如何在自定义循环中获取 woocommerce 可变产品的最低和最高价格?


我在 Wordpress 中创建了一个自定义休息路线,它采用产品类别 ID 并将发送属于该类别的产品。


谁能帮我解决这个问题吗? 谢谢


add_action( 'rest_api_init' , 'wt_rest_api'); 
function wt_rest_api(){
           'methods'   => WP_REST_SERVER::READABLE,
           'callback'  => 'wtProductResults'

function wtProductResults($data){
    $products = new WP_Query([
           'post_type' => 'product',
           'tax_query' => array(
                                   'taxonomy' => 'product_cat',
                                   'field' => 'term_id', //can be set to ID
                                   'terms' => $data['cat'] //if field is ID you can reference by cat/term number

    $productsResults = [];
    global $woocommerce;
    global $product;
   $currency = get_woocommerce_currency_symbol();

        $product_cat = get_term(  $data['cat'], 'product_cat', 'category', "OBJECT" );
        $regularPrice = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_regular_price', true);
        $sale = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_sale_price', true);
        $price = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_price', true );
        array_push($productsResults , [
               'title' => get_the_title(),
               'productId' => get_the_id(),
               'permalink' => get_the_permalink(),
               'thumbnail' => get_the_post_thumbnail(),
               'excerpt' => get_the_excerpt(),
               'regularPrice' => $regularPrice,
               'price'     => $price,
               'salePrice' => $sale,
               'category' => $product_cat->name,
               'variationPrice' => get_variation_prices()//**Here is My problem**
    return $productsResults;




获取最小和最大变化价格,你必须使用WC_Product_Variable methods:

  • get_variation_regular_price() or get_variation_regular_price('max')
  • get_variation_sale_price() or get_variation_sale_price('max')
  • get_variation_price() or get_variation_price('max')


  • 你首先需要得到WC_Product实例对象。
  • 检查产品类型。
  • remove global $product;因为它是空的并且没有用。
  • (您可能需要根据您的要求进行其他更改)


1)使用WP_Query (就像你实际做的那样):

function wtProductResults($data){
    global $woocommerce;
    $products = new WP_Query([
       'post_type' => 'product',
       'tax_query' => array( array(
            'taxonomy' => 'product_cat',
            'field' => 'term_id', //can be set to ID
            'terms' => $data['cat'] //if field is ID you can reference by cat/term number
        ) )
    $productsResults = [];
    $currency        = get_woocommerce_currency_symbol();
    if ( $products->have_posts() ) :
    while ( $products->have_posts() ) : $products->the_post();
    $product_cat = get_term(  $data['cat'], 'product_cat', 'category', "OBJECT" );
    // Get an instance of the WC_Product object
    $product = wc_get_product( get_the_ID() );
    if( $product->is_type('variable') ) {
        // Min variation price
        $regularPriceMin = $product->get_variation_regular_price(); // Min regular price
        $salePriceMin    = $product->get_variation_sale_price(); // Min sale price
        $priceMin        = $product->get_variation_price(); // Min price
        // Max variation price
        $regularPriceMax = $product->get_variation_regular_price('max'); // Max regular price
        $salePriceMax    = $product->get_variation_sale_price('max'); // Max sale price
        $priceMax        = $product->get_variation_price('max'); // Max price
        // Multi dimensional array of all variations prices 
        $variationsPrices = $product->get_variation_prices(); 
        $regularPrice = $salePrice = $price = '';
        $variationPrice = [
            'min' => $product->get_variation_price(),
            'max' => $product->get_variation_price('max')
    // Other product types
    else {
        $regularPrice   = $product->get_regular_price();
        $salePrice      = $product->get_sale_price();
        $price          = $product->get_price(); 
        $variationPrice = ['min' => '', 'max' => ''];
    array_push( $productsResults , [
       'title'          => get_the_title(),
       'productId'      => get_the_id(),
       'permalink'      => get_the_permalink(),
       'thumbnail'      => get_the_post_thumbnail(),
       'excerpt'        => get_the_excerpt(),
       'regularPrice'   => $regularPrice,
       'price'          => $price,
       'salePrice'      => $salePrice,
       'category'       => $product_cat->name,
       'variationPrice' => $variationPrice,
    return $productsResults;


function wtProductResults($data){
    global $woocommerce;
    $products = wc_get_products( array(
        'status'    => 'publish',
        'limit'     => -1,
        'category'  => array($data['cat']),
    ) );
    $productsResults = [];
    $currency        = get_woocommerce_currency_symbol();
    if ( sizeof($products) > 0 ) :
    foreach ( $products as $product ) :
    $term_name = get_term( $data['cat'], 'product_cat' )->name;
    if( $product->is_type('variable') ) {
        // Min variation price
        $regularPriceMin = $product->get_variation_regular_price(); // Min regular price
        $salePriceMin    = $product->get_variation_sale_price(); // Min sale price
        $priceMin        = $product->get_variation_price(); // Min price
        // Max variation price
        $regularPriceMax = $product->get_variation_regular_price('max'); // Max regular price
        $salePriceMax    = $product->get_variation_sale_price('max'); // Max sale price
        $priceMax        = $product->get_variation_price('max'); // Max price
        // Multi dimensional array of all variations prices 
        $variationsPrices = $product->get_variation_prices(); 
        $regularPrice = $salePrice = $price = '';
        $variationPrice = [
            'min' => $product->get_variation_price(),
            'max' => $product->get_variation_price('max')
    // Other product types
    else {
        $regularPrice   = $product->get_regular_price();
        $salePrice      = $product->get_sale_price();
        $price          = $product->get_price(); 
        $variationPrice = ['min' => '', 'max' => ''];
    array_push( $productsResults , [
       'title'          => $product->get_name(),
       'productId'      => $product->get_id(),
       'permalink'      => $product->get_permalink(),
       'thumbnail'      => $product->get_image(),
       'excerpt'        => $product->get_short_description(),
       'regularPrice'   => $regularPrice,
       'price'          => $price,
       'salePrice'      => $salePrice,
       'category'       => $term_name,
       'variationPrice' => $variationPrice,
    return $productsResults;

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