.NET 异步流读/写



知道Stream类包含int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size) and void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size)方法,在 C# 中实现NetToFile复制从接收到的所有数据的方法NetworkStream net实例到FileStream file实例。为了进行传输,请使用异步读取和同步写入,避免一个线程在读取操作期间被阻塞。传输结束时net读操作返回值0。为了简化,不需要支持操作的受控取消。

void NetToFile(NetworkStream net, FileStream file);


public static void NetToFile(NetworkStream net, FileStream file) {
    byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; // buffer with 4 kB dimension
    int offset = 0; // read/write offset
    int nBytesRead = 0; // number of bytes read on each cycle

    IAsyncResult ar;
    do {
        // read partial content of net (asynchronously)
        ar = net.BeginRead(buffer,offset,buffer.Length,null,null);
        // wait until read is completed
        // get number of bytes read on each cycle
        nBytesRead = net.EndRead(ar);

        // write partial content to file (synchronously)
        // update offset
        offset += nBytesRead;
    while( nBytesRead > 0);


要进行传输,请使用异步 读取和同步写入,避免 一个线程在读取期间被阻塞 运营


另一方面,我并没有真正弄清楚在这种情况下什么是“非阻塞”解决方案,因为FileStreamwrite 是要同步进行的......要做到这一点,我必须等到NetworkStream阅读完成以继续FileStream写作,不是吗?


[编辑1]Using callback解决方案

好吧,如果我明白的话米切尔·塞勒斯 and willvv回答说,有人建议我使用回调方法将其变成“非阻塞”解决方案。这是我的代码:

byte[] buffer; // buffer

public static void NetToFile(NetworkStream net, FileStream file) {
    // buffer with same dimension as file stream data
    buffer = new byte[file.Length];
    //start asynchronous read

//asynchronous callback
static void OnEndRead(IAsyncResult ar) {
    //NetworkStream retrieve
    NetworkStream net = (NetworkStream) ar.IAsyncState;
    //get number of bytes read
    int nBytesRead = net.EndRead(ar);

    //write content to file
    //... and now, how do I write to FileStream instance without
    //having its reference??



我不想使用 lambda 或匿名方法解决方案,因为这不在“并发编程”课程的课程内容中。

尽管帮助人们完成家庭作业有悖常理,但考虑到这已经有一年多了,以下是实现这一目标的正确方法。所有你需要的overlap您的读/写操作 - 不需要产生额外的线程或任何其他操作。

public static class StreamExtensions
    private const int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = short.MaxValue ; // +32767
    public static void CopyTo( this Stream input , Stream output )
        input.CopyTo( output , DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE ) ;
        return ;
    public static void CopyTo( this Stream input , Stream output , int bufferSize )
        if ( !input.CanRead ) throw new InvalidOperationException(   "input must be open for reading"  );
        if ( !output.CanWrite ) throw new InvalidOperationException( "output must be open for writing" );

        byte[][]     buf   = { new byte[bufferSize] , new byte[bufferSize] } ;
        int[]        bufl  = { 0 , 0 }                                       ;
        int          bufno = 0 ;
        IAsyncResult read  = input.BeginRead( buf[bufno] , 0 , buf[bufno].Length , null , null ) ;
        IAsyncResult write = null ;

        while ( true )

            // wait for the read operation to complete
            read.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne() ; 
            bufl[bufno] = input.EndRead(read) ;

            // if zero bytes read, the copy is complete
            if ( bufl[bufno] == 0 )
                break ;

            // wait for the in-flight write operation, if one exists, to complete
            // the only time one won't exist is after the very first read operation completes
            if ( write != null )
                write.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne() ;
                output.EndWrite(write) ;

            // start the new write operation
            write = output.BeginWrite( buf[bufno] , 0 , bufl[bufno] , null , null ) ;

            // toggle the current, in-use buffer
            // and start the read operation on the new buffer.
            // Changed to use XOR to toggle between 0 and 1.
            // A little speedier than using a ternary expression.
            bufno ^= 1 ; // bufno = ( bufno == 0 ? 1 : 0 ) ;
            read = input.BeginRead( buf[bufno] , 0 , buf[bufno].Length , null , null ) ;


        // wait for the final in-flight write operation, if one exists, to complete
        // the only time one won't exist is if the input stream is empty.
        if ( write != null )
            write.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne() ;
            output.EndWrite(write) ;

        output.Flush() ;

        // return to the caller ;
        return ;

    public static async Task CopyToAsync( this Stream input , Stream output )
        await input.CopyToAsync( output , DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE ) ;

    public static async Task CopyToAsync( this Stream input , Stream output , int bufferSize )
        if ( !input.CanRead ) throw new InvalidOperationException( "input must be open for reading" );
        if ( !output.CanWrite ) throw new InvalidOperationException( "output must be open for writing" );

        byte[][]     buf   = { new byte[bufferSize] , new byte[bufferSize] } ;
        int[]        bufl  = { 0 , 0 } ;
        int          bufno = 0 ;
        Task<int>    read  = input.ReadAsync( buf[bufno] , 0 , buf[bufno].Length ) ;
        Task         write = null ;

        while ( true )

            await read ;
            bufl[bufno] = read.Result ;

            // if zero bytes read, the copy is complete
            if ( bufl[bufno] == 0 )

            // wait for the in-flight write operation, if one exists, to complete
            // the only time one won't exist is after the very first read operation completes
            if ( write != null )
                await write ;

            // start the new write operation
            write = output.WriteAsync( buf[bufno] , 0 , bufl[bufno] ) ;

            // toggle the current, in-use buffer
            // and start the read operation on the new buffer.
            // Changed to use XOR to toggle between 0 and 1.
            // A little speedier than using a ternary expression.
            bufno ^= 1; // bufno = ( bufno == 0 ? 1 : 0 ) ;
            read = input.ReadAsync( buf[bufno] , 0 , buf[bufno].Length );


        // wait for the final in-flight write operation, if one exists, to complete
        // the only time one won't exist is if the input stream is empty.
        if ( write != null )
            await write;


        // return to the caller ;




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