



我知道我可以手动迭代线路中的每个点并检查 p1 与 p2 的距离,并根据需要添加更多点。

但我想知道是否有人知道是否有办法用 shapely 来实现这一点,因为我已经在 LineString 中拥有了坐标。

enter image description here


import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import LineString
from shapely.ops import unary_union

line = LineString(([0, 0], [2, 1], [3, 2], [3.5, 1], [5, 2]))

enter image description here


distance_delta = 0.9
distances = np.arange(0, line.length, distance_delta)
# or alternatively without NumPy:
# points_count = int(line.length // distance_delta) + 1
# distances = (distance_delta * i for i in range(points_count))
points = [line.interpolate(distance) for distance in distances] + [line.boundary[1]]
multipoint = unary_union(points)  # or new_line = LineString(points)

enter image description here
Note that since the distance is fixed you can have problems at the end of the line as shown in the image. Depending on what you want you can include/exclude the [line.boundary[1]] part which adds the line's endpoint or use distances = np.arange(0, line.length, distance_delta)[:-1] to exclude the penultimate point.



n = 7
# or to get the distances closest to the desired one:
# n = round(line.length / desired_distance_delta)
distances = np.linspace(0, line.length, n)
# or alternatively without NumPy:
# distances = (line.length * i / (n - 1) for i in range(n))
points = [line.interpolate(distance) for distance in distances]
multipoint = unary_union(points)  # or new_line = LineString(points)

enter image description here


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