

我正在尝试对 Azure 策略进行一些报告。我最终将过滤日期,但无法过滤任何内容,因此提供以下示例。

PS C:\>$defstrings = az policy definition list --management-group "mgsandbox"   # returns an array of strings
PS C:\>$def = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject ($defstrings -join "`n") -depth 99  # converts to an array of PSCustomObject
PS C:\>$def.count
PS C:\>$sel = Where-Object -inputobject $def -FilterScript { $_.displayName -eq "Kubernetes cluster containers should not share host process ID or host IPC namespace" }
PS C:\>$sel.count
PS C:\> $def[0].displayName -eq "Kubernetes cluster containers should not share host process ID or host IPC namespace"

虽然我可能会在 displayName 上找到多个命中项,但显然有一组非零的 displayNames 可以做到这一点not匹配过滤器,但选择得到了所有这些。


不要使用-InputObject argument with Where-Object; 相反,提供输入通过管道:

# Use the pipeline to provide input, don't use -InputObject
$def | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.displayName -eq "Kubernetes cluster containers should not share host process ID or host IPC namespace" }

In mostcmdlet,-InputObject参数只是一个实施细节其目的是方便管道输入并且不能被有意义地使用directly; see 这个答案了解更多信息,以及GitHub 问题 #4242进行讨论。

As for 你尝试过什么:

当你使用-InputObject,传递一个集合(可枚举)的参数作为一个整体到 cmdlet,而使用相同的在管线中导致其枚举,即集合的elements都通过了,逐个.


# Sample array.
$arr = 1, 2, 3

# WRONG: array is passed *as a whole*
#        and in this case outputs *all* its elements.
#        -> 1, 2, 3
Where-Object -InputObject $arr { $_ -eq 2 } 


if ($arr -eq 2) { $arr }

Since $arr -eq 2评估为$true在布尔上下文中(if有条件),$arr 作为一个整体是输出(尽管在输出时它被枚举),给人的印象是没有进行过滤。

  • The reason that $arr -eq 2 evaluates to $true is that the -eq operator, among others, supports arrays as its LHS, in which case the behavior changes to filtering, by returning the sub-array of matching elements instead of a Boolean, so that 1, 2, 3 -eq 2 yields @(2) (an array containing the one matching element, 2), and coercing @(2) to a Boolean yields $true ([bool] @(2)).[1]

相反,如果隐含条件产生$false (e.g., $_ -eq 5),根本不产生任何输出。


# Sample array.
$arr = 1, 2, 3

# OK: Array elements are enumerated, i.e. 
#     sent *one by one* through the pipeline.
#     -> 2
$arr | Where-Object{ $_ -eq 2 } 

或者,您可以bypass管道通过使用固有的.Where() method:


# OK:
# -> 2 (wrapped in a collection)
@(1, 2, 3).Where({ $_ -eq 2 })

Note: .Where() always输出类似数组的收藏,即使只有一个single对象与过滤器匹配。但实际上,这通常并不重要。

[1] For a summary of PowerShell's to-Boolean coercion rules, see the bottom section of this answer.


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