为什么在 Ubuntu 14.10 中我需要按两次 CTRL+D 才能跳出 `while ((c=getchar())!=EOF)`?


我是 C 编程和 Ubuntu 的新手。我正在阅读 D.M Ritchie 的《C 编程语言》,其中我发现了以下代码:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int c;
    int nc=0;
    while((c = getchar()) != EOF)

    printf("%d Characters \n",nc);

    return 0;

But while running the program I enter "Hello" ,then CTRL+D twice to get the actual number of characters which is 5.

But when I enter "Hello" then CTRL+D once, nothing happens, the terminal still waits for input.


Quoting @Veritas 的评论,

在 Linux 上,Ctrl-D 仅在缓冲区已为空时才起作用,否则它只会刷新缓冲区。因此,除非他之后按下 Enter 键时没有任何字符,否则他必须按 Ctrl-D 两次。

This explains the issue. You have to press it twice because you , after typing Hello, did not press the Enter to flush the input into the stdin. So the first time you press CTRL+D, it flushes the data into the stdin. The second time you press it, EOF is sent.


为什么在 Ubuntu 14.10 中我需要按两次 CTRL+D 才能跳出 `while ((c=getchar())!=EOF)`? 的相关文章
