将不同大小的圆形打包成矩形 - d3.js





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bounding circles

该图显示了半径减小时 4 个边界圆的样子。经过计算,它们会穿过边界框的角点,并在半径增大时向实际边收敛。


该算法简单地从四个边界圆开始,然后一次添加一个圆,使用贪婪启发式 lambda 参数来选择“最佳”位置。




The code

Here is a fiddle

var Packer = function (circles, ratio)
    this.circles = circles;
    this.ratio   = ratio || 1;
    this.list = this.solve();

Packer.prototype = {
    // try to fit all circles into a rectangle of a given surface
    compute: function (surface)
        // check if a circle is inside our rectangle
        function in_rect (radius, center)
            if (center.x - radius < - w/2) return false;
            if (center.x + radius >   w/2) return false;
            if (center.y - radius < - h/2) return false;
            if (center.y + radius >   h/2) return false;
            return true;

        // approximate a segment with an "infinite" radius circle
        function bounding_circle (x0, y0, x1, y1)
            var xm = Math.abs ((x1-x0)*w);
            var ym = Math.abs ((y1-y0)*h);
            var m = xm > ym ? xm : ym;
            var theta = Math.asin(m/4/bounding_r);
            var r = bounding_r * Math.cos (theta);
            return new Circle (bounding_r, 
                new Point (r*(y0-y1)/2+(x0+x1)*w/4, 

        // return the corner placements for two circles
        function corner (radius, c1, c2)
            var u = c1.c.vect(c2.c); // c1 to c2 vector
            var A = u.norm();
            if (A == 0) return [] // same centers
            u = u.mult(1/A); // c1 to c2 unary vector
            // compute c1 and c2 intersection coordinates in (u,v) base
            var B = c1.r+radius;
            var C = c2.r+radius;
            if (A > (B + C)) return []; // too far apart
            var x = (A + (B*B-C*C)/A)/2;
            var y = Math.sqrt (B*B - x*x);
            var base = c1.c.add (u.mult(x));

            var res = [];
            var p1 = new Point (base.x -u.y * y, base.y + u.x * y);
            var p2 = new Point (base.x +u.y * y, base.y - u.x * y);
            if (in_rect(radius, p1)) res.push(new Circle (radius, p1));
            if (in_rect(radius, p2)) res.push(new Circle (radius, p2));
            return res;


        // deduce starting dimensions from surface
        var bounding_r = Math.sqrt(surface) * 100; // "infinite" radius
        var w = this.w = Math.sqrt (surface * this.ratio);
        var h = this.h = this.w/this.ratio;

        // place our bounding circles
        var placed=[
            bounding_circle ( 1,  1,  1, -1),
            bounding_circle ( 1, -1, -1, -1),
            bounding_circle (-1, -1, -1,  1),
            bounding_circle (-1,  1,  1,  1)];

        // Initialize our rectangles list
        var unplaced = this.circles.slice(0); // clones the array
        while (unplaced.length > 0)
            // compute all possible placements of the unplaced circles
            var lambda = {};
            var circle = {};
            for (var i = 0 ; i != unplaced.length ; i++)
                var lambda_min = 1e10;
                lambda[i] = -1e10;
                // match current circle against all possible pairs of placed circles
                for (var j = 0   ; j < placed.length ; j++)
                for (var k = j+1 ; k < placed.length ; k++)
                    // find corner placement
                    var corners = corner (unplaced[i], placed[j], placed[k]);

                    // check each placement
                    for (var c = 0 ; c != corners.length ; c++)
                        // check for overlap and compute min distance
                        var d_min = 1e10;
                        for (var l = 0 ; l != placed.length ; l++)
                            // skip the two circles used for the placement
                            if (l==j || l==k) continue;

                            // compute distance from current circle
                            var d = placed[l].distance (corners[c]);
                            if (d < 0) break; // circles overlap

                            if (d < d_min) d_min = d;
                        if (l == placed.length) // no overlap
                            if (d_min < lambda_min)
                                lambda_min = d_min;
                                lambda[i] = 1- d_min/unplaced[i];
                                circle[i] = corners[c];

            // select the circle with maximal gain
            var lambda_max = -1e10;
            var i_max = -1;
            for (var i = 0 ; i != unplaced.length ; i++)
                if (lambda[i] > lambda_max)
                    lambda_max = lambda[i];
                    i_max = i;

            // failure if no circle fits
            if (i_max == -1) break;

            // place the selected circle
            placed.push (circle[i_max]);

        // return all placed circles except the four bounding circles
        this.tmp_bounds = placed.splice (0, 4);
        return placed;

    // find the smallest rectangle to fit all circles
    solve: function ()
        // compute total surface of the circles
        var surface = 0;
        for (var i = 0 ; i != this.circles.length ; i++)
            surface += Math.PI * Math.pow(this.circles[i],2);

        // set a suitable precision
        var limit = surface/1000;

        var step = surface/2;
        var res = [];
        while (step > limit)
            var placement = this.compute.call (this, surface);
console.log ("placed",placement.length,"out of",this.circles.length,"for surface", surface);
            if (placement.length != this.circles.length)
                surface += step;
                res = placement;
                this.bounds = this.tmp_bounds;
                surface -= step;
            step /= 2;
        return res; 



您可以安全地放置大约 20 个圆圈,但任何超过 100 个圆圈都会使您的浏览器爬行。

由于某种原因,FireFox 上的速度比 IE11 上快得多。


该算法在相同大小的圆上效果很差(它无法找到正方形中 20 个圆的著名蜂窝图案),但在广泛的随机半径分布上效果很好。



我怀疑 lambda 参数可以稍微细化一下,以便在值相等的情况下提供更美观的选择。






将不同大小的圆形打包成矩形 - d3.js 的相关文章


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