p:steps 但启用点击所有步骤


我有使用标签的 primefaces 步骤<p:steps>像下面这样:

<p:steps activeIndex="3" styleClass="custom" readonly="false" style="padding: 20px;">
   <p:menuitem value="step 1." actionListener="#{masterController.menuSales(preferencesController)}" update="mainPanel"/>
   <p:menuitem value="step 2." actionListener="#{masterController.menuCustomer(preferencesController)}" update="mainPanel"/>
   <p:menuitem value="step 3." actionListener="#{masterController.menuItem(preferencesController)}" update="mainPanel"/>
   <p:menuitem value="step 4"/>


enter image description here

我可以单击步骤 1,但不能单击步骤 3 和 4。如何为所有步骤启用单击?


我已经用当前的 API 尝试了很多方法来完成它,但似乎用我们当前的选项是不可能的。

为了解决这个问题,我为 Steps 组件编写了一个自定义渲染器:

下面的大部分代码都来自 PrimeFaces 的 GitHub。我只是改变了一些东西来解决这个特定问题。

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.faces.FacesException;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter;
import org.primefaces.component.api.AjaxSource;
import org.primefaces.component.api.UIOutcomeTarget;
import org.primefaces.component.steps.Steps;
import org.primefaces.component.steps.StepsRenderer;
import org.primefaces.model.menu.MenuItem;
import org.primefaces.util.ComponentTraversalUtils;

public class CustomStepsRenderer extends StepsRenderer {

protected void encodeItem(FacesContext context, Steps steps, MenuItem item, int activeIndex, int index) throws IOException {
    ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
    String itemClass;

    if (steps.isReadonly()) {
        itemClass = (index == activeIndex) ? Steps.ACTIVE_ITEM_CLASS : Steps.INACTIVE_ITEM_CLASS;
    } else {
        if (index == activeIndex) {
            itemClass = Steps.ACTIVE_ITEM_CLASS;
        else {
            itemClass = Steps.VISITED_ITEM_CLASS;

    String containerStyle = item.getContainerStyle();
    String containerStyleClass = item.getContainerStyleClass();

    if (containerStyleClass != null) {
        itemClass = itemClass + " " + containerStyleClass;

    //header container
    writer.startElement("li", null);
    writer.writeAttribute("class", itemClass, null);
    writer.writeAttribute("role", "tab", null);
    if (containerStyle != null) {
        writer.writeAttribute("style", containerStyle, null);

    encodeMenuItem(context, steps, item, activeIndex, index);


protected void encodeMenuItem(FacesContext context, Steps steps, MenuItem menuitem, int activeIndex, int index) throws IOException {        
    ResponseWriter writer = context.getResponseWriter();
    String title = menuitem.getTitle();
    String style = menuitem.getStyle();
    String styleClass = this.getLinkStyleClass(menuitem);

    writer.startElement("a", null);
    writer.writeAttribute("tabindex", "-1", null);
    if (shouldRenderId(menuitem)) {
        writer.writeAttribute("id", menuitem.getClientId(), null);
    if (title != null) {
        writer.writeAttribute("title", title, null);

    writer.writeAttribute("class", styleClass, null);

    if (style != null) {
        writer.writeAttribute("style", style, null);

    if (steps.isReadonly() || menuitem.isDisabled()) {
        writer.writeAttribute("href", "#", null);
        writer.writeAttribute("onclick", "return false;", null);
    } else {
        String onclick = menuitem.getOnclick();

        if (menuitem.getUrl() != null || menuitem.getOutcome() != null) {
            String targetURL = getTargetURL(context, (UIOutcomeTarget) menuitem);
            writer.writeAttribute("href", targetURL, null);

            if (menuitem.getTarget() != null) {
                writer.writeAttribute("target", menuitem.getTarget(), null);
        } //POST
        else {
            writer.writeAttribute("href", "#", null);

            UIComponent form = ComponentTraversalUtils.closestForm(context, steps);
            if (form == null) {
                throw new FacesException("MenuItem must be inside a form element");

            String command;
            if (menuitem.isDynamic()) {
                String menuClientId = steps.getClientId(context);
                Map<String, List<String>> params = menuitem.getParams();
                if (params == null) {
                    params = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>();
                List<String> idParams = new ArrayList<String>();
                params.put(menuClientId + "_menuid", idParams);

                command = menuitem.isAjax()
                        ? buildAjaxRequest(context, steps, (AjaxSource) menuitem, form, params)
                        : buildNonAjaxRequest(context, steps, form, menuClientId, params, true);
            } else {
                command = menuitem.isAjax()
                        ? buildAjaxRequest(context, (AjaxSource) menuitem, form)
                        : buildNonAjaxRequest(context, ((UIComponent) menuitem), form, ((UIComponent) menuitem).getClientId(context), true);

            onclick = (onclick == null) ? command : onclick + ";" + command;

        if (onclick != null) {
            writer.writeAttribute("onclick", onclick, null);

    writer.startElement("span", steps);
    writer.writeAttribute("class", Steps.STEP_NUMBER_CLASS, null);
    writer.writeText((index + 1), null);

    Object value = menuitem.getValue();
    if (value != null) {
        writer.startElement("span", steps);
        writer.writeAttribute("class", Steps.STEP_TITLE_CLASS, null);
        writer.writeText(value, null);


然后,在您的中注册这个新的渲染器faces-config.xml file:


不要忘记将 YOUR_PACKAGE 更改为您的 CustomStepsRenderer 包位置。


enter image description here


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