Windows 批处理文件中的传递、转义和识别特殊字符



如果我使用参数“ab cd”运行批处理,a 和 b 会被正确处理,然后脚本会在空白处停止并显示错误消息:“(此时 SET 是意外的)”。这似乎是指:

ECHO char: %char%
if %char%==0 (SET file=0.wav)

之前没有抛出过这个错误。但将 %char% 设置为空白时,这一行似乎有问题。显示一切如何协同工作的方案是:

控制台输入: myScript.bat "ab cd" -> mytext = "ab cd" -> (loop) char = "a" ->char = "b" -> char = " " -> "(SET 在此是意外的时间)”。


:: get input (allow quoted inputs like "ab cd")
SET mytext=%~1

:: get first character from input
SET char=%mytext:~0,1%

:: works fine
if %char%==1 ( something...)
if %char%==2 ( something...)    
if %char%==a ( something...)
if %char%==b ( something...)

::..also special characters work fine (some need escape sequence)
if %char%==^( ( something...)
if %char%==^) ( something...)
if %char%==: ( something...)
if %char%==- ( something...)
if %char%==+ ( something...)
if %char%==$ ( something...)
if %char%==. ( something...)
if %char%==^! ( something...)
if %char%==^' ( something...)

@echo off
    setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion

    rem Value to test
    set "myText=1 <> () & !"" "

    rem Quote it to avoid problems with special characters.
    rem Closing quote is not included in value
    SET "char=%mytext:~0,1%"

    rem Test if we have something to test
    if not defined char goto :done

    rem Test first problematic characters that need escape
    if ^%char%==^" echo quote           & goto :next
    if ^%char%==^& echo ampersand       & goto :next
    if ^%char%==^> echo greater than    & goto :next
    if ^%char%==^< echo lower than      & goto :next
    if ^%char%==^^ echo caret           & goto :next
    if ^%char%==^( echo open bracket    & goto :next
    if ^%char%==^) echo close bracket   & goto :next

    %= ... =%

    rem Test for spaces 
    if "%char%"==" " echo space         & goto :next

    rem Test the rest of the options
    if %char%==1 echo one               & goto :next
    if %char%==! echo exclamation       & goto :next

    %= ... =%

    rem Once done, go to next character

    set "myText=%myText:~1%"
    if defined myText goto :loop

    exit /b

Windows 批处理文件中的传递、转义和识别特殊字符 的相关文章
