)                               \
    "leaq 3b (%%rip), " V_TO_STR(TEMP_REGISTER) "\n\t"                         \
    "movq " V_TO_STR(TEMP_REGISTER) ", %%fs:__rseq_abi@tpoff+8\n\t"          \

    "leaq 3b (%%rip), REGISTER\n\t"     // get set for rseq_info struct
    "movq REGISTER, 8(%[rseq_abi])\n\t" // store in ptr field in __rseq_abi

#define RSEQ_CMP_CUR_VS_START_CPUS()                                           \
    "cmpl %[start_cpu], %%fs:__rseq_abi@tpoff+4\n\t"

    "cmpl %[start_cpu], 4(%[rseq_abi])\n\t" // get cpu in 4(%[rseq_abi]) and
                                               compare to %[start_cpu] which is
                                               passed as param to function

// sometimes this is better to put in the
// same code section as the critical section
#define RSEQ_START_ABORT_DEF()                                                 \
    ".pushsection __rseq_failure, \"ax\"\n\t"                                  \
    ".byte 0x0f, 0xb9, 0x3d\n\t"                                               \
    ".long 0x53053053\n\t"                                                     \
    "4:\n\t"                                                                   \

  ".pushsection __rseq_failure, \"ax\"\n\t" // create failure section
    ".byte 0x0f, 0xb9, 0x3d\n\t"            // Disassembler-friendly signature:
                                               ud1 <sig>(%rip),%edi
    ".long 0x53053053\n\t"                  // invalid operation to avoid code
    "4:\n\t"                                // abort label

#define RSEQ_END_ABORT_DEF() ".popsection\n\t"

    ".popsection\n\t"   // end failure section


Type assembly will look like as follow:
foo(..., uint32_t start_cpu) 

    // maybe some setup stuff (or maybe abort)


    // handle migrated somehow

    <actual critical section here>
    "2:\n\t" (this is end label of critical section)

    // if abort is in another code section
    <logical for abort here>
        // if this is goto generally jmp %l[abort]
        // otherwise some actual logic (usually set return var)
    : <output variables, only if NOT goto asm>
    : <input variables> +
     [ start_cpu ] "g"(start_cpu), // always
    : <clobber registers> +
      "memory", "cc" // minimum clobbers
    #ifdef IS_GOTO_ASM
    : <jump labels OUTSIDE of the asm>

该程序集针对以下事实进行了优化:绝大多数中止是由于抢占而不是迁移,因此通常中止只是跳回检查当前 cpu 并继续(因为比较成功)




#define _FAILURE_MIGRATED 4097

// inlining the function often breaks stuff, so while testing I am skipping that
// aligning to cache line seems to actually affect performance significantly

uint64_t __attribute__((noinline))
    restarting_2l_set_idx(uint64_t * const v1, const uint32_t start_cpu) {
    // return [0 - 4095] -> success (that is the index)
    // return [4097] -> failure the thread migrated
    // return [-1] -> failure the bit vector is full
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wuninitialized"
    // pin for return so compiler doesnt fuck up
    register uint64_t idx asm("rax");

    // some temps I trust the compiler to allocate smartly
    uint64_t * v2;
    uint64_t idx_v1, temp_v1, temp_v2;
#pragma GCC diagnostic push

    // clang-format off
    asm volatile(

        // any register will do

        "mov $" V_TO_STR(_FAILURE_MIGRATED) ", %[idx]\n\t"

        // skip abort first time
        "jmp 1f\n\t"
        ".byte 0x0f, 0xb9, 0x3d\n\t"            // Disassembler-friendly signature: ud1 <sig>(%rip),%edi
        ".long 0x53053053\n\t"                  // invalid operation to avoid code injection 
        "4:\n\t"                                // abort label

        ".byte 0x0f, 0xb9, 0x3d\n\t"
        ".long 0x53053053\n\t"
        "mov $" V_TO_STR(_FAILURE_MIGRATED) ", %[idx]\n\t"
        // start critical section
        // check if migrated        
        // if migrated goto 2:
        "jnz 2f\n\t"

        // if not migrated temp_v = *v
        "movq (%[v1]), %[temp_v1]\n\t"

        // start loop: while(temp_v1 != -1)
        // idx = ~temp_v
        "movq %[temp_v1], %[idx]\n\t"

        // The reason we can't do this cmp after notq %[idx]
        // (and use testq) is because
        // 0 is a valid idx to return whereas -1 is not
        // (also why setting idx before the comparison)

        // if (%[v1]) is full leave. 
        // This branch is VERY unexpected.
        "cmpq $-1, %[idx]\n\t"
        "jz 2f\n\t"
        "notq %[idx]\n\t"
        // idx_v1 = tzcnt(idx) (find first one)
        "tzcntq %[idx], %[idx_v1]\n\t"

        // if registers are tight v2 could be in
        // memory and could use [idx] as a temporary
        // temp_v2 = v[idx_v1 + 1]
        "leaq 8(%[v1],%[idx_v1],8), %[v2]\n\t"
        "movq (%[v2]), %[temp_v2]\n\t"

        // test if temp_v2 is full
        "cmpq $-1, %[temp_v2]\n\t"
        "jz 7f\n\t" // 7f is btsq %[idx_outer], %[temp_v1], jmp 5b
        // idx = ~temp_v2
        "movq %[temp_v2], %[idx]\n\t"
        "notq %[idx]\n\t"
        // could replace the cmpq $-1, %[temp_v2], jz above with
        // testq %[idx], %[idx], jz here

        // idx = tzcnt(idx)
        "tzcntq %[idx], %[idx]\n\t"

        // temp_v2 |= 1 << idx
        "btsq %[idx], %[temp_v2]\n\t"
        "jmp 9f\n\t"

        "btsq %[idx_v1], %[temp_v1]\n\t"
        // this is a completely valid state to be migrated out after
        // (all we have really done is cleaned up v1 vector a bit)
        // because we can be migrated out here we don't check/set if
        // temp_v2 is full as that could lead to invalid state in v1
        "movq %[temp_v1], (%[v1])\n\t"

        // this is } in while loop starting at 5:
        "jmp 5b\n\t"

        // prepare for commit and commit
        // temp_v2 |= 1UL << idx
        "btsq %[idx], %[temp_v2]\n\t"
        // prepare success return
        "salq $6, %[idx_v1]\n\t"
        "addq %[idx_v1], %[idx]\n\t"
        // commit
        "movq %[temp_v2], (%[v2])\n\t"

        // end critical section

#ifndef FAST_ABORT
        // given that the critical section is fairly involved
        // it may be worth it to put this in the same code section
        // as critical section for faster aborts
        "mov $" V_TO_STR(_FAILURE_MIGRATED) ", %[idx]\n\t"
        "jmp 1b\n\t"

        : [ idx] "+r" (idx)
        : [ idx_v1 ] "r" (idx_v1),
          [ temp_v2 ] "r" (temp_v2),
          [ temp_v1 ] "r" (temp_v1),
          [ v2 ] "r" (v2), 
          [ v1 ] "g" (v1),
          [ start_cpu] "g" (start_cpu)
        : "memory", "cc");

    return idx;

在正确之后,我的第一个、第二个和第三个目标是让它变得更快。所有优化都必须考虑到代码可以在任何指令之后跳转到中止(因此为什么从temp_v2 to v2是关键部分的最终指令)。如果中止是由于线程迁移引起的,则该函数无法写入任何数据(否则将出现严重的竞争条件)。

如果您想在用户空间中运行/编译它,您将需要包含linux/rseq.h标头。一个不错的“hello world”设置是here和/或在librseq.

注意:我将其发布在这里而不是在 codereview.SE 上,因为我的主要问题是如何在我的关键部分中进行程序集restarting_l2_set_idx faster.

编辑: @彼得科德斯

建议在这里更换 leaq:

        "leaq 8(%[v1],%[idx_v1],8), %[v2]\n\t"
        "movq (%[v2]), %[temp_v2]\n\t"


        "movq %[v1], %[v2]\n\t"         // v2 = v1
        "salq $3, %[idx_v1]\n\t"        // idx_v1 = 8 * idx_v1
        "addq %[idx_v1], %[v2]\n\t"     // v2 += idx_v1 (index by uint64_t)
        "movq 8(%[v2]), %[temp_v2]\n\t" // temp_v2 = *(v + 8)

自从idx_v1现在它所代表的位位置为 8 x,以下代码也发生了变化:

        // in 7: label
        "btsq %[idx_v1], %[temp_v1]\n\t"


        "sarq $3, %[idx_v1]\n\t"
        "btsq %[idx_v1], %[temp_v1]\n\t"


        // in 9: label
        "salq $6, %[idx_v1]\n\t"


        "salq $3, %[idx_v1]\n\t"


编辑2: @PeterCordes 指出我的编辑很愚蠢:我可以放弃v2暂时的 并使用movq 8(%[v1],%[idx_v1],8), %[temp_v2] to get temp_v2 and movq %[temp_v2], 8(%[v1],%[idx_v1],8)来存储它。抱歉我的第一次编辑很天真:(



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