如何在 qWeb 报告、Odoo 中设置 PDF 名称?


我正在 Odoo 8 中使用 qWeb 制作报告。这些生成的 PDF 文件以“默认”名称保存。我想为每个生成的文件设置一个特定的名称(不是在保存文件之后,而是在“生成”时间)。



在 Odoo 8 中,您可以像下面一样修补 addons/report/controllers/main.py 的 report_download 方法(在 FIX START 和 END 之间)。然后,它将使用报表操作定义中附件属性的代码。由于系统始终会将文件作为附件保存在数据库中,因此您可以进一步更改行为,仅在attachment_use 设置为 True 时才保存在数据库中。这样就不需要添加额外的字段和更改视图。

@route(['/report/download'], type='http', auth="user")
def report_download(self, data, token):
    """This function is used by 'qwebactionmanager.js' in order to trigger the download of
    a pdf/controller report.

    :param data: a javascript array JSON.stringified containg report internal url ([0]) and
    type [1]
    :returns: Response with a filetoken cookie and an attachment header
    requestcontent = simplejson.loads(data)
    url, type = requestcontent[0], requestcontent[1]
        if type == 'qweb-pdf':
            reportname = url.split('/report/pdf/')[1].split('?')[0]

            docids = None
            if '/' in reportname:
                reportname, docids = reportname.split('/')

            if docids:
                # Generic report:
                response = self.report_routes(reportname, docids=docids, converter='pdf')
                ##### FIX START: switch reportname with the evaluated attachment attribute of the action if available
                docids = [int(i) for i in docids.split(',')]
                report_obj = request.registry['report']
                cr, uid, context = request.cr, request.uid, request.context
                report = report_obj._get_report_from_name(cr, uid, reportname)
                if report.attachment:
                    obj = report_obj.pool[report.model].browse(cr, uid, docids[0])
                    reportname=eval(report.attachment, {'object': obj, 'time': time}).split('.pdf')[0]
                ##### FIX END    
                # Particular report:
                data = url_decode(url.split('?')[1]).items()  # decoding the args represented in JSON
                response = self.report_routes(reportname, converter='pdf', **dict(data))

            response.headers.add('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=%s.pdf;' % reportname)
            response.set_cookie('fileToken', token)
            return response
        elif type =='controller':
            reqheaders = Headers(request.httprequest.headers)
            response = Client(request.httprequest.app, BaseResponse).get(url, headers=reqheaders, follow_redirects=True)
            response.set_cookie('fileToken', token)
            return response
    except Exception, e:
        se = _serialize_exception(e)
        error = {
            'code': 200,
            'message': "Odoo Server Error",
            'data': se
        return request.make_response(html_escape(simplejson.dumps(error))) 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- rename the file names of the standard rfq report -->
        <record id="purchase.report_purchase_quotation" model="ir.actions.report.xml">
            <field name="attachment">'RFQ_'+object.name+'.pdf'</field>

这是 addons/report/report.py 中 Report 对象的 _check_attachment 的补丁,用于修改 Attachment_use 行为:

def _check_attachment_use(self, cr, uid, ids, report):
    """ Check attachment_use field. If set to true and an existing pdf is already saved, load
    this one now. Else, mark save it.
    save_in_attachment = {}
    save_in_attachment['model'] = report.model
    save_in_attachment['loaded_documents'] = {}

    if report.attachment:
        for record_id in ids:
            obj = self.pool[report.model].browse(cr, uid, record_id)
            filename = eval(report.attachment, {'object': obj, 'time': time})

            # If the user has checked 'Reload from Attachment'
            if report.attachment_use:
                alreadyindb = [('datas_fname', '=', filename),
                               ('res_model', '=', report.model),
                               ('res_id', '=', record_id)]
                attach_ids = self.pool['ir.attachment'].search(cr, uid, alreadyindb)
                if attach_ids:
                    # Add the loaded pdf in the loaded_documents list
                    pdf = self.pool['ir.attachment'].browse(cr, uid, attach_ids[0]).datas
                    pdf = base64.decodestring(pdf)
                    save_in_attachment['loaded_documents'][record_id] = pdf
                    _logger.info('The PDF document %s was loaded from the database' % filename)

                    continue  # Do not save this document as we already ignore it

            # FIX START (commenting out below lines and indenting the else clause one level down)
            # If the user has checked 'Save as Attachment Prefix'
            #~ if filename is False:
                #~ # May be false if, for instance, the 'attachment' field contains a condition
                #~ # preventing to save the file.
                #~ continue
                    save_in_attachment[record_id] = filename  # Mark current document to be saved
            # FIX END
    return save_in_attachment  

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