为什么此 D3 代码将



我正在学习 D3,并且在使用选择运算符时遇到了问题。


var pData1 = d3.select("body").select("p").data([1]).enter().append("p");

我正在使用一个完全空白的 HTML 文件<head> and <body>标签进行测试。

<html lang="en">
<title><!-- Insert your title here --></title>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="d3.min.js"></script>


(这重复了 Lars Kotthoff 的回答中的内容,但我花了时间创建演示,所以我想我仍然会发布。)


    .enter().append("p").attr("id", "a")
    .text("This paragraph is appended to <html> (the document root) 
          because no selectAll statement reset the parent element.");

    .enter().append("p").attr("id", "b")
    .text("This paragraph is appended to <html> 
          because the selectAll statement is called directly on the root.");

    .enter().append("p").attr("id", "c")
    .text("This paragraph is also appended to <html> 
          because the last selectAll statement was called directly from the root.");

    .enter().append("p").attr("id", "d")
    .text("This paragraph is appended to <body> 
          because the selectAll statement is a sub-selection of the body selection.");

    .enter().append("p").attr("id", "e")
    .text("This paragraph is also appended to <body> 
          because the final selectAll statement is a sub-selection of the body.");


在 a 后使用 Enter 链是不常见的select语句(相对于 selectAll),因为如果要进行数据连接,通常您会选择多个元素。然而,如果您想创建元素(如果不存在)或更新它(如果存在),您有两个选择:

  • 使用 selectAll 语句后跟数据连接

    var pdata1 = d3.select("body").selectAll("p#data") 
                        //select element if it exists
                        //join to the current data
    pdata1.enter().append("p").attr("id", "data"); 
                        //create element if required
    pdata1.text(function(d){return d.textValue;}); 
                        //set or update the element based on the data
  • 如果需要,使用 if 语句创建元素并使用.datum()绑定数据

    var pdata1 = d3.select("p#data") 
                        //select element if it exists
    if ( pdata1.empty() ) {
       pdata1 = d3.select("body").append("p").attr("id", "data"); 
                        //create element if required
                        //note that you don't need to put the data into an array
          .text(function(d){return d.textValue;}); 
                        //set or update the element based on the data

为什么此 D3 代码将

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