在 Python 中,单击如何查看父命令具有必需参数的子命令的 --help?



python myprogram.py argument-value subcommand1 --option-1=value

我可以像这样使用 Click 来写这个

import click

def main(context, argument):
    """ARGUMENT is required for both subcommands"""
    context.obj = {"argument": argument}

@click.option("--option-1", help="option for subcommand 1")
def subcommand1(context, option_1):
    print("subcommand 1: %s %s" % (context.obj["argument"], option_1))

@click.option("--option-2", help="option for subcommand 2")
def subcommand2(context, option_2):
    print("subcommand 2: %s %s" % (context.obj["argument"], option_2))


if __name__ == "__main__":


python myprogram.py --help
Usage: myprogram.py [OPTIONS] ARGUMENT COMMAND [ARGS]...

  ARGUMENT is required for both subcommands

  --help  Show this message and exit.



python myprogram.py dummy-argument subcommand1 --help
Usage: myprogram.py subcommand1 [OPTIONS]

  --option-1 TEXT  option for subcommand 1
  --help           Show this message and exit.

但是,我希望获得子命令帮助,而不要求用户传递虚拟参数。我希望能够跑步python myprogram.py subcommand1 --help并看到与上面相同的输出,但我只得到顶层的帮助文本。

python myprogram.py subcommand1 --help
Usage: myprogram.py [OPTIONS] ARGUMENT COMMAND [ARGS]...

  ARGUMENT is required for both subcommands

  --help  Show this message and exit.


有没有办法获得我想要的行为?我意识到 Click 非常重视其每个命令的独立性,但这似乎是一个常见的情况。





import click

class PerCommandArgWantSubCmdHelp(click.Argument):

    def handle_parse_result(self, ctx, opts, args):
        # check to see if there is a --help on the command line
        if any(arg in ctx.help_option_names for arg in args):

            # if asking for help see if we are a subcommand name
            for arg in opts.values():
                if arg in ctx.command.commands:

                    # this matches a sub command name, and --help is
                    # present, let's assume the user wants help for the
                    # subcommand
                    args = [arg] + args

        return super(PerCommandArgWantSubCmdHelp, self).handle_parse_result(
            ctx, opts, args)



@click.argument("argument", cls=PerCommandArgWantSubCmdHelp)


这是可行的,因为 click 是一个设计良好的 OO 框架。这@click.argument()装饰器通常会实例化一个click.Argument对象,但允许使用 cls 参数覆盖此行为。所以继承是一件比较容易的事情click.Argument在我们自己的类中并重写所需的方法。



@click.argument("argument", cls=PerCommandArgWantSubCmdHelp)
def main(context, argument):
    """ARGUMENT is required for both subcommands"""
    context.obj = {"argument": argument}

@click.option("--option-1", help="option for subcommand 1")
def subcommand1(context, option_1):
    print("subcommand 1: %s %s" % (context.obj["argument"], option_1))

@click.option("--option-2", help="option for subcommand 2")
def subcommand2(context, option_2):
    print("subcommand 2: %s %s" % (context.obj["argument"], option_2))


if __name__ == "__main__":
    commands = (
        'subcommand1 --help',
        'subcommand2 --help',
        'dummy-argument subcommand1 --help',

    for cmd in commands:
            print('> ' + cmd)


> subcommand1 --help
Backend TkAgg is interactive backend. Turning interactive mode on.
Usage: test.py subcommand1 [OPTIONS]

  --option-1 TEXT  option for subcommand 1
  --help           Show this message and exit.
> subcommand2 --help
Usage: test.py subcommand2 [OPTIONS]

  --option-2 TEXT  option for subcommand 2
  --help           Show this message and exit.
> dummy-argument subcommand1 --help
Usage: test.py subcommand1 [OPTIONS]

  --option-1 TEXT  option for subcommand 1
  --help           Show this message and exit.                

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