Android 相机库CameraView源码解析 (四) : 带滤镜拍照


1. 前言

这段时间,在使用 natario1/CameraView 来实现带滤镜的 预览 拍照 录像 功能。
由于 CameraView 封装的比较到位,在项目前期,的确为我们节省了不少时间。
但随着项目持续深入,对于 CameraView 的使用进入深水区,逐渐出现满足不了我们需求的情况。
Github 中的 issues 中,有些 BUG 作者一直没有修复。

那要怎么办呢 ? 项目迫切地需要实现相关功能,只能自己硬着头皮去看它的源码,去解决这些问题。
而这篇文章是其中关于 CameraView 怎么带滤镜拍照的源码解析。

以下源码解析基于 CameraView 2.7.2




2. takePictureSnapshot

带滤镜拍照的入口是 CameraView.takePictureSnapshot()


这部分的代码调用和普通拍照的链路一样,具体详见之前的文章 : Android 相机库CameraView源码解析 (二) : 拍照 ,顺着链路会调用到 Camera2Engine.onTakePictureSnapshot() 中的 mPictureRecorder.take() ,这里的 mPictureRecorder 的类型是 PictureRecorder 抽象类

public abstract class PictureRecorder {
    public PictureRecorder(@NonNull PictureResult.Stub stub,
                           @Nullable PictureResultListener listener) {
        mResult = stub;
        mListener = listener;
    public abstract void take();

    public interface PictureResultListener {

        void onPictureShutter(boolean didPlaySound);

        void onPictureResult(@Nullable PictureResult.Stub result, Exception error);

普通拍照 mPictureRecorder 的实现类是 Snapshot2PictureRecorder ,而带滤镜拍照的实现类是 SnapshotGlPictureRecorder
SnapshotGlPictureRecorder.take() 方法内部最终会调用到 SnapshotGlPictureRecorder.takeFrame()

protected void onRendererFrame(final SurfaceTexture surfaceTexture,final int rotation,
                             final float scaleX,final float scaleY) {
    final EGLContext eglContext = EGL14.eglGetCurrentContext();
    takeFrame(surfaceTexture, rotation, scaleX, scaleY, eglContext);

takeFrame() 方法就是带滤镜拍照的核心实现了,接下来我们来看这部分代码。

2. 创建EGL窗口

首先,会创建 EGL 窗口,这里创建了一个假的,前台不可见的一个 EGL 窗口,专门用来保存图片

// 0. EGL window will need an output.
// We create a fake one as explained in javadocs.
final int fakeOutputTextureId = 9999;
SurfaceTexture fakeOutputSurface = new SurfaceTexture(fakeOutputTextureId);
fakeOutputSurface.setDefaultBufferSize(mResult.size.getWidth(), mResult.size.getHeight());

3. 创建EGL Surface

接着,来创建 EglSurface

// 1. Create an EGL surface
final EglCore core = new EglCore(eglContext, EglCore.FLAG_RECORDABLE);
final EglSurface eglSurface = new EglWindowSurface(core, fakeOutputSurface);

3.1 EglSurface

其中,这个 com.otaliastudios.opengl.EglSurface 是作者自己创建的,继承自 EglNativeSurface ,其内部调用了 EglCore ,这个 EglCore 是什么呢 ? 我们接着往下看

public open class EglNativeSurface internal constructor(
        internal var eglCore: EglCore,
        internal var eglSurface: EglSurface) {

    private var width = -1
    private var height = -1

     * Can be called by subclasses whose width is guaranteed to never change,
     * so we can cache this value. For window surfaces, this should not be called.
    protected fun setWidth(width: Int) {
        this.width = width

     * Can be called by subclasses whose height is guaranteed to never change,
     * so we can cache this value. For window surfaces, this should not be called.
    protected fun setHeight(height: Int) {
        this.height = height

     * Returns the surface's width, in pixels.
     * If this is called on a window surface, and the underlying surface is in the process
     * of changing size, we may not see the new size right away (e.g. in the "surfaceChanged"
     * callback).  The size should match after the next buffer swap.
    public fun getWidth(): Int {
        return if (width < 0) {
            eglCore.querySurface(eglSurface, EGL_WIDTH)
        } else {

     * Returns the surface's height, in pixels.
    public fun getHeight(): Int {
        return if (height < 0) {
            eglCore.querySurface(eglSurface, EGL_HEIGHT)
        } else {

     * Release the EGL surface.
    public open fun release() {
        eglSurface = EGL_NO_SURFACE
        height = -1
        width = -1

     * Whether this surface is current on the
     * attached [EglCore].
    public fun isCurrent(): Boolean {
        return eglCore.isSurfaceCurrent(eglSurface)

     * Makes our EGL context and surface current.
    public fun makeCurrent() {

     * Makes no surface current for the attached [eglCore].
    public fun makeNothingCurrent() {

     * Sends the presentation time stamp to EGL.
     * [nsecs] is the timestamp in nanoseconds.
    public fun setPresentationTime(nsecs: Long) {
        eglCore.setSurfacePresentationTime(eglSurface, nsecs)

3.2 EglCore

可以看到 EglNativeSurface 内部其实基本上就是调用的 EglCore EglCore 内部封装了 EGL 相关的方法。
这里的具体实现我们不需要细看,只需要知道 EglSurface 是作者自己实现的一个 Surface 就可以了,内部封装了 EGL ,可以实现和 GlSurfaceView 类似的一些功能,在这里使用的 EglSurface 是专门给拍照准备的。

这样做的好处在于拍照的时候,预览界面( GLSurfaceView )不会出现卡顿的现象,但是坏处也显而易见,就是可能会出现预览效果和拍照的实际效果不一致的情况。

OpenGL 是一个跨平台的操作 GPU API OpenGL 需要本地视窗系统进行交互,就需要一个中间控制层。
EGL 就是连接 OpenGL ES 和本地窗口系统的接口,引入 EGL 就是为了屏蔽不同平台上的区别。

public expect class EglCore : EglNativeCore

public open class EglNativeCore internal constructor(sharedContext: EglContext = EGL_NO_CONTEXT, flags: Int = 0) {

    private var eglDisplay: EglDisplay = EGL_NO_DISPLAY
    private var eglContext: EglContext = EGL_NO_CONTEXT
    private var eglConfig: EglConfig? = null
    private var glVersion = -1 // 2 or 3

    init {
        eglDisplay = eglGetDefaultDisplay()
        if (eglDisplay === EGL_NO_DISPLAY) {
            throw RuntimeException("unable to get EGL14 display")

        if (!eglInitialize(eglDisplay, IntArray(1), IntArray(1))) {
            throw RuntimeException("unable to initialize EGL14")

        // Try to get a GLES3 context, if requested.
        val chooser = EglNativeConfigChooser()
        val recordable = flags and FLAG_RECORDABLE != 0
        val tryGles3 = flags and FLAG_TRY_GLES3 != 0
        if (tryGles3) {
            val config = chooser.getConfig(eglDisplay, 3, recordable)
            if (config != null) {
                val attributes = intArrayOf(EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION, 3, EGL_NONE)
                val context = eglCreateContext(eglDisplay, config, sharedContext, attributes)
                try {
                    Egloo.checkEglError("eglCreateContext (3)")
                    eglConfig = config
                    eglContext = context
                    glVersion = 3
                } catch (e: Exception) {
                    // Swallow, will try GLES2

        // If GLES3 failed, go with GLES2.
        val tryGles2 = eglContext === EGL_NO_CONTEXT
        if (tryGles2) {
            val config = chooser.getConfig(eglDisplay, 2, recordable)
            if (config != null) {
                val attributes = intArrayOf(EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION, 2, EGL_NONE)
                val context = eglCreateContext(eglDisplay, config, sharedContext, attributes)
                Egloo.checkEglError("eglCreateContext (2)")
                eglConfig = config
                eglContext = context
                glVersion = 2
            } else {
                throw RuntimeException("Unable to find a suitable EGLConfig")

     * Discards all resources held by this class, notably the EGL context.  This must be
     * called from the thread where the context was created.
     * On completion, no context will be current.
    internal open fun release() {
        if (eglDisplay !== EGL_NO_DISPLAY) {
            // Android is unusual in that it uses a reference-counted EGLDisplay.  So for
            // every eglInitialize() we need an eglTerminate().
            eglMakeCurrent(eglDisplay, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT)
            eglDestroyContext(eglDisplay, eglContext)
        eglDisplay = EGL_NO_DISPLAY
        eglContext = EGL_NO_CONTEXT
        eglConfig = null

     * Makes this context current, with no read / write surfaces.
    internal open fun makeCurrent() {
        if (!eglMakeCurrent(eglDisplay, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, eglContext)) {
            throw RuntimeException("eglMakeCurrent failed")

     * Destroys the specified surface.  Note the EGLSurface won't actually be destroyed if it's
     * still current in a context.
    internal fun releaseSurface(eglSurface: EglSurface) {
        eglDestroySurface(eglDisplay, eglSurface)

     * Creates an EGL surface associated with a Surface.
     * If this is destined for MediaCodec, the EGLConfig should have the "recordable" attribute.
    internal fun createWindowSurface(surface: Any): EglSurface {
        // Create a window surface, and attach it to the Surface we received.
        val surfaceAttribs = intArrayOf(EGL_NONE)
        val eglSurface = eglCreateWindowSurface(eglDisplay, eglConfig!!, surface, surfaceAttribs)
        if (eglSurface === EGL_NO_SURFACE) throw RuntimeException("surface was null")
        return eglSurface

     * Creates an EGL surface associated with an offscreen buffer.
    internal fun createOffscreenSurface(width: Int, height: Int): EglSurface {
        val surfaceAttribs = intArrayOf(EGL_WIDTH, width, EGL_HEIGHT, height, EGL_NONE)
        val eglSurface = eglCreatePbufferSurface(eglDisplay, eglConfig!!, surfaceAttribs)
        if (eglSurface === EGL_NO_SURFACE) throw RuntimeException("surface was null")
        return eglSurface

     * Makes our EGL context current, using the supplied surface for both "draw" and "read".
    internal fun makeSurfaceCurrent(eglSurface: EglSurface) {
        if (eglDisplay === EGL_NO_DISPLAY) logv("EglCore", "NOTE: makeSurfaceCurrent w/o display")
        if (!eglMakeCurrent(eglDisplay, eglSurface, eglSurface, eglContext)) {
            throw RuntimeException("eglMakeCurrent failed")

     * Makes our EGL context current, using the supplied "draw" and "read" surfaces.
    internal fun makeSurfaceCurrent(drawSurface: EglSurface, readSurface: EglSurface) {
        if (eglDisplay === EGL_NO_DISPLAY) logv("EglCore", "NOTE: makeSurfaceCurrent w/o display")
        if (!eglMakeCurrent(eglDisplay, drawSurface, readSurface, eglContext)) {
            throw RuntimeException("eglMakeCurrent(draw,read) failed")

     * Calls eglSwapBuffers. Use this to "publish" the current frame.
     * @return false on failure
    internal fun swapSurfaceBuffers(eglSurface: EglSurface): Boolean {
        return eglSwapBuffers(eglDisplay, eglSurface)

     * Sends the presentation time stamp to EGL.  Time is expressed in nanoseconds.
    internal fun setSurfacePresentationTime(eglSurface: EglSurface, nsecs: Long) {
        eglPresentationTime(eglDisplay, eglSurface, nsecs)

     * Returns true if our context and the specified surface are current.
    internal fun isSurfaceCurrent(eglSurface: EglSurface): Boolean {
        return eglContext == eglGetCurrentContext()
                && eglSurface == eglGetCurrentSurface(EGL_DRAW)

     * Performs a simple surface query.
    internal fun querySurface(eglSurface: EglSurface, what: Int): Int {
        val value = IntArray(1)
        eglQuerySurface(eglDisplay, eglSurface, what, value)
        return value[0]

    public companion object {
         * Constructor flag: surface must be recordable.  This discourages EGL from using a
         * pixel format that cannot be converted efficiently to something usable by the video
         * encoder.
        internal const val FLAG_RECORDABLE = 0x01

         * Constructor flag: ask for GLES3, fall back to GLES2 if not available.  Without this
         * flag, GLES2 is used.
        internal const val FLAG_TRY_GLES3 = 0x02

4. 修改transform

这里的 mTextureDrawer GlTextureDrawer GlTextureDrawer 是一个绘制的管理类,无论是 GlCameraPreview (预览)还是 SnapshotGlPictureRecorder (带滤镜拍照),都是调用 GlTextureDrawer.draw() 来渲染 openGL 的。

public class GlTextureDrawer {

    private final GlTexture mTexture;
    private float[] mTextureTransform = Egloo.IDENTITY_MATRIX.clone();

    public void draw(final long timestampUs) {
        if (mProgramHandle == -1) {
            mProgramHandle = GlProgram.create(

        mFilter.draw(timestampUs, mTextureTransform);

    public void release() {
        if (mProgramHandle == -1) return;
        mProgramHandle = -1;

transform ,也就是 mTextureTransform ,会传到 Filter.draw() 中,最终会改变 OpenGL 绘制的坐标矩阵,也就是 GLSL 中的 uMVPMatrix 变量。
而这边就是修改 transform 的值,从而对图像进行镜像、旋转等操作。

final float[] transform = mTextureDrawer.getTextureTransform();

// 2. Apply preview transformations
float scaleTranslX = (1F - scaleX) / 2F;
float scaleTranslY = (1F - scaleY) / 2F;
Matrix.translateM(transform, 0, scaleTranslX, scaleTranslY, 0);
Matrix.scaleM(transform, 0, scaleX, scaleY, 1);

// 3. Apply rotation and flip
 // If this doesn't work, rotate "rotation" before scaling, like GlCameraPreview does.
 Matrix.translateM(transform, 0, 0.5F, 0.5F, 0); // Go back to 0,0
 Matrix.rotateM(transform, 0, rotation + mResult.rotation, 0, 0, 1); // Rotate to OUTPUT
 Matrix.scaleM(transform, 0, 1, -1, 1); // Vertical flip because we'll use glReadPixels
 Matrix.translateM(transform, 0, -0.5F, -0.5F, 0); // Go back to old position

5. 绘制Overlay


// 4. Do pretty much the same for overlays
if (mHasOverlay) {
    // 1. First we must draw on the texture and get latest image

    // 2. Then we can apply the transformations
    Matrix.translateM(mOverlayDrawer.getTransform(), 0, 0.5F, 0.5F, 0);
    Matrix.rotateM(mOverlayDrawer.getTransform(), 0, mResult.rotation, 0, 0, 1);
    Matrix.scaleM(mOverlayDrawer.getTransform(), 0, 1, -1, 1); // Vertical flip because we'll use glReadPixels
    Matrix.translateM(mOverlayDrawer.getTransform(), 0, -0.5F, -0.5F, 0);
mResult.rotation = 0;

6. 绘制并保存


  • mTextureDrawer.draw : 绘制滤镜
  • eglSurface.toByteArray : 将画面保存为 JPEG 格式的 Byte 数组
// 5. Draw and save
long timestampUs = surfaceTexture.getTimestamp() / 1000L;
LOG.i("takeFrame:", "timestampUs:", timestampUs);
if (mHasOverlay) mOverlayDrawer.render(timestampUs); = eglSurface.toByteArray(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG);

这部分具体的代码具体详见 下篇文章

7. 释放资源

// 6. Cleanup
if (mHasOverlay) mOverlayDrawer.release();

8. 其他

8.1 CameraView源码解析系列

Android 相机库CameraView源码解析 (一) : 预览-CSDN博客
Android 相机库CameraView源码解析 (二) : 拍照-CSDN博客
Android 相机库CameraView源码解析 (三) : 滤镜相关类说明-CSDN博客
Android 相机库CameraView源码解析 (四) : 带滤镜拍照-CSDN博客
Android 相机库CameraView源码解析 (五) : 保存滤镜效果-CSDN博客


Android 相机库CameraView源码解析 (四) : 带滤镜拍照 的相关文章
