将向量传递给函数 C++


我有一个 main.cpp test.h 和 test.cpp> 我试图传递我的向量,以便我可以在 test.cpp 中使用它,但我不断收到错误。

   //file: main.cpp
    int main(){
        vector <Item *> s;
         //loading my file and assign s[i]->name and s[i]-address

    //file: test.h
    #ifndef TEST_H
    #define TEST_H
    struct Item{
        string name;
        string address;

    //file: test.cpp
    int tester(Item *s[]){
        for (i=0; i<s.sizeof();i++){
            cout<< s[i]->name<<"  "<< s[i]->address<<endl;
        return 0;

    In file included from main.cpp:13:
    test.h:5: error: âstringâ does not name a type
    test.h:6: error: âstringâ does not name a type
    main.cpp: In function âint main()â:
    main.cpp:28: error: cannot convert âstd::vector<Item*, std::allocator<Item*> >â to âItem**â for argument â1â to âint tester(Item**)â

A std::vector<T> and T* []不是兼容的类型。


//file: test.cpp
int tester(const std::vector<Item>& s)   // take a const-reference to the std::vector
                                         // since you don't need to change the values 
                                         // in this function
    for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i){
        cout<< s[i]->name<<"  "<< s[i]->address<<endl;
    return 0;


// This would create a COPY of the vector
// that would be local to this function's scope
void tester(std::vector<Item*>); 

// This would use a reference to the vector
// this reference could be modified in the
// tester function
// This does NOT involve a second copy of the vector
void tester(std::vector<Item*>&);

// This would use a const-reference to the vector
// this reference could NOT be modified in the
// tester function
// This does NOT involve a second copy of the vector
void tester(const std::vector<Item*>&);

// This would use a pointer to the vector
// This does NOT involve a second copy of the vector
// caveat:  use of raw pointers can be dangerous and 
// should be avoided for non-trivial cases if possible
void tester(std::vector<Item*>*);

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