通过 XSSFRichTexString 和 Jsoup 格式化 Apache POI Excel 文本


我正在从数据库获取 html 数据。 下面是示例:

    <li> <strong>Iam Bold </strong> <u><span style="color:Red">Iam Red Colored and   Underlined</span> </u> </li>
    <li> Just a Normal Text </li>
     <li> Iam <b> Bold </b> <i><span style="color:Green"> and italic with colored </span></i> <u> and underlined </u> </li>

现在,我的 Excel 输出中将出现相同的格式。 Excel 输出请参见下图。

enter image description here

我知道通过使用 Jsoup ,您可以解析上面的html,通过使用 XSSFRichTextString ,您可以在 xssfcell 中显示富文本。另外,通过使用项目符号字符,我可以获得项目符号图标。

但我需要输出中的完整文本。 但我不知道如何准确地做到这一点以获得准确的输出。

如何使用 XSSFRichTextString 来做到这一点? 请帮我解决这个问题

正如我在评论中所说,这将是一个棘手的实施。您需要创建一个解析器来解释 html 标记并将其应用为字体。下面的程序可以用作解析器的启动程序。它用jericho用于解析 html 的解析器并且具有有限的字体支持。然而它处理你给定的html(它可能能够以更好的方式实现这一点)。您还可以扩展它以获得额外的字体支持,例如删除线、字体大小等。您可以通过谷歌搜索各种字体实现。希望这可以帮助。

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import net.htmlparser.jericho.Element;
import net.htmlparser.jericho.Source;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFFont;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFPalette;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFColor;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Font;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row;

public class HtmlToExcel {

    private static final int START_TAG = 0;
    private static final int END_TAG = 1;
    private static final char BULLET_CHARACTER = '\u2022';
    private static final String NEW_LINE = System.getProperty("line.separator");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String html = "<ul>"
                + "<li><em><strong>Bold Non-Colored + <span style=\"color: #FF0000\">Bolded and Colored Text</span></strong> </em> + Non font trailing<br/></li>"
                + "<li>No Styling...Just a Text</li>"
                + "<li><u><b>Bolded </b> and <i>Italic </i> and Underlined Text</u></li>"
                + "<li><u>Underline Started and <span style=\"color: #00FF00\">Only Colored Text</span> Underline Ended</u></li>"
                + "</ul>";

        HSSFWorkbook workBook = new HSSFWorkbook();
        HSSFSheet sheet = workBook.createSheet("Html Text");

        Source source = new Source(html);
        int cellNo = 0;
        for (Element ul : source.getAllElements("ul")) {
            List<RichTextDetails> cellValues = new ArrayList<HtmlToExcel.RichTextDetails>();
            for (Element li : ul.getAllElements("li")) {
                cellValues.add(createCellValue(li.toString(), workBook));
            createCell(cellValues, workBook, sheet, cellNo++);

        FileOutputStream out = null;
        try {
            out = new FileOutputStream(new File("C:\\new.xls"));
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } finally {
            if (out != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {

    private static void createCell(List<RichTextDetails> cellValues,
            HSSFWorkbook workBook, HSSFSheet sheet, int cellNo) {
        HSSFRichTextString cellValue = mergeTextDetails(cellValues);
        HSSFCellStyle wrapStyle = workBook.createCellStyle();
        Row row = sheet.createRow(cellNo);
        Cell cell = row.createCell(0);

    private static HSSFRichTextString mergeTextDetails(
            List<RichTextDetails> cellValues) {
        StringBuilder textBuffer = new StringBuilder();
        Map<Integer, HSSFFont> mergedMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, HSSFFont>();
        int currentIndex = 0;
        for(RichTextDetails richTextDetail : cellValues){
            textBuffer.append(BULLET_CHARACTER + " ");
            currentIndex = textBuffer.length();
            for (Entry<Integer, HSSFFont> entry : richTextDetail.getFontMap().entrySet()) {
            mergedMap.put(entry.getKey() + currentIndex, entry.getValue());

        HSSFRichTextString richText = new HSSFRichTextString(textBuffer.toString());
    for (int i = 0; i < textBuffer.length(); i++) {
        HSSFFont currentFont = mergedMap.get(i);
        if (currentFont != null) {
        richText.applyFont(i, i + 1, currentFont);
        return richText;

    private static RichTextDetails createCellValue(String html, HSSFWorkbook workBook) {
        Source source = new Source(html);
        Map<String, TagInfo> tagMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, HtmlToExcel.TagInfo>();
        for (Element e : source.getChildElements()) {
            getInfo(e, tagMap);

        String patternString = "(" + StringUtils.join(tagMap.keySet(), "|") + ")";
        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(patternString);
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(html);

        StringBuffer textBuffer = new StringBuffer();
        List<RichTextInfo> textInfos = new ArrayList<HtmlToExcel.RichTextInfo>();
        Stack<RichTextInfo> richTextBuffer = new Stack<HtmlToExcel.RichTextInfo>();
        while (matcher.find()) {
            matcher.appendReplacement(textBuffer, "");
            TagInfo currentTag = tagMap.get(matcher.group(1));
            if (START_TAG == currentTag.getTagType()) {
                richTextBuffer.push(getRichTextInfo(currentTag, textBuffer.length(), workBook));
            } else {
                if (!richTextBuffer.isEmpty()) {
                    RichTextInfo info = richTextBuffer.pop();
                    if (info != null) {
        Map<Integer, HSSFFont> fontMap = buildFontMap(textInfos, workBook);

        return new RichTextDetails(textBuffer.toString(), fontMap);

    private static Map<Integer, HSSFFont> buildFontMap(
            List<RichTextInfo> textInfos, HSSFWorkbook workBook) {
        Map<Integer, HSSFFont> fontMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, HSSFFont>();

        for (RichTextInfo richTextInfo : textInfos) {
            if (richTextInfo.isValid()) {
                for (int i = richTextInfo.getStartIndex(); i < richTextInfo.getEndIndex(); i++) {
                    fontMap.put(i, mergeFont(fontMap.get(i), richTextInfo.getFontStyle(), richTextInfo.getFontValue(), workBook));

        return fontMap;

    private static HSSFFont mergeFont(HSSFFont font, STYLES fontStyle,
            String fontValue, HSSFWorkbook workBook) {
        if (font == null) {
            font = workBook.createFont();

        switch (fontStyle) {
            case BOLD:
            case EM:
            case STRONG:
            case UNDERLINE:
            case ITALLICS:
            case COLOR:
                if (!isEmpty(fontValue)) {
                    HSSFPalette palette = workBook.getCustomPalette();
                    HSSFColor myColor = palette.findSimilarColor(
                            Integer.valueOf(fontValue.substring(2, 4), 16),
                            Integer.valueOf(fontValue.substring(4, 6), 16),
                            Integer.valueOf(fontValue.substring(6, 8), 16));

        return font;

    private static RichTextInfo getRichTextInfo(TagInfo currentTag,
            int startIndex, HSSFWorkbook workBook) {
        RichTextInfo info = null;
        switch (STYLES.fromValue(currentTag.getTagName())) {
            case SPAN:
                if (!isEmpty(currentTag.getStyle())) {
                    for (String style : currentTag.getStyle().split(";")) {
                        String[] styleDetails = style.split(":");
                        if (styleDetails != null && styleDetails.length > 1) {
                            if ("COLOR".equalsIgnoreCase(styleDetails[0].trim())) {
                                info = new RichTextInfo(startIndex, -1, STYLES.COLOR, styleDetails[1]);
                info = new RichTextInfo(startIndex, -1, STYLES.fromValue(currentTag.getTagName()));
        return info;

    private static boolean isEmpty(String str) {
        return (str == null || str.trim().length() == 0);

    private static void getInfo(Element e, Map<String, HtmlToExcel.TagInfo> tagMap) {
        tagMap.put(e.getStartTag().toString(), new TagInfo(e.getStartTag().getName(), e.getAttributeValue("style"), START_TAG));
        if (e.getChildElements().size() > 0) {
            List<Element> children = e.getChildElements();
            for (Element child : children){
                getInfo(child, tagMap);
        if (e.getEndTag() != null) {
            tagMap.put(e.getEndTag().toString(), new TagInfo(e.getEndTag().getName(), END_TAG));
        } else {
            // Handling self closing tags
            tagMap.put(e.getStartTag().toString(), new TagInfo(e.getStartTag().getName(), END_TAG));

    static class RichTextInfo {
        private int startIndex;
        private int endIndex;
        private STYLES fontStyle;
        private String fontValue;

        public RichTextInfo(int startIndex, int endIndex, STYLES fontStyle) {
            this.startIndex = startIndex;
            this.endIndex = endIndex;
            this.fontStyle = fontStyle;

        public RichTextInfo(int startIndex, int endIndex, STYLES fontStyle,
                String fontValue) {
            this.startIndex = startIndex;
            this.endIndex = endIndex;
            this.fontStyle = fontStyle;
            this.fontValue = fontValue;

        public int getStartIndex() {
            return startIndex;

        public void setStartIndex(int startIndex) {
            this.startIndex = startIndex;

        public int getEndIndex() {
            return endIndex;

        public void setEndIndex(int endIndex) {
            this.endIndex = endIndex;

        public STYLES getFontStyle() {
            return fontStyle;

        public void setFontStyle(STYLES fontStyle) {
            this.fontStyle = fontStyle;

        public String getFontValue() {
            return fontValue;

        public void setFontValue(String fontValue) {
            this.fontValue = fontValue;

        public boolean isValid() {
            return (startIndex != -1 && endIndex != -1 && endIndex >= startIndex);

        public String toString() {
            return "RichTextInfo [startIndex=" + startIndex + ", endIndex="
                    + endIndex + ", fontStyle=" + fontStyle + ", fontValue="
                    + fontValue + "]";

    static class RichTextDetails {
        private String richText;
        private Map<Integer, HSSFFont> fontMap;

        public RichTextDetails(String richText,
                Map<Integer, HSSFFont> fontMap) {
            this.richText = richText;
            this.fontMap = fontMap;

        public String getRichText() {
            return richText;
        public void setRichText(String richText) {
            this.richText = richText;
        public Map<Integer, HSSFFont> getFontMap() {
            return fontMap;
        public void setFontMap(Map<Integer, HSSFFont> fontMap) {
            this.fontMap = fontMap;

    static class TagInfo {
        private String tagName;
        private String style;
        private int tagType;

        public TagInfo(String tagName, String style, int tagType) {
            this.tagName = tagName;
            this.style = style;
            this.tagType = tagType;

        public TagInfo(String tagName, int tagType) {
            this.tagName = tagName;
            this.tagType = tagType;

        public String getTagName() {
            return tagName;

        public void setTagName(String tagName) {
            this.tagName = tagName;

        public int getTagType() {
            return tagType;

        public void setTagType(int tagType) {
            this.tagType = tagType;

        public String getStyle() {
            return style;

        public void setStyle(String style) {
            this.style = style;

        public String toString() {
            return "TagInfo [tagName=" + tagName + ", style=" + style
                    + ", tagType=" + tagType + "]";

    enum STYLES {

        private String type;

        private STYLES(String type) {
            this.type = type;

        public String getType() {
            return type;

        public static STYLES fromValue(String type) {
            for (STYLES style : values()) {
                if (style.type.equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
                    return style;
            return UNKNOWN;

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    新的对象休息 传播语法有一些令人惊讶的好应用 例如从对象中省略字段 是否有一种 建议的 方法也可以将同名变量的值分配给对象的多个属性 换句话说 更简短的说法是 o foo foo o bar bar o baz baz 注 在不丢失现有属性
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    I had installed Android Studio 1 0 RC 2 I have 4GB of RAM installed but after starting Android Studio and launching Andr
  • 使用 Fragments 进行 Facebook 共享

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  • 我们如何向 Flutter 小部件添加选择器/id,以便可以从 Appium 访问它们

    我们想使用 Appium Selenium 对 Flutter 应用程序进行自动化测试 在 Selenium 中查看时 某些元素没有选择器 在 Android 中 我们只需将 id 添加到每个元素上 它们就会出现在 Appium 中 我们如
  • 远程登录 Facebook 帐户

    出于我的项目目的 我需要远程登录我的 Facebook 帐户并从那里检索一些信息 为了登录目的 我使用 PHP 的 cURL 库 执行代码时 Facebook 页面要求我在浏览器上启用我已经启用的 cookie 代码有问题吗 有人可以帮助我
  • 通过 XSSFRichTexString 和 Jsoup 格式化 Apache POI Excel 文本

    我正在从数据库获取 html 数据 下面是示例 ul li strong Iam Bold strong u span style color Red Iam Red Colored and Underlined span u li li