


   ['some_first_category'] => Array(
            ['some_first_name'] => Array(
                           [0]=>'[email protected]',
                           [1]=>'[email protected]',
                           [2]=>'[email protected]',
                           [3]=>'[email protected]' )
             ['some_second_name'] => Array (
                           [1]=>'[email protected]',
                           [2]=>'[email protected]')
             ['some_third_name'] => Array(
                           [1]=>'[email protected]',
                           [2]=>'[email protected]',
                           [3]=>'[email protected]',
                           [4]=>'[email protected]' )
   ['some_second_category'] => Array(
            ['some_first_name'] => Array(
                           [0]=>'[email protected]' )
             ['some_second_name'] => Array(
                           [1]=>'[email protected]',
                           [2]=>'[email protected]',
                           [3]=>'[email protected]',
                           [4]=>'[email protected]')
             ['some_third_name'] => Array(
                           [1]=>'[email protected]',
                           [2]=>'[email protected]'))


   ['some_first_category'] => Array(
             ['some_third_name'] => Array(
                           [1]=>'[email protected]',
                           [2]=>'[email protected]',
                           [3]=>'[email protected]',
                           [4]=>'[email protected]' )
            ['some_first_name'] => Array(
                           [0]=>'[email protected]',
                           [1]=>'[email protected]',
                           [2]=>'[email protected]',
                           [3]=>'[email protected]' )
             ['some_second_name'] => Array (
                           [1]=>'[email protected]',
                           [2]=>'[email protected]')

   ['some_second_category'] => Array(
             ['some_second_name'] => Array(
                           [1]=>'[email protected]',
                           [2]=>'[email protected]',
                           [3]=>'[email protected]',
                           [4]=>'[email protected]')
             ['some_third_name'] => Array(
                           [1]=>'[email protected]',
                           [2]=>'[email protected]')
            ['some_first_name'] => Array(
                           [0]=>'[email protected]' ))

这意味着按名称值的数量(计数)对类别进行排序。有人可以帮助我吗? 提前致谢,



uasort($list, function ($a, $b) {
    $a = count($a);
    $b = count($b);
    return ($a == $b) ? 0 : (($a < $b) ? -1 : 1);


$list = Array(
   'some_first_category' => Array(
            'some_first_name' => Array(
                           0=>'[email protected]',
                           1=>'secon[email protected]',
                           2=>'[email protected]',
                           3=>'[email protected]' ),
             'some_second_name' => Array (
                           1=>'[email protected]',
                           2=>'[email protected]'),
             'some_third_name' => Array(
                           1=>'[email protected]',
                           2=>'[email protected]',
                           3=>'[email protected]',
                           4=>'[email protected]' )
   'some_second_category' => Array(
            'some_first_name' => Array(
                           0=>'[email protected]' ),
             'some_second_name' => Array(
                           1=>'[email protected]',
                           2=>'[email protected]',
                           3=>'[email protected]',
                           4=>'[email protected]'),
             'some_third_name' => Array(
                           1=>'[email protected]',
                           2=>'[email protected]'))


$list = array_map(function ($v) {
    uasort($v, function ($a, $b) {
        $a = count($a);
        $b = count($b);
        return ($a == $b) ? 0 : (($a < $b) ? 1 : - 1);
    return $v;
}, $list);



    [some_first_category] => Array
            [some_first_name] => Array
                    [0] => [email protected]
                    [1] => [email protected]
                    [2] => [email protected]
                    [3] => [email protected]

            [some_third_name] => Array
                    [1] => [email protected]
                    [2] => [email protected]
                    [3] => [email protected]
                    [4] => [email protected]

            [some_second_name] => Array
                    [1] => [email protected]
                    [2] => [email protected]


    [some_second_category] => Array
            [some_second_name] => Array
                    [1] => [email protected]
                    [2] => seco[email protected]
                    [3] => [email protected]
                    [4] => [email protected]

            [some_third_name] => Array
                    [1] => [email protected]
                    [2] => [email protected]

            [some_first_name] => Array
                    [0] => [email protected]



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