

我的问题基本上与this one,但应用于 Qt C++ 框架。

我通过继承带有标志 Qt::QPopup | 的 QWidget 来实现弹出窗口Qt::QWindow。我希望这个窗口是可移动和可调整大小的,我目前通过使用以下代码中的鼠标事件来实现这一点:

void TextPopup::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event)
    offset = event->pos();

void TextPopup::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event)
    if(event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton)
        if(resizeMode) {
            QPoint p = mapToGlobal(event->pos()) - geometry().topLeft();
            resize(p.x(), p.y());
        } else
            move(mapToParent(event->pos() - offset));
    else {
        QPoint diff = geometry().bottomRight() - mapToGlobal(event->pos());
        if(diff.x() <= 6 && diff.y() <= 6) {
            if(!resizeMode) {
                resizeMode = true;
        } else {
            if(resizeMode) {
                resizeMode = false;

void TextPopup::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* event)
    offset = QPoint();


enter image description here



#pragma once
#include <QtWidgets/QWidget>
#include <QtWidgets/QRubberBand>
#include <QtCore/QObject>
#include <QtCore/QEvent>
#include <QtCore/QRect>
#include <QtCore/QPoint>
#include <QtCore/Qt>
#include <QtGui/QHoverEvent>
#include <QtGui/QMouseEvent>

class FrameLess : public QObject {

    enum Edge {
        None = 0x0,
        Left = 0x1,
        Top = 0x2,
        Right = 0x4,
        Bottom = 0x8,
        TopLeft = 0x10,
        TopRight = 0x20,
        BottomLeft = 0x40,
        BottomRight = 0x80,
    Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Edges, Edge);

    FrameLess(QWidget *target);

    void setBorderWidth(int w) {
        _borderWidth = w;
    int borderWidth() const {
        return _borderWidth;

    bool eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e) override;
    void mouseHover(QHoverEvent*);
    void mouseLeave(QEvent*);
    void mousePress(QMouseEvent*);
    void mouseRealese(QMouseEvent*);
    void mouseMove(QMouseEvent*);
    void updateCursorShape(const QPoint &);
    void calculateCursorPosition(const QPoint &, const QRect &, Edges &);

    QWidget *_target = nullptr;
    QRubberBand *_rubberband = nullptr;
    bool _cursorchanged;
    bool _leftButtonPressed;
    Edges _mousePress = Edge::None;
    Edges _mouseMove = Edge::None;
    int _borderWidth;

    QPoint _dragPos;
    bool _dragStart = false;



#include "frameless.h"

FrameLess::FrameLess(QWidget *target) :
    _rubberband = new QRubberBand(QRubberBand::Rectangle);

bool FrameLess::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent*e) {
    if (e->type() == QEvent::MouseMove ||
        e->type() == QEvent::HoverMove ||
        e->type() == QEvent::Leave ||
        e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonPress ||
        e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease) {

        switch (e->type()) {
        case QEvent::MouseMove:
            return true;
        case QEvent::HoverMove:
            return true;
        case QEvent::Leave:
            return true;
        case QEvent::MouseButtonPress:
            return true;
        case QEvent::MouseButtonRelease:
            return true;
    else {
        return _target->eventFilter(o, e);

void FrameLess::mouseHover(QHoverEvent *e) {

void FrameLess::mouseLeave(QEvent *e) {
    if (!_leftButtonPressed) {

void FrameLess::mousePress(QMouseEvent *e) {
    if (e->button() & Qt::LeftButton) {
        _leftButtonPressed = true;
        calculateCursorPosition(e->globalPos(), _target->frameGeometry(), _mousePress);
        if (!_mousePress.testFlag(Edge::None)) {
        if (_target->rect().marginsRemoved(QMargins(borderWidth(), borderWidth(), borderWidth(), borderWidth())).contains(e->pos())) {
            _dragStart = true;
            _dragPos = e->pos();

void FrameLess::mouseRealese(QMouseEvent *e) {
    if (e->button() & Qt::LeftButton) {
        _leftButtonPressed = false;
        _dragStart = false;

void FrameLess::mouseMove(QMouseEvent *e) {
    if (_leftButtonPressed) {
        if (_dragStart) {
            _target->move(_target->frameGeometry().topLeft() + (e->pos() - _dragPos));

        if (!_mousePress.testFlag(Edge::None)) {
            int left = _rubberband->frameGeometry().left();
            int top = _rubberband->frameGeometry().top();
            int right = _rubberband->frameGeometry().right();
            int bottom = _rubberband->frameGeometry().bottom();
            switch (_mousePress) {
            case Edge::Top:
                top = e->globalPos().y();
            case Edge::Bottom:
                bottom = e->globalPos().y();
            case Edge::Left:
                left = e->globalPos().x();
            case Edge::Right:
                right = e->globalPos().x();
            case Edge::TopLeft:
                top = e->globalPos().y();
                left = e->globalPos().x();
            case Edge::TopRight:
                right = e->globalPos().x();
                top = e->globalPos().y();
            case Edge::BottomLeft:
                bottom = e->globalPos().y();
                left = e->globalPos().x();
            case Edge::BottomRight:
                bottom = e->globalPos().y();
                right = e->globalPos().x();
            QRect newRect(QPoint(left, top), QPoint(right, bottom));
            if (newRect.width() < _target->minimumWidth()) {
                left = _target->frameGeometry().x();
            else if (newRect.height() < _target->minimumHeight()) {
                top = _target->frameGeometry().y();
            _target->setGeometry(QRect(QPoint(left, top), QPoint(right, bottom)));
            _rubberband->setGeometry(QRect(QPoint(left, top), QPoint(right, bottom)));
    else {

void FrameLess::updateCursorShape(const QPoint &pos) {
    if (_target->isFullScreen() || _target->isMaximized()) {
        if (_cursorchanged) {
    if (!_leftButtonPressed) {
        calculateCursorPosition(pos, _target->frameGeometry(), _mouseMove);
        _cursorchanged = true;
        if (_mouseMove.testFlag(Edge::Top) || _mouseMove.testFlag(Edge::Bottom)) {
        else if (_mouseMove.testFlag(Edge::Left) || _mouseMove.testFlag(Edge::Right)) {
        else if (_mouseMove.testFlag(Edge::TopLeft) || _mouseMove.testFlag(Edge::BottomRight)) {
        else if (_mouseMove.testFlag(Edge::TopRight) || _mouseMove.testFlag(Edge::BottomLeft)) {
        else if (_cursorchanged) {
            _cursorchanged = false;

void FrameLess::calculateCursorPosition(const QPoint &pos, const QRect &framerect, Edges &_edge) {
    bool onLeft = pos.x() >= framerect.x() - _borderWidth && pos.x() <= framerect.x() + _borderWidth &&
        pos.y() <= framerect.y() + framerect.height() - _borderWidth && pos.y() >= framerect.y() + _borderWidth;

    bool onRight = pos.x() >= framerect.x() + framerect.width() - _borderWidth && pos.x() <= framerect.x() + framerect.width() &&
        pos.y() >= framerect.y() + _borderWidth && pos.y() <= framerect.y() + framerect.height() - _borderWidth;

    bool onBottom = pos.x() >= framerect.x() + _borderWidth && pos.x() <= framerect.x() + framerect.width() - _borderWidth  &&
        pos.y() >= framerect.y() + framerect.height() - _borderWidth && pos.y() <= framerect.y() + framerect.height();

    bool onTop = pos.x() >= framerect.x() + _borderWidth && pos.x() <= framerect.x() + framerect.width() - _borderWidth &&
        pos.y() >= framerect.y() && pos.y() <= framerect.y() + _borderWidth;

    bool  onBottomLeft = pos.x() <= framerect.x() + _borderWidth && pos.x() >= framerect.x() &&
        pos.y() <= framerect.y() + framerect.height() && pos.y() >= framerect.y() + framerect.height() - _borderWidth;

    bool onBottomRight = pos.x() >= framerect.x() + framerect.width() - _borderWidth && pos.x() <= framerect.x() + framerect.width() &&
        pos.y() >= framerect.y() + framerect.height() - _borderWidth && pos.y() <= framerect.y() + framerect.height();

    bool onTopRight = pos.x() >= framerect.x() + framerect.width() - _borderWidth && pos.x() <= framerect.x() + framerect.width() &&
        pos.y() >= framerect.y() && pos.y() <= framerect.y() + _borderWidth;

    bool onTopLeft = pos.x() >= framerect.x() && pos.x() <= framerect.x() + _borderWidth &&
        pos.y() >= framerect.y() && pos.y() <= framerect.y() + _borderWidth;

    if (onLeft) {
        _edge = Left;
    else if (onRight) {
        _edge = Right;
    else if (onBottom) {
        _edge = Bottom;
    else if (onTop) {
        _edge = Top;
    else if (onBottomLeft) {
        _edge = BottomLeft;
    else if (onBottomRight) {
        _edge = BottomRight;
    else if (onTopRight) {
        _edge = TopRight;
    else if (onTopLeft) {
        _edge = TopLeft;
    else {
        _edge = None;


#include "frameless.h"
#include <QtWidgets/qapplication.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    QApplication a(argc, argv);
    QWidget *widget = new QWidget;
    FrameLess f(widget);
    return a.exec();

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