Castle Windsor:如何指定运行时值作为参数(例如从静态函数调用返回的值)


我想执行这个CODEcastle xml 配置文件中的等效项。

// Foo(字符串名称)

IFoo f = new Foo(StaticBarClass.Name);


现在对于 XML,除了参数部分内的内容之外,我什么都知道(例如,废话)。


<component id="blah"

您可以使用的一种方法是用您自己的变体替换配置参数检查器,该变体可以引入一些额外的行为 - 这是一个快速原型:

public class ExtendedConfigurationParametersInspector : IContributeComponentModelConstruction
  #region IContributeComponentModelConstruction Members

  public virtual void ProcessModel(IKernel kernel, ComponentModel model)
    if (model.Configuration == null) return;

    IConfiguration parameters = model.Configuration.Children["parameters"];

    if (parameters == null) return;

    foreach (IConfiguration parameter in parameters.Children)
      String name = parameter.Name;
      String value = parameter.Value;

      if (value == null && parameter.Children.Count != 0)
        IConfiguration parameterValue = parameter.Children[0];
        model.Parameters.Add(name, parameterValue);
        if (parameter.Attributes["type"] == "static")
          int lastIndex = parameter.Value.LastIndexOf(".");
          string typeName = parameter.Value.Substring(0, lastIndex);
          string field = parameter.Value.Substring(lastIndex + 1);
          Type ownerType = Type.GetType(typeName);
          FieldInfo valueField = ownerType.GetField(field);
          value = (string) valueField.GetValue(null);

        model.Parameters.Add(name, value);

    foreach (ParameterModel parameter in model.Parameters)
      if (parameter.Value == null || !ReferenceExpressionUtil.IsReference(parameter.Value))

      String newKey = ReferenceExpressionUtil.ExtractComponentKey(parameter.Value);

      model.Dependencies.Add(new DependencyModel(DependencyType.ServiceOverride, newKey, null, false));


public class ExtendedComponentBuilder : DefaultComponentModelBuilder
  public ExtendedComponentBuilder(IKernel kernel) : base(kernel)

  protected override void InitializeContributors()
    AddContributor(new GenericInspector());
    AddContributor(new ConfigurationModelInspector());
    AddContributor(new ExtendedConfigurationParametersInspector());
    AddContributor(new LifestyleModelInspector());
    AddContributor(new ConstructorDependenciesModelInspector());
    AddContributor(new PropertiesDependenciesModelInspector());
    AddContributor(new LifecycleModelInspector());
    AddContributor(new InterceptorInspector());
    AddContributor(new ComponentActivatorInspector());
    AddContributor(new ComponentProxyInspector());

public class ExtendedWindsorContainer : WindsorContainer
  public ExtendedWindsorContainer(IConfigurationInterpreter interpreter)
    : base(CreateKernel(), new Castle.Windsor.Installer.DefaultComponentInstaller())
    if (interpreter == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("interpreter");

    interpreter.ProcessResource(interpreter.Source, Kernel.ConfigurationStore);


  private static IKernel CreateKernel()
    DefaultKernel kernel = new DefaultKernel();
    kernel.ComponentModelBuilder = new ExtendedComponentBuilder(kernel);
    return kernel;


    <component id="test"
        <value type="static">SomeNamespace.SomeClass.TheStaticFieldValue</value>



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