


| no | year |
|  1 | 2016 |
|  2 | 2016 |
|  3 | 2016 |
|  1 | 2017 |
|  2 | 2017 |
|  4 | 2016 |


另一个问题是如果我想使用 3D 序列,在year and type:

| no | year | type |
|  1 | 2016 |    a |
|  2 | 2016 |    a |
|  1 | 2016 |    b |
|  1 | 2017 |    b |
|  2 | 2017 |    b |
|  1 | 2017 |    c |


我不推荐max(no)由于并行访问问题。 我尝试在获取之前锁定表max(no)在触发器中,但它导致了死锁。


create table code_control
    (year number(4,0) not null
     , type varchar2(1) not null
     , last_number number(38,0) default 1 not null
     , primary key (year,type)
organization index


create or replace function get_next_number
    (p_year in number, p_type in varchar2)
    return number
    pragma autonomous_transaction;
    cursor cur_cc is
        select last_number + 1
        from code_control cc
        where cc.year= p_year
        and cc.type = p_type
        for update of last_number;
    next_number number;
    open cur_cc;
    fetch cur_cc into next_number;
    if cur_cc%found then
        update code_control
        set last_number = next_number
        where current of cur_cc;
        insert into code_control (year,type)
        values (p_year, p_type)
        returning last_number into next_number;
    end if;    
    return next_number;

重要的是 SELECT ... FOR UPDATE。悲观锁定保证多用户环境中的唯一性。 PRAGMA 确保维护code_control不会污染更广泛的交易。它允许我们在触发器中调用函数而不会出现死锁。


create table t42
     (year number(4,0) not null
     , type varchar2(1) not null
     , id number(38,0) 
     , primary key (year,type, id)
create or replace trigger t42_trg
    before insert on t42 for each row
    :new.id := get_next_number(:new.year, :new.type);


SQL> select * from code_control;

no rows selected

SQL> select * from t42;

no rows selected

SQL> insert into t42 (year, type) values (2016, 'A');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into t42 (year, type) values (2016, 'A');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into t42 (year, type) values (2016, 'A');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into t42 (year, type) values (2016, 'B');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into t42 (year, type) values (2016, 'A');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into t42 (year, type) values (2017, 'A');

1 row created.

SQL> select * from t42;

      YEAR T         ID
---------- - ----------
      2016 A          1
      2016 A          2
      2016 A          3
      2016 A          4
      2016 B          1
      2017 A          1

6 rows selected.

SQL> select * from code_control;

---------- - -----------
      2016 A           4
      2016 B           1
      2017 A           1



但是,如果表受到大量并发插入,锁定可能会成为问题。该表具有足够的感兴趣事务槽(INITRANS、MAXTRANS)来应对并发需求,这一点至关重要。但非常繁忙的系统可能需要更智能的实现(可能批量生成 ID);否则放弃复合键,转而使用序列(因为序列在多用户环境中确实可以扩展)。


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