使用 Java 应用程序远程连接到 H2 数据库


我遇到以下问题: 当我尝试使用外部 IP 地址(PC 的 IP 而不是我的本地 IP = 我们在 cmd.exe 中运行 ipconfig 后看到的输出)创建 TcpServer 时,会发生以下错误:


但是,该端口未在使用中。我已经使用 netstat -a -n 检查过。 我已启用外部 IP,并禁用了路由器的防火墙。现在可以 ping 通我的外部 IP。


更新:这是我启动 tcp 服务器的代码。

package businessApp;

import org.h2.tools.Server; //imports the server utility

public class startTcpServerForH2 {

    Server server; //the server's instance variable

    private static final String SERVER_IP = ""; //fixed IP of the server
    private static final String SERVER_PORT = "9092"; //fixed port the server is listening to

    public void tcpServer() { //method responsible to create the tcp server

        optionPane optPane = new optionPane(); //option pane for debugging purposes, shows the server's status

        try { //catches any server related errors, if the connection is broken etc.

            //server uses the IP and port defined earlier, allows other computers in the LAN to connect and implements the secure socket layer (SSL) feature
            server = Server.createTcpServer( //create tcp server
                new String[] { "-tcpPort" , SERVER_PORT , "-tcpAllowOthers" , "-tcpSSL" }).start();

            System.out.println(server.getStatus()); //prints out the server's status
            optPane.checkServerStatus(server.getStatus()); //prints out the server's status on the option pane as well

        } catch(Exception ex){
            System.out.println("Error with Server: " + ex.getMessage());

    public static void main(String[] args){

        startTcpServerForH2 tcpServ = new startTcpServerForH2(); //create a new server object
        tcpServ.tcpServer(); //starts the tcp server

第二次更新:这是 h2Connection 代码。


导入 java.sql.*; //导入sql特性

//负责与H2数据库引擎连接的类 公共类 h2Connection {

Connection conn;        //connection variable
DatabaseMetaData dbmd;  /** Metadata variable which include methods such as the following:
                         * 1) Database Product Name
                         * 2) Database Product Version
                         * 3) URL where the database files are located (in TCP mode)
Statement stm;          //statements variable
ResultSet rst;          //result sets variable

private static final String SERVER_IP = "..."; //here I enter my WAN_IP
private static final String SERVER_PORT = "9092";

public Connection connectionToH2(Connection connt) {

    optionPane optPane = new optionPane(); //create new option pane object
    String outputConn = null; //declare & initialize string which will hold important messages

    try {

        Class.forName("org.h2.Driver"); //Driver's name
        /** The String URL is pertained of the following:
         *  1) jdbc which java implements so that it can take advantage of the SQL features
         *  2) Which Database Engine will be used
         *  3) URL where the files will be stored (as this is a TCP connection)
         *  4) Schema: businessApp
         *  5) Auto server is true means that other computers can connect with the same databse at any time
         *  6) Port number of the server is also defined

        String url = "jdbc:h2:tcp://" + SERVER_IP + ":" + SERVER_PORT + "/C:/Databases/businessApp;IFEXISTS=TRUE";
        System.out.println(url); //prints out the url the database files are located as well as the h2 features used (SSL)
        connt = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "sa", ""); //Driver Manager defines the username & password of the database
        System.out.println(connt.getCatalog()); //prints out the database schema
        optPane.checkServerStatus(connt.getCatalog()); //prints out the database schema on the option pane as well
        connt.setAutoCommit(false); //set AutoCommit to false to control commit actions manually

        //outputs H2 version and the URL of the database files which H2 is reading from, for confirmation
        dbmd = connt.getMetaData(); //get MetaData to confirm connection

        outputConn = "Connection to "+dbmd.getDatabaseProductName()+" "+
                   dbmd.getDatabaseProductVersion()+ " with the URL " + dbmd.getURL()+" was successful.\n";
        System.out.println(outputConn);  //outputs the message on the system (NetBeans compiler)
        optPane.checkH2Connection(outputConn); //outputs the message on top of the frame

    } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex){ //In case there is an error for creating the class for the Driver to be used
        System.out.println("Error creating class: " + ex.getMessage());
    } catch(SQLException ex){ //Any error associated with the Database Engine
        System.out.println("SQL error: " + ex.getMessage());
        optPane.checkServerStatus("SQL error: " + ex.getMessage());
    return connt; //As the method is not void, a connection variable must be returned


当我想连接到 h2 数据库时,我创建一个新的 h2Connection 对象并使用它进行连接。我是按照H2手册逐字逐句进行操作的。您还需要什么?


默认情况下,启动 H2 Console、TCP 服务器或 PG 服务器时,该数据库不允许来自其他计算机的连接。可以使用命令行选项启用远程访问-webAllowOthers, -tcpAllowOthers, -pgAllowOthers.


附录:对我有用,只要我重新启动Server after打开防火墙;你不需要setProperty()根本就行;这LAN IP您的WAN_IP转发端口9092应该是你的主机IP地址;然后你可以通过你的打开一个shellWAN_IP:

java -cp h2.jar org.h2.tools.Shell -url 


$ java -cp .:/opt/h2/bin/h2.jar org.h2.tools.Shell -?
Interactive command line tool to access a database using JDBC.
Usage: java org.h2.tools.Shell 
Options are case sensitive. Supported options are:
[-help] or [-?]        Print the list of options
[-url ""]         The database URL (jdbc:h2:...)
[-user ]         The user name
[-password ]      The password
[-driver ]      The JDBC driver class to use (not required in most cases)
[-sql ""]  Execute the SQL statements and exit
[-properties ""]  Load the server properties from this directory
If special characters don't work as expected, you may need to use
 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 (Mac OS X) or CP850 (Windows).
See also http://h2database.com/javadoc/org/h2/tools/Shell.html

$ java -cp /opt/h2/bin/h2.jar org.h2.tools.Server -?
Starts the H2 Console (web-) server, TCP, and PG server.
Usage: java org.h2.tools.Server 
When running without options, -tcp, -web, -browser and -pg are started.
Options are case sensitive. Supported options are:
[-help] or [-?]         Print the list of options
[-web]                  Start the web server with the H2 Console
[-webAllowOthers]       Allow other computers to connect - see below
[-webDaemon]            Use a daemon thread
[-webPort ]       The port (default: 8082)
[-webSSL]               Use encrypted (HTTPS) connections
[-browser]              Start a browser connecting to the web server
[-tcp]                  Start the TCP server
[-tcpAllowOthers]       Allow other computers to connect - see below
[-tcpDaemon]            Use a daemon thread
[-tcpPort ]       The port (default: 9092)
[-tcpSSL]               Use encrypted (SSL) connections
[-tcpPassword ]    The password for shutting down a TCP server
[-tcpShutdown ""]  Stop the TCP server; example: tcp://localhost
[-tcpShutdownForce]     Do not wait until all connections are closed
[-pg]                   Start the PG server
[-pgAllowOthers]        Allow other computers to connect - see below
[-pgDaemon]             Use a daemon thread
[-pgPort ]        The port (default: 5435)
[-properties ""]   Server properties (default: ~, disable: null)
[-baseDir ]        The base directory for H2 databases (all servers)
[-ifExists]             Only existing databases may be opened (all servers)
[-trace]                Print additional trace information (all servers)
The options -xAllowOthers are potentially risky.
For details, see Advanced Topics / Protection against Remote Access.
See also http://h2database.com/javadoc/org/h2/tools/Server.html

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