如何使用 Jest 模拟封装在服务类中的 Winston 记录器实例


我想嘲笑温斯顿记录器封装在使用 NestJS 创建的服务类中的实例。我在下面包含了我的代码。


import * as winston from 'winston';

import { loggerOptions } from '../logger/logger.config';
import { LoggingService } from '../logger/logger.service';

const logger: winston.Logger = winston.createLogger(loggerOptions);

// trying to mock createLogger to return a specific logger instance
const winstonMock = jest.mock('winston', () => (
        format: {
            colorize: jest.fn(),
            combine: jest.fn(),
            label: jest.fn(),
            timestamp: jest.fn(),
            printf: jest.fn()
        createLogger: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(logger),
        transports: {
            Console: jest.fn()

describe("-- Logging Service --", () => {
    let loggerMock: winston.Logger;

    test('testing logger log function called...', () => {        
        const mockCreateLogger = jest.spyOn(winston, 'createLogger');
        const loggingService: LoggingService = LoggingService.Instance;
        loggerMock = mockCreateLogger.mock.instances[0];

        // spy on the winston.Logger instance within this test and check
        // that it is called - this is working from within the test method
        const logDebugMock = jest.spyOn(loggerMock, 'log');
        loggerMock.log('debug','test log debug');

        // now try and invoke the logger instance indirectly through the service class
        // check that loggerMock is called a second time - this fails, only called once
        // from the preceding lines in this test
        loggingService.debug('debug message');



public debug(message: string) {
                level: types.LogLevel.DEBUG,
                message: message,
                meta: {
                    context: this.contextName

更新:2019 年 3 月 9 日

重构我的 Nestjs LoggingService 以在构造函数中依赖注入 Winston 记录器实例以方便单元测试。这使我能够使用玩笑间谍软件在 Winston 记录器的 log 方法上并检查它是否已在服务实例中被调用:

// create winstonLoggerInstance here, e.g. in beforeEach()....
const winstonLoggerMock = jest.spyOn(winstonLoggerInstance, 'log');
serviceInstance.debug('debug sent from test');

我已经测试了您的代码,似乎使用 jest.mock 存在多个问题。

为了正确模拟模块,您必须在导入它之前先模拟它。这是一种内部机制(jest 如何模拟模块),您必须遵循此规则。

const logger = {
  debug: jest.fn(),
  log: jest.fn()

// IMPORTANT First mock winston
jest.mock("winston", () => ({
  format: {
    colorize: jest.fn(),
    combine: jest.fn(),
    label: jest.fn(),
    timestamp: jest.fn(),
    printf: jest.fn()
  createLogger: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(logger),
  transports: {
    Console: jest.fn()

// IMPORTANT import the mock after
import * as winston from "winston";
// IMPORTANT import your service (which imports winston as well)
import { LoggingService } from "../logger/logger.service";

正如您所看到的,您不能使用 Winston 实例作为模拟的返回值,但不用担心,也可以模拟该实例。 (您也可以在前面的代码示例中看到它)

const logger = {
  debug: jest.fn(),
  log: jest.fn()



const logger = {
  debug: jest.fn(),
  log: jest.fn()

// trying to mock createLogger to return a specific logger instance
jest.mock("winston", () => ({
  format: {
    colorize: jest.fn(),
    combine: jest.fn(),
    label: jest.fn(),
    timestamp: jest.fn(),
    printf: jest.fn()
  createLogger: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(logger),
  transports: {
    Console: jest.fn()

import * as winston from "winston";
import { LoggingService } from "./logger.service";

describe("-- Logging Service --", () => {
  let loggerMock: winston.Logger;

  test("testing logger log function called...", () => {
    const mockCreateLogger = jest.spyOn(winston, "createLogger");
    const loggingService: LoggingService = LoggingService.Instance;
    loggerMock = mockCreateLogger.mock.instances[0];

    // spy on the winston.Logger instance within this test and check
    // that it is called - this is working from within the test method
    logger.log("debug", "test log debug");

    // now try and invoke the logger instance indirectly through the service class
    // check that loggerMock is called a second time - this fails, only called once
    // from the preceding lines in this test
    loggingService.debug("debug message");

    expect(logger.debug).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); // <- here



import * as winston from "winston";

export class LoggingService {
  logger: winston.Logger;

  static get Instance() {
    return new LoggingService();

  constructor() {
    this.logger = winston.createLogger();

  debug(message: string) {



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