



using NUnit.Framework;

public class DataBuilderTests
    public void Can_NAME()
        new DataLoader()
            .Start() // must be called first
            .Setup() // then called next
            .LoadEmployees() // optional order not NB
            .LoadProducts() // optional order not NB
            .StartCleanup() // begin cleanup
            .CleanupEmployees() // optional order not NB
            .CleanupProducts() // optional order not NB

public class DataLoader
    public DataBuilderSetup Start()
        return new DataBuilderSetup(this);       

public class DataBuilderSetup
    private readonly DataLoader _dataLoader;

    public DataBuilderSetup(DataLoader dataLoader)
        _dataLoader = dataLoader;

    public DataBuilderOptions Setup()
        // do setup
        return new DataBuilderOptions(_dataLoader);

public class DataBuilderOptions
    private readonly DataLoader _dataLoader;

    public DataBuilderOptions(DataLoader dataLoader)
        _dataLoader = dataLoader;

    public DataBuilderOptions LoadEmployees()
        // load
        return this;

    public DataBuilderOptions LoadProducts()
        // load
        return this;

    public DataBuilderCleanupOptions StartCleanup()
        return new DataBuilderCleanupOptions(_dataLoader);

public class DataBuilderCleanupOptions
    private readonly DataLoader _dataLoader;

    public DataBuilderCleanupOptions(DataLoader dataLoader)
        _dataLoader = dataLoader;

    public DataBuilderCleanupOptions CleanupEmployees()
        // cleanup
        return this;

    public DataBuilderCleanupOptions CleanupProducts()
        // cleanup
        return this;

    public DataLoader End()
        return _dataLoader;

在 Java 中(C# 及其多重继承不应使其有任何不同),您可以这样做:


Interface DoFirstThing { // could be renamed to "BuilderOnStart" or "BuilderStartingState"
    DoSecondThing doFirst();

Interface DoSecondThing {
    DoLastThing doSecond();

Interface DoLastThing {
    BuilderReady doLast();

Interface BuilderReady {
    Result build();

class BuilderWithForcedSequence implements DoFirstThing, DoSecondThing, DoLastThing, BuilderReady {

     // implement all



public DoFirstThing createNewBuilderWithForcedSequence(requiredParameters){
    return new BuilderWithForcedSequence(requiredParameters);

这将产生 Builder,强制排序构建方法(它们应该从doThat到有意义的东西),只能调用doFirst(), 在那之后doSecond()...等等,直到最终状态,当对象将被构建时,使用build() method.

Result result = builder.doFirst().doSecond().doLast().build();



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