在 QTreeView 上的子项上设置小部件


谢谢这个线程,我可以将小部件添加到第二列或后续列QAbstractItemView(在我的例子中QTreeView) 的顶级项目view.



#!/usr/bin/env python
import os

from PyQt4.QtCore import QModelIndex, Qt
from PyQt4.QtGui import QApplication, QItemSelectionModel, \
                        QPushButton, QStandardItem, \
                        QStandardItemModel, QTreeView
from PyQt4.uic import loadUi

class PrvTreeviewNest(QTreeView):
    def __init__(self):
        super(PrvTreeviewNest, self).__init__()


        # row can be 0 even when it's more than 0.
        self._datamodel = QStandardItemModel(0, 2)

        for i in range(4):
            self._add_widget(i + 1)


    def _add_widget(self, n):
        std_item = QStandardItem('{}th item'.format(n))
        self._datamodel.setItem(n, 0, std_item)

        node_widget = QPushButton('{}th button'.format(n))
        qindex_widget = self._datamodel.index(n, 1, QModelIndex())
        self.setIndexWidget(qindex_widget, node_widget)

        if n == 2:
            std_item_child = QStandardItem('child')

            node_widget_child = QPushButton('petit button')
            qindex_widget_child = self._datamodel.index(n, 1, QModelIndex())
            self.setIndexWidget(qindex_widget_child, node_widget_child)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    # window = TreeviewWidgetSelectProve()
    window = PrvTreeviewNest()
    # window = TreeviewWidgetSelectProve()
    window.resize(320, 240)
    # window.show();
         QApplication.translate("toplevel", "Top-level widget"))
    # window.add_cols()




enter image description here


    def _add_widget(self, n):
        item_toplevel = QStandardItem('{}th item'.format(n))
        self._datamodel.setItem(n, 0, item_toplevel)

        widget_toplevel = QPushButton('{}th button'.format(n))
        qindex_toplevel = self._datamodel.index(n, 1, QModelIndex())
        self.setIndexWidget(qindex_toplevel, widget_toplevel)

        if n == 2:
            item_child_col0 = QStandardItem('child col0')
            item_child_col1 = QStandardItem('child col1')

            item_toplevel.insertRow(0, [item_child_col0, item_child_col1])

            widget_child = QPushButton('child widget')
            qindex_child = item_child_col1.index()
            self.setIndexWidget(qindex_child, widget_child)

我确信这不是最好/理想的设计方式,但似乎对我有用。我是在受到@Phlucious 的回答启发后想出的。谢谢!

enter image description here


qindex_widget_child = self._datamodel.index(n, 1, QModelIndex())
self.setIndexWidget(qindex_widget_child, node_widget_child)

它为您提供第 2 行第 1 列的索引模型的,这是“第二项”,而不是您的孩子。您的孩子位于以下位置的第 1 行第 1 列std_item。在 Qt 中,尤其是在 QStandardItemModel 中,子项是相对于其父项存储的,而不是相对于模型存储的。

我对 PyQt 不太熟悉,无法为您提供确切的代码,但您应该能够执行以下操作:

qindex_widget_child = std_item_child.index(QModelIndex())
self.setIndexWidget(qindex_widget_child, node_widget_child)


qindex_widget_child = std_item.child(0, 1).index(QModelIndex())
self.setIndexWidget(qindex_widget_child, node_widget_child)

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