MVC 自定义路由中的多个级别


我正在尝试构建自己的小cms。我创建了一个抽象 pageBase 类,由 Static、Reviews、Articles、News 继承。每个都有自己的控制器方法。

我的问题是我需要允许管理员定义他自己的自定义路径级别。例如。news\local\mynewdog or Articles\events\conventions\mycon。所以我想要一种传递字符串数组并设置自定义路由的方法。

您可以使用自定义无缝制作 CMS 风格的路线RouteBase子类。

public class PageInfo
    // VirtualPath should not have a leading slash
    // example: events/conventions/mycon
    public string VirtualPath { get; set; }
    public Guid Id { get; set; }

public class CustomPageRoute
    : RouteBase
    private object synclock = new object();

    public override RouteData GetRouteData(HttpContextBase httpContext)
        RouteData result = null;

        // Trim the leading slash
        var path = httpContext.Request.Path.Substring(1);

        // Get the page that matches.
        var page = GetPageList(httpContext)
            .Where(x => x.VirtualPath.Equals(path))

        if (page != null)
            result = new RouteData(this, new MvcRouteHandler());

            // Optional - make query string values into route values.
            this.AddQueryStringParametersToRouteData(result, httpContext);

            // TODO: You might want to use the page object (from the database) to
            // get both the controller and action, and possibly even an area.
            // Alternatively, you could create a route for each table and hard-code
            // this information.
            result.Values["controller"] = "CustomPage";
            result.Values["action"] = "Details";

            // This will be the primary key of the database row.
            // It might be an integer or a GUID.
            result.Values["id"] = page.Id;

        // IMPORTANT: Always return null if there is no match.
        // This tells .NET routing to check the next route that is registered.
        return result;

    public override VirtualPathData GetVirtualPath(RequestContext requestContext, RouteValueDictionary values)
        VirtualPathData result = null;

        PageInfo page = null;

        // Get all of the pages from the cache.
        var pages = GetPageList(requestContext.HttpContext);

        if (TryFindMatch(pages, values, out page))
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(page.VirtualPath))
                result = new VirtualPathData(this, page.VirtualPath);

        // IMPORTANT: Always return null if there is no match.
        // This tells .NET routing to check the next route that is registered.
        return result;

    private bool TryFindMatch(IEnumerable<PageInfo> pages, RouteValueDictionary values, out PageInfo page)
        page = null;
        Guid id = Guid.Empty;

        // This example uses a GUID for an id. If it cannot be parsed,
        // we just skip it.
        if (!Guid.TryParse(Convert.ToString(values["id"]), out id))
            return false;

        var controller = Convert.ToString(values["controller"]);
        var action = Convert.ToString(values["action"]);

        // The logic here should be the inverse of the logic in 
        // GetRouteData(). So, we match the same controller, action, and id.
        // If we had additional route values there, we would take them all 
        // into consideration during this step.
        if (action == "Details" && controller == "CustomPage")
            page = pages
                .Where(x => x.Id.Equals(id))
            if (page != null)
                return true;
        return false;

    private void AddQueryStringParametersToRouteData(RouteData routeData, HttpContextBase httpContext)
        var queryString = httpContext.Request.QueryString;
        if (queryString.Keys.Count > 0)
            foreach (var key in queryString.AllKeys)
                routeData.Values[key] = queryString[key];

    private IEnumerable<PageInfo> GetPageList(HttpContextBase httpContext)
        string key = "__CustomPageList";
        var pages = httpContext.Cache[key];
        if (pages == null)
                pages = httpContext.Cache[key];
                if (pages == null)
                    // TODO: Retrieve the list of PageInfo objects from the database here.
                    pages = new List<PageInfo>()
                        new PageInfo() 
                            Id = new Guid("cfea37e8-657a-43ff-b73c-5df191bad7c9"), 
                            VirtualPath = "somecategory/somesubcategory/content1" 
                        new PageInfo() 
                            Id = new Guid("9a19078b-2d7e-4fc6-ae1d-3e76f8be46e5"), 
                            VirtualPath = "somecategory/somesubcategory/content2" 
                        new PageInfo() 
                            Id = new Guid("31d4ea88-aff3-452d-b1c0-fa5e139dcce5"), 
                            VirtualPath = "somecategory/somesubcategory/content3" 

                        key: key, 
                        value: pages, 
                        dependencies: null, 
                        absoluteExpiration: System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, 
                        slidingExpiration: TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15), 
                        priority: System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.NotRemovable, 
                        onRemoveCallback: null);

        return (IEnumerable<PageInfo>)pages;

您可以像这样向 MVC 注册路由。


// Case sensitive lowercase URLs are faster. 
// If you want to use case insensitive URLs, you need to
// adjust the matching code in the `Equals` method of the CustomPageRoute.
routes.LowercaseUrls = true;

    name: "CustomPage", 
    item: new CustomPageRoute());

    name: "Default",
    url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
    defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

以上假设您有一个CustomPageController with a Details动作方法。

public class CustomPageController : Controller
    public ActionResult Details(Guid id)
        // Do something with id

        return View();



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