使用 VBA 从 Excel 2010 查找并替换 Powerpoint 2010 中的文本


我成功地在 powerpoint odule 中使用了这段代码,但是当我将其移动到我的 excel 模块中时,它给我带来了几个问题。我在 Excel 的第 1 页上嵌入了 Powerpoint 应用程序。目标是从 Excel 生成 Powerpoint,并在 Powerpoint 幻灯片上出现时用 Excel 范围中的新公司名称替换​​公司名称。 我收到错误 429 ActiveX 组件无法在“对于 ActivePresentation.Slides 中的每个 osld”创建对象。我的 Powerpoint 演示文稿未激活吗?任何帮助将不胜感激。使用 excel/Powerpoint 2010。

Sub changeme(sFindMe As String, sSwapme As String) 
Dim osld As Slide 
Dim oshp As Shape 
Dim otemp As TextRange 
Dim otext As TextRange 
Dim Inewstart As Integer 

For Each osld In ActivePresentation.Slides 
For Each oshp In osld.Shapes 
    If oshp.HasTextFrame Then 
        If oshp.TextFrame.HasText Then 

            Set otext = oshp.TextFrame.TextRange 
            Set otemp = otext.Replace(sFindMe, sSwapme, , msoFalse, msoFalse) 
            Do While Not otemp Is Nothing 
                Inewstart = otemp.Start + otemp.Length 
                Set otemp = otext.Replace(sFindMe, sSwapme, Inewstart, msoFalse, msoFalse) 

        End If 
    End If 

Next oshp 
Next osld 
End Sub 
Sub swap() 
Dim sFindMe As String 
Dim sSwapme As String 
Dim ppApp As PowerPoint.Application 
Dim ppPreso As PowerPoint.Presentation 

 'Start Powerpoint

 'Look for existing instance
On Error Resume Next 
Set ppApp = GetObject(, "PowerPoint.Application") 
On Error Goto 0 

 'Create new instance if no instance exists
Set ppApp = CreateObject("Powerpoint.Application") 

 'Open Template in word
With Sheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Object 1").OLEFormat.Verb(Verb:=xlVerbOpen) 
End With 
 'Make it visible
ppApp.Visible = True 

sFindMe = "Name To Find" 
 'change this to suit
sSwapme = "New Name" 
Call changeme(sFindMe, sSwapme) 
 'sFindMe = "<find2>"
 'sSwapme = ActivePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange
 'Call changeme(sFindMe, sSwapme)
End Sub 

ActivePresentation是一个Powerpoint对象。这对 Excel 来说没有任何意义。当您打开演示文稿时,您必须设置与它的连接,以便 Excel 与其关联。我建议使用下面的代码。此外,我还使用了“后期绑定”,因此您无需从 Excel 添加对 MS Powerpoint 的任何引用。


  • 将嵌入的 PPT 保存到临时文件夹
  • 在 Excel 中打开文件,然后进行更改


Private Declare Function GetTempPath Lib "kernel32" _
Alias "GetTempPathA" (ByVal nBufferLength As Long, _
ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long

Dim ppApp As Object, ppPreso As Object, ppPresTemp As Object

Sub swap()
    Dim sFindMe As String, sSwapme As String, FlName As String
    Dim objOLE As OLEObject
    Dim sh As Shape

    '~~> Decide on a temporary file name which will be saved in the
    '~~> users temporary folder. You might want to change the extention 
    '~~> from pptx to ppt if you are using earlier versions of MS Office
    FlName = GetTempDirectory & "\Temp.pptx"

    Set sh = Sheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Object 1")


    Set objOLE = sh.OLEFormat.Object

    Set ppPresTemp = objOLE.Object

    '~~> Save the file to the relevant temp folder
    ppPresTemp.SaveAs Filename:=FlName

    '~~> Close the temp presentation that opened

    '~~> Establish an Powerpoint application object
    On Error Resume Next
    Set ppApp = GetObject(, "PowerPoint.Application")

    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        Set ppApp = CreateObject("PowerPoint.Application")
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0

    ppApp.Visible = True

    Set ppPreso = ppApp.Presentations.Open(Filename:=FlName)

    sFindMe = "Name To Find"
    sSwapme = "New Name"

    changeme sFindMe, sSwapme

    '~~> In the end Clean Up (Delete the temp file saved in the temp directory)
    'Kill FlName
End Sub

Sub changeme(sFindMe As String, sSwapme As String)
    Dim osld As Object, oshp As Object
    Dim otemp As TextRange, otext As TextRange
    Dim Inewstart As Integer

    For Each osld In ppPreso.Slides
        For Each oshp In osld.Shapes
            If oshp.HasTextFrame Then
                If oshp.TextFrame.HasText Then
                    Set otext = oshp.TextFrame.TextRange

                    Set otemp = otext.Replace(sFindMe, sSwapme, , _
                    msoFalse, msoFalse)

                    Do While Not otemp Is Nothing
                        Inewstart = otemp.Start + otemp.Length
                        Set otemp = otext.Replace(sFindMe, sSwapme, _
                        Inewstart, msoFalse, msoFalse)
                End If
            End If
        Next oshp
    Next osld
End Sub

'~~> Function to get the user's temp directory
Function GetTempDirectory() As String
   Dim buffer As String
   Dim bufferLen As Long
   buffer = Space$(256)
   bufferLen = GetTempPath(Len(buffer), buffer)
   If bufferLen > 0 And bufferLen < 256 Then
      buffer = Left$(buffer, bufferLen)
   End If
   If InStr(buffer, Chr$(0)) <> 0 Then
      GetTempDirectory = Left$(buffer, InStr(buffer, Chr$(0)) - 1)
      GetTempDirectory = buffer
   End If
End Function

希望这可以帮助 :)



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