如何将文件放入 boost::interprocess::managed_shared_memory 中?



注意,我的意思不是boost::interprocess::managed_mapped_file or boost::interprocess::file_mapping.

I chose managed_shared_memory因为其他选项需要固定的文件名 需要指定,但我需要传输具有不同名称的文件。

我需要使用 boost,而不是 Win32 API。

我在网上翻遍了海量的资料,却没有 找到任何合适的东西。




  1. Using managed_shared_memory按照要求
  2. Using message_queue作为一种更自然的上传/传输方法
  3. 使用 TCP 套接字 (Asio) 来演示其灵活性



 struct MyFile {
     std::string _filename;
     std::vector<char> _contents;

并将其存储在那里。但是,等等,不要那么快,因为这些只能安全地存储在进程间分配器,所以添加一些魔法酱(又名很多有趣的 typedef 来声明分配器,以及一些构造函数):

namespace Shared {
    using Mem = bip::managed_shared_memory;
    using Mgr = Mem::segment_manager;

    template <typename T>
    using Alloc = bc::scoped_allocator_adaptor<bip::allocator<T, Mgr>>;

    template <typename T> using Vector = bc::vector<T, Alloc<T>>;
    using String =
        bc::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, Alloc<char>>;

    struct MyFile {
        using allocator_type = Alloc<char>;

        template <typename It>
        explicit MyFile(std::string_view name, It b, It e, allocator_type alloc)

        String _filename;
        Vector<char> _contents;


Shared::Mem shm(bip::open_or_create, "shared_mem", 10ull << 30);

std::ifstream ifs("file_name.txt", std::ios::binary);
std::istreambuf_iterator<char> data_begin{ifs}, data_end{};

auto loaded = shm.find_or_construct<Shared::MyFile>("file1")(
        file.native(), data_begin, data_end,

请注意,共享内存实际上不会立即占用 30GiB,即使 就是这样10ull << 30指定。在大多数操作系统上,这将是 稀疏分配,并且只有包含数据的页面才会被提交。



嗯,我们的想法是not use find_or_construct直接每个文件,但要 存储一个Vector<MyFile这样您就可以利用 BIP 分配器的全部功能。


  • 带有文件名参数,这些参数都将被加载(如果它们存在于 常规文件)
  • 不带参数,它将列出以前加载的文件


#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_mapped_file.hpp> // for COLIRU
#include <boost/interprocess/containers/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/interprocess/containers/string.hpp>
#include <boost/container/scoped_allocator.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <filesystem>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

namespace bip = boost::interprocess;
namespace bc = boost::container;
namespace fs = std::filesystem;

namespace Shared {
#ifdef COLIRU
    using Mem = bip::managed_mapped_file; // managed_shared_memory not allows
    using Mem = bip::managed_shared_memory;
    using Mgr = Mem::segment_manager;

    template <typename T>
    using Alloc = bc::scoped_allocator_adaptor<bip::allocator<T, Mgr>>;

    template <typename T> using Vector = bc::vector<T, Alloc<T>>;
    using String = bc::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, Alloc<char>>;

    struct MyFile {
        using allocator_type = Alloc<char>;

        MyFile(MyFile&&) = default;
        MyFile(MyFile const& rhs, allocator_type alloc)
            : _filename(rhs._filename.begin(), rhs._filename.end(), alloc),
              _contents(rhs._contents.begin(), rhs._contents.end(), alloc) {}

        MyFile& operator=(MyFile const& rhs) {
            _filename.assign(rhs._filename.begin(), rhs._filename.end());
            _contents.assign(rhs._contents.begin(), rhs._contents.end());
            return *this;

        template <typename It>
        explicit MyFile(std::string_view name, It b, It e, allocator_type alloc)
            : _filename(name.data(), name.size(), alloc),
              _contents(b, e, alloc) {}

        String _filename;
        Vector<char> _contents;

        friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, MyFile const& mf) {
            return os << "Name: " << std::quoted(mf._filename.c_str())
                      << " content size: " << mf._contents.size();
} // namespace Shared

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    Shared::Mem shm(bip::open_or_create, "shared_mem", 512ull << 10);

    using FileList = Shared::Vector<Shared::MyFile>;
    auto& shared_files =

    if (1==argc) {
        std::cout << "Displaying previously loaded files: \n";
        for (auto& entry : shared_files)
            std::cout << entry << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "Loading files: \n";
        for (auto file : std::vector<fs::path>{argv + 1, argv + argc}) {
            if (is_regular_file(file)) {
                try {
                    std::ifstream ifs(file, std::ios::binary);
                    std::istreambuf_iterator<char> data_begin{ifs}, data_end{};

                    auto& loaded = shared_files.emplace_back(
                        file.native(), data_begin, data_end);

                    std::cout << loaded << std::endl;
                } catch (std::system_error const& se) {
                    std::cerr << "Error: " << se.code().message() << std::endl;
                } catch (std::exception const& se) {
                    std::cerr << "Other: " << se.what() << std::endl;


g++ -std=c++17 -O2 -Wall -pedantic -pthread main.cpp -lrt -DCOLIRU
./a.out main.cpp a.out


Loading files: 
Name: "main.cpp" content size: 3239
Name: "a.out" content size: 175176
Displaying previously loaded files: 
Name: "main.cpp" content size: 3239
Name: "a.out" content size: 175176






#include <boost/interprocess/ipc/message_queue.hpp>
#include <boost/endian/arithmetic.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <filesystem>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

namespace bip = boost::interprocess;
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
using bip::message_queue;
static constexpr auto MAX_FILENAME_LENGH = 512; // 512 bytes max filename length
static constexpr auto MAX_CONTENT_SIZE = 512ull << 10; // 512 KiB max payload size

struct Message {
    std::vector<char> _buffer;

    using Uint32 = boost::endian::big_uint32_t;
    struct header_t {
        Uint32 filename_length;
        Uint32 content_size;
    static_assert(std::is_standard_layout_v<header_t> and

    Message() = default;

    Message(fs::path file) {
        std::string const name = file.native();
        std::ifstream ifs(file, std::ios::binary);
        std::istreambuf_iterator<char> data_begin{ifs}, data_end{};

        _buffer.resize(header_len + name.length());
        std::copy(begin(name), end(name), _buffer.data() + header_len);
        _buffer.insert(_buffer.end(), data_begin, data_end);
        header().filename_length = name.length();
        header().content_size    = size() - header_len - name.length();

    Message(char const* buf, size_t size) 
        : _buffer(buf, buf+size) {}

    static constexpr auto header_len = sizeof(header_t);
    static constexpr auto max_size =

    char const* data() const { return _buffer.data(); } 
    size_t size() const      { return _buffer.size(); } 

    header_t& header() {
        assert(_buffer.size() >= header_len);
        return *reinterpret_cast<header_t*>(_buffer.data());

    header_t const& header() const {
        assert(_buffer.size() >= header_len);
        return *reinterpret_cast<header_t const*>(_buffer.data());

    std::string_view filename() const { 
        assert(_buffer.size() >= header_len + header().filename_length);
        return { _buffer.data() + header_len, header().filename_length };

    std::string_view contents() const {
        assert(_buffer.size() >=
                header_len + header().filename_length + header().content_size);

        return {_buffer.data() + header_len + header().filename_length,

    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Message const& mf) {
        return os << "Name: " << std::quoted(mf.filename())
                  << " content size: " << mf.contents().size();

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    message_queue mq(bip::open_or_create, "file_transport", 10, Message::max_size);

    if (1==argc) {
        std::cout << "Receiving uploaded files: \n";
        char rawbuf [Message::max_size];
        while (true) {
            size_t n;
            unsigned prio;
            mq.receive(rawbuf, sizeof(rawbuf), n, prio);

            Message decoded(rawbuf, n);
            std::cout << "Received: " << decoded << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "Loading files: \n";
        for (auto file : std::vector<fs::path>{argv + 1, argv + argc}) {
            if (is_regular_file(file)) {
                try {
                    Message encoded(file);
                    std::cout << "Sending: " << encoded << std::endl;

                    mq.send(encoded.data(), encoded.size(), 0);
                } catch (std::system_error const& se) {
                    std::cerr << "Error: " << se.code().message() << std::endl;
                } catch (std::exception const& se) {
                    std::cerr << "Other: " << se.what() << std::endl;

A demo:

enter image description here


TCP 套接字版本

这是一个 TCP 套接字实现。


#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/endian/arithmetic.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <filesystem>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

namespace fs = std::filesystem;
using boost::asio::ip::tcp;
using boost::system::error_code;
static constexpr auto MAX_FILENAME_LENGH = 512; // 512 bytes max filename length
static constexpr auto MAX_CONTENT_SIZE = 512ull << 10; // 512 KiB max payload size

struct Message {
    std::vector<char> _buffer;

    using Uint32 = boost::endian::big_uint32_t;
    struct header_t {
        Uint32 filename_length;
        Uint32 content_size;
    static_assert(std::is_standard_layout_v<header_t> and

    Message() = default;

    Message(fs::path file) {
        std::string const name = file.native();
        std::ifstream ifs(file, std::ios::binary);
        std::istreambuf_iterator<char> data_begin{ifs}, data_end{};

        _buffer.resize(header_len + name.length());
        std::copy(begin(name), end(name), _buffer.data() + header_len);
        _buffer.insert(_buffer.end(), data_begin, data_end);
        header().filename_length = name.length();
        header().content_size    = actual_size() - header_len - name.length();

    Message(char const* buf, size_t size) 
        : _buffer(buf, buf+size) {}

    static constexpr auto header_len = sizeof(header_t);
    static constexpr auto max_size =

    char const* data() const { return _buffer.data(); }
    size_t actual_size() const { return _buffer.size(); }
    size_t decoded_size() const {
        return header().filename_length + header().content_size;
    bool is_complete() const {
        return actual_size() >= header_len && actual_size() >= decoded_size();

    header_t& header() {
        assert(actual_size() >= header_len);
        return *reinterpret_cast<header_t*>(_buffer.data());

    header_t const& header() const {
        assert(actual_size() >= header_len);
        return *reinterpret_cast<header_t const*>(_buffer.data());

    std::string_view filename() const { 
        assert(actual_size() >= header_len + header().filename_length);
        return std::string_view(_buffer.data() + header_len,

    std::string_view contents() const {
        assert(actual_size() >= decoded_size());

        return std::string_view(_buffer.data() + header_len +

    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Message const& mf) {
        return os << "Name: " << std::quoted(mf.filename())
                  << " content size: " << mf.contents().size();

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    boost::asio::io_context ctx;
    u_int16_t port = 8989;

    if (1==argc) {
        std::cout << "Receiving uploaded files: " << std::endl;
        tcp::acceptor acc(ctx, tcp::endpoint{{}, port});

        while (true) {
            auto s = acc.accept();
            std::cout << "Connection accepted from " << s.remote_endpoint() << std::endl;

            Message msg;
            auto buf = boost::asio::dynamic_buffer(msg._buffer);
            error_code ec;
            while (auto n = read(s, buf, ec)) {
                std::cout << "(read " << n << " bytes, " << ec.message() << ")" << std::endl;

                while (msg.is_complete()) {
                    std::cout << "Received: " << msg << std::endl;
                    buf.consume(msg.decoded_size() + Message::header_len);
            std::cout << "Connection closed" << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "Loading files: " << std::endl;
        tcp::socket s(ctx);
        s.connect(tcp::endpoint{{}, port});

        for (auto file : std::vector<fs::path>{argv + 1, argv + argc}) {
            if (is_regular_file(file)) {
                try {
                    Message encoded(file);
                    std::cout << "Sending: " << encoded << std::endl;

                    write(s, boost::asio::buffer(encoded._buffer));
               } catch (std::system_error const& se) {
                    std::cerr << "Error: " << se.code().message() << std::endl;
                } catch (std::exception const& se) {
                    std::cerr << "Other: " << se.what() << std::endl;


enter image description here

请注意,这如何轻松地扩展到更大的文件、单个连接中的多个文件,甚至如果需要,可以同时扩展到多个连接。它还不进行双缓冲,这提高了性能。 这就是为什么这种方法比任何其他方法更常见的原因。


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