将选项卡名称和 ConqueShell 与 Vim 会话一起保存


有没有办法让 vim 保存选项卡名称(通过分配选项卡名称脚本)和/或终端仿真器(通过设置康克外壳脚本)发出后:mksession [fileName]命令?

观察下面(放大),我在左侧有一个工作会话,并且通过vim -S fileName命令,在右边。分配的选项卡标签恢复为绝对路径,ConqueShell 终端被解释为文件。

Failed Session

在学习了一些基本的 VimScript 后,我​​放弃了,转而使用 Python(举一个例子,如果它是一个列表,则无法将全局信息保存到会话中)。这是我找到的用于保存选项卡名称的解决方案(如果我找到的话,将发布 ConqueShell 的解决方案)


"Tokenize it so it has the following form (without spaces)
"Label1 JJ Label2 JJ Label3 JJ Label4
"Or if you prefer use something other than 'JJ' but DO NOT
"use symbols as they could interfere with the shell command
function RecordTabNames()
   "Start at the first tab with no tab names assigned
   let g:TabNames = ''

   "Iterate over all the tabs and determine whether g:TabNames
   "needs to be updated
   for i in range(1, tabpagenr('$'))
      "If tabnames.vim created the variable 't:tab_name', append it
      "to g:TabNames, otherwise, append nothing, but the delimiter 
      if exists('t:tab_name')
         let g:TabNames = g:TabNames . t:tab_name  . 'JJ'
         let g:TabNames = g:TabNames . 'JJ'

      "iterate to next tab

func! MakeFullSession()
   call RecordTabNames()
   mksession! ~/.vim/sessions/Session.vim
   "Call the Pythin script, passing to it as an argument, all the 
   "tab names. Make sure to put g:TabNames in double quotes, o.w.
   "a tab label with spaces will be passed as two separate arguments
   execute "!mksession.py '" . g:TabNames . "'"

func! LoadFullSession()
   source ~/.vim/sessions/Session.vim

nnoremap <leader>mks :call MakeFullSession()<CR>
nnoremap <leader>lks :call LoadFullSession()<CR>

现在创建以下文本文件并将其放在您的某个位置PATH多变的 (echo $PATH为了得到它,我的在/home/user/bin/mksession.py)并确保使其可执行(chmod 0700 /home/user/bin/mksession.py)

#!/usr/bin/env python

"""This script attempts to fix the Session.vim file by saving the 
   tab names. The tab names must be passed at the command line, 
   delimitted by a unique string (in this case 'JJ'). Also, although
   spaces are handled, symbols such as '!' can lead to problems.
   Steer clear of symbols and file names with 'JJ' in them (Sorry JJ
   Abrams, that's what you get for making the worst TV show in history,
   you jerk)
import sys
import copy

if __name__ == "__main__":
   labels = sys.argv[1].split('JJ')
   labels = labels[:len(labels)-1]

   """read the session file to add commands after tabedit
   " "(replace 'USER' with your username)
   f = open('/home/USER/.vim/sessions/Session.vim', 'r')
   text = f.read()

   """If the text file does not contain the word "tabedit" that means there
   " "are no tabs. Therefore, do not continue
   if text.find('tabedit') >=0:
      text = text.split('\n')

      """Must start at index 1 as the first "tab" is technically not a tab
      " "until the second tab is added
      labelIndex = 1
      newText = ''
      for i, line in enumerate(text):
         newText +=line + '\n'
         """Remember that vim is not very smart with tabs. It does not understand
         " "the concept of a single tab. Therefore, the first "tab" is opened 
         " "as a buffer. In other words, first look for the keyword 'edit', then
         " "subsequently look for 'tabedit'. However, when being sourced, the 
         " "first tab opened is still a buffer, therefore, at the end we will
         " "have to return and take care of the first "tab"
         if line.startswith('tabedit'):
            """If the labelIndex is empty that means it was never set,
            " "therefore, do nothing
            if labels[labelIndex] != '':
               newText += 'TName "%s"\n'%(labels[labelIndex])
            labelIndex += 1

      """Now that the tabbed windowing environment has been established,
      " "we can return to the first "tab" and set its name. This serves 
      " "the double purpose of selecting the first tab (if it has not 
      " "already been selected)
      newText += "tabfirst\n"
      newText += 'TName "%s"\n'%(labels[0])

      #(replace 'USER' with your username)
      f = open('/home/USER/.vim/sessions/Session.vim', 'w')

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